"How would this person know that I cheated?"

The village head couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

But he is worthy of being the village head, the most knowledgeable person in the village. After being surprised, he quickly realized that the person in front of him was just "babbling nonsense" and trying to hinder himself.

"My lord was joking, draw lots to decide whose child will be the tribute, this is agreed by Tie Zhu.

Moreover, with so many people in the village watching, it is fair and just, so is there any reason to cheat?

Besides, being able to become the tribute of Master Heijiao is the blessing of Tie Zhu's family! "

Although the village chief saw Gu Xuan's extraordinary temperament, he was uncertain and did not dare to offend easily, but he was also very stubborn.

"Didn't cheat? Then how come it's such a coincidence that the child from Tie Zhu's family was chosen?

Village chief, you have three grandsons and four granddaughters, but you didn't win any of them. This is really bad luck! "

Gu Xuan smiled mockingly.

He could clearly see the situation when the lottery was drawn. The village head secretly exchanged the long lottery drawn by his son to Xue Tiezhu.

Several big men who followed the village chief also saw it, but instead of exposing it, they helped cover it.

The face of the village chief was already full of anger.

The nosy person in front of him actually said that his grandson did not become a tribute, saying that it was bad luck, which was clearly ridiculing him.

But he didn't dare to refute, after all, he was the first to say that being a tribute is a blessing.

If he refuted, wouldn't he slap himself in the face?

"I don't want to be a tribute, I don't want to die!"

"Senior, save my son!"

Xiao Zhu and Tie Zhu's wife were crying.

The village head was already distracted, and stared at Gu Xuan coldly, with some unkind eyes.

"My lord, who are you? Why do you want to meddle in the affairs of my Xue family village?"

Gu Xuan smiled lightly.

"I'm just a passer-by who wants to cross the river, but it's getting late, and I met a black dragon patrolling again, so I came here to stay for a night, unexpectedly, unexpectedly..."

Before Gu Xuan finished speaking, the village chief's fear of Gu Xuan had disappeared without a trace.

First of all, a person who needs Xue Tiezhu's ferry to cross the river cannot be a powerful warrior.

Secondly, when he met Master Hei Jiao on a hunting tour, he hid at Xue Tiezhu's house, which showed that he did not dare to offend Master Hei Jiao.

And the others are helping Master Heijiao, as long as they show their strong relationship, how dare this person make things difficult for them?

The village head smiled coldly, and simply interrupted Gu Xuan's words:

"Since you're just a passer-by, then don't meddle in your own business, Young Master.

It has been eighteen years since Mr. Heijiao went out on a hunting tour just now to ask for tribute. If you stop him, you may die! "

The village chief waved his hand, and several big men became aggressive again, wanting to rush forward.

There was a flash of light in Gu Xuan's eyes, and he glared at the big men, who immediately backed away as if they had been struck by lightning.

"A group of trash, this person is only one person, but there are four people in Tie Zhu's family, don't you know how to work around it?"

The village head reminded me viciously.

Several big men looked at me and I looked at you, and they reached a tacit agreement, no longer caring about Tie Zhu's wife and little pig next to Gu Xuan, but directly rushed to Tie Zhu's father and the half-dead Xue Tiezhu.

Soon, the two daggers were respectively on the necks of Tie Zhu's father and Xue Tie Zhu.

A bloodstain appeared, and bright red blood flowed out.

Xue Tiezhu struggled, trying to push away the two big men beside him, but he was seriously injured, and those two were also two-star spiritual warriors, and they had some strength, so they couldn't push away at all.

On the contrary, because of struggling, his neck was wounded deeper by the dagger, and his skin was torn apart.

"Young master, exchange the lives of his father and grandfather with a little pig, you should be able to settle the account.

Miss Tiezhu, you should also count.

Little pig is also a nine-year-old boy, so he must know which one is older, one or two. "

The village head looked at Gu Xuan proudly, and put on a victory gesture.

"no no……"

Tie Zhu's wife hugged the pig tightly, crying uncontrollably.

She wanted to save Xiaozhu and Tie Zhu, neither of them wanted to lose.

The village head was even more proud, and looked at Xue Tiezhu.

"Tie Zhu, you are the head of the family, why don't you choose.

