"I'll go! Such a strong fairy breath!"

Dashi's eyes widened, staring at the relic in front of the fake Maitreya, both surprised and salivating.

The immortal aura in that relic is almost equivalent to half of an immortal aura.

In other words, that relic can be regarded as half a fairy artifact!

"Hmph! This object is a secret treasure I sneaked into the Buddhist world, and I got it from the place where an ancient Buddha sat and transformed. It is one of the Emperor's Order Emperor's Artifacts that is closest to a fairy weapon in this world!

You can die under this relic, it is considered your good luck! "

The fake Maitreya sneered and stared at Dashi with cold eyes, as if he was staring at a corpse.

"If you don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, town!"

The fake Maitreya made a mudra with both hands, and with a low drink, majestic energy burst out from the body and poured into the relic.

In the golden light released by the relic, the phantom of the Buddha finally moved.

He folded his palms together first, and then suddenly slapped out his right palm!

At this moment, the sky and the earth suddenly changed color, and endless Sanskrit sounds sounded, as if they were saving all the undead in this world.

A series of "卍" seals condensed and turned into a Buddha's handprint that covered the sky and the sun. It fell from the sky, and when it spotted a big stone, it smashed it on the head.


Where the Buddha's handprint passed, the space collapsed, and everything in the world seemed to be destroyed because of it.

Boom boom boom.

Below, a group of warriors from the Crimson Moon Mountain Gate knelt on the ground with their knees trembling uncontrollably under the terrifying coercion of this move.

Even the members of the Yingtian Sect who guarded the Feiyue Mountain Gate felt that they couldn't hold on, and seemed to be about to kneel down immediately.

Fortunately, Ying Tianzong has a fine tradition. Once encountering such a situation, in order not to lose dignity, everyone can lie down in advance in a large font.

So, boom boom boom.

The elders and disciples of Ying Tianzong lay down on the ground.

Only Song Xiaodai, Princess Yunyun and a few Dzogchen-level powerhouses are still standing. Although sweat is already visible on their foreheads, their faces are still determined and they are struggling to support.

Others can lie down, they can't.

Otherwise, tomorrow I will have to pack my bags and become an outer disciple.

at this time.

Dashi's heart was a little broken.

The power of that relic is too fierce.

Of course, this is not the main reason for his collapse.

Although he was always surrounded by the crisis of death, he knew very well that he would not die.

The reason for his collapse was that facing such a terrible move, he had to use the life-saving means bestowed by Princess Suzaku.

The life-saving means are limited, and one use is less.

Princess Suzaku has already stated that after using it up, she will live and die at her own risk.

Facing only an enemy in the realm of Dzogchen of the Three Tribulations, Dashi was not willing to use it at all.

But now, he has no choice.

His strongest boxing method "Heaven Crashing Earth Cracking Immortal Fearing Fear", can't stop that Buddha's hand at all.

"Yaoshou, you bastard! I will make you regret it!"

Dashi raised his left hand, and above his wrist, a string of beads lit up.

"That's the Rakshasa relic that knows misfortune and good fortune! A Rakshasa relic that can sense cause and effect and predict good and bad?

How could such a treasure be on him? "

The fake Maitreya has sharp eyes, and he recognized the origin of the beads on Dashi's wrist at a glance.

"The Rakshasa relic, although it is also a relic, is different from my relic, it is not used for fighting, he took it out, what is it for... no!

Rakshasa relics can predict good and bad luck! He is about to be killed by me now, how could Rakshasa Relic not respond and not remind him? "

A bad premonition arose in the false Maitreya's heart.

But he immediately denied this bad feeling.

"The ability of Rakshasa Relic to perceive danger is limited.

The stone man was already dead, so Rakshasa Relic didn't want to waste energy, just remind him.

It must be so! "

False Maitreya strengthened his mind.

Dashi's heart was bleeding, and the corner of his mouth was sneering.

This Rakshasa relic was a treasure obtained in the God Slaughter Cemetery back then, and it had a great origin.

It is a kind of relic that can only be born in the body after the fall of the arhat in the Buddhist world, and the remnant soul turned into a rakshasa.