Do you want to keep the little pig, or your life, and your father's life.

If you choose to keep Little Pig, I will kill you and your father, then turn around and leave without breaking my promise.

If you choose to let Xiaozhu be a tribute, then I will take him away and let you and your father go. "

Xue Tiezhu trembled all over, and the firm look in his eyes was finally shaken at this moment.

He is confused.

He is not afraid of death, and he can even die for Xiaozhu.

If the village head said that his life would be exchanged for Xiao Zhu's, he would choose to die by himself without hesitation.

But now, among the choices given to him by the village chief, is his father's life!

If he chooses Xiaozhu, what will his father do?

Big drops of tears dripped from Xue Tiezhu's eyes.

Seeing this, the village head laughed loudly, and once again looked at Gu Xuan proudly.

Now, as long as Xue Tiezhu opens his mouth, even the person involved is willing to hand over the little pig. How can an outsider stop him?

Gu Xuan didn't say a word, just watched this scene quietly.

He knew very well that Xue Tiezhu was now facing an extremely difficult choice.

And the same thing, in the unknown future, maybe one day it will happen to me.

At that time, what choice should I make?

This world is so cruel, so the law of the jungle preys on the strong.

The moment he saw Xue Tiezhu's eyes and became no longer firm, Gu Xuan had already guessed that Xue Tiezhu's choice.

This made Gu Xuan feel a little bit disappointed suddenly.

Even though Gu Xuan knew that Xue Tiezhu didn't have a second option, he still hoped that Xue Tiezhu's eyes would remain firm forever, as before, without any trace of confusion.

Gu Xuan recalled that in the ancestral hall, Xue Tiezhu fought with the village chief and others with firm eyes for the little pig.

Even though he was beaten half to death and couldn't stand up anymore, his eyes never changed even the slightest.

He has always been determined to protect Little Pig and his home.

But now, after all, he was still confused and no longer determined.

Gu Xuan's mood suddenly became irritable, and he didn't want to stay here any longer.

He raised his right hand, intending to erase the village chief and others from the Burning Heaven Realm with a wave of his hand.

However, at this moment, the small palm held by the left hand was suddenly pulled out.

In the ears, a firm voice sounded:

"Senior brother, thank you for protecting me all the time, you don't have to blame yourself, I know you did your best.

I am willing to be a tribute in exchange for my father and grandfather!

Mother, father, grandfather, and little pig are not filial, so they can't continue to accompany you, let you live a good life!

Village chief, let go of my father and grandfather, I will follow you! "

Little pig's eyes no longer showed the slightest fear, but became extremely firm.

He wanted to trade his own life for the safety of his father and grandfather.

Gu Xuan looked into Xiao Zhu's eyes with some surprise.

That look is exactly the same as Xue Tiezhu's look before!

Moreover, more pure.

The irritability in Gu Xuan's heart was swept away.

A smile finally appeared on his face.

"What Little Pig wants to protect is just a home.

Even, don't mind this family, with him or without him. "

A light seemed to light up in Gu Xuan's mind.

"Even children understand the truth, why don't I understand it and feel confused?

The bad things my ancestors did in ancient times have nothing to do with me now?

If you say you want to protect the Burning Heaven Realm and save the world, you can ask yourself, is it really the Burning Heaven Realm that I want to protect?

If my relatives, my friends, and everything I care about leave Burning Heaven Realm, will I still care about the survival of Burning Heaven Realm?

I'm afraid the answer is no.

What I want to protect is the people I care about, everything I care about.

That alone is enough, do you need to think about other things?

Besides, I..."

In the blink of an eye, thousands of thoughts flashed across Gu Xuan's mind.

He suddenly realized that he had figured it out.

After I figured it out, I even felt that my previous so-called confusion was simply ridiculous, so ridiculous that when I thought about it, I wanted to laugh out loud.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Gu Xuan's laughter tore apart the original tragic atmosphere.

Looking at the little man who was firmly jumping towards the village chief, Gu Xuan moved, as if teleporting, to block in front of him.

Gu Xuan squatted down, keeping his gaze parallel to Xiao Zhu's.

"Xiao Zhu, I ask you a question, and you have to answer it honestly. If you were strong enough to kill all the black flood dragons, what would you do?"

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