Combined with Raksha's blood essence, Raksha bone, and Raksha's soul, it can be refined for seventy-seven and forty-nine years with a very clever refining method before it can become the ultimate "Rakshasa Relic of Knowing Misfortunes and Blessings".

Of course, few people know this name, at least Dashi does not know it, only its abbreviation "Rakshasari".

This string of relics has a very different meaning to Dashi.

Because this is the first Emperor's Mandate Weapon that he obtained on his own, and he doesn't usually take it out for use, but offers it like a treasure, and recalls the scene when he got it.

And all this lasted until the day when Princess Suzaku gave him the means to save his life.

Princess Suzaku took a fancy to Rakshasa relic, and put the life-saving means given to Dashi into it.


There is only less than three feet away between the Buddha's handprint and the boulder, and it is about to be photographed, and it will be directly turned into nothingness!

Right now.

Dashi was chanting words, as if he was chanting some kind of formula.

On the wrist, the light on the Rakshasa relic changed from gold to red.

It was as red as a flame!


A long cry, startled nine days.

This sound seems to be the cry of an ancient divine bird, which has been passed down from ancient times to the present after hundreds of millions of years!

It is deafening and deafening, changing the color of the world!

In an instant, the wind was surging.

A flame Suzaku flew out from the Rakshasa relic, with haughty eyes, it regarded everything in the world as a dog.

Time, space, seem to stand still at this moment.

All the brilliance in the world was concentrated on the flame Suzaku.

As soon as the Flame Suzaku appeared, it did not launch an attack immediately, but glanced at Dashi, and said angrily: "It's just such a waste thing, you want to use this avatar?

Can't you suppress and kill this trash before using the relics?

Can't you find the flaws in the relics and break them with one effort?

There is something wrong here, go back and face the wall for me for a month! "

Before Dashi could react, Flaming Suzaku didn't care about the situation in front of him, and even didn't give Dashi any face.

Then, she still didn't launch an attack, but retreated most of her body into the Rakshasa relic, as if she was going to go back.

Dashi was a little anxious.

What are you doing?

Once you go back, your apprentice will be beaten to death!

"An attack of this level can be blocked with just a single wing.

Life-saving things have a limited number of times, how can they be so wasted?

This time you used it half a time! "

Flaming Suzaku has only half of its body left, it is a wing, and it flaps suddenly, and the fire rhyme condenses into an arrow.


Dao Yun's arrow pierced through the space and hit the Buddha's handprint that was taken.


The bergamot print exploded.

The arrow of Dao Yun did not stop moving forward.

I saw a flash of light.


The relic of the fake Maitreya has been pierced through and exploded into powder.

"Don't! Can't you leave it to me?"

Dashi was very sad.


The fake Maitreya spat out another mouthful of blood.

He was connected with the relic, and the relic was destroyed, and he was also severely injured, and his strength may be at most 30% left.

All of this sounds long, but in fact, less than ten seconds have passed since the Buddha's handprint was condensed and formed, and the attack was launched.

"No! Impossible! My relic contains the breath of an immortal artifact, which is equivalent to half an immortal artifact!

Although there are indeed flaws, the chance of finding a flaw is only one in ten million!

And, how could you possibly find it in such a short time? "

The fake Maitreya was trembling all over.

Just now, that flaming Suzaku condensed into an arrow with the rhyme of fire and Taoism, and it hit the relic and the weakest point of the Buddha's handprint created by it.

Unbiased, just the right intensity.

Even if it is a little off, even if the strength is a little bit stronger, or even a little bit weaker, that flaw is not enough to be called a flaw.

However, everything is just right and just right.

The tip of the arrow of Dao Yun offset an almost imperceptible rune in the Buddha's handprint.

It's offsetting, properly offsetting, not crushing.

And that rune happened to be the weakness of the relic projected onto the Buddha's hand seal.

Offset it, and the Buddha's handprint will naturally collapse.

The probability of offsetting it is only one in ten million!

However, with such a small probability, Dashi did it.

"No, you didn't do it!

It was the flame Suzaku who did it!

Who are you? "The false Maitreya stared wide-eyed, and suddenly thought of an extremely terrifying thing!

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