The burning world's catastrophe of annihilation has finally entered the most critical stage.

The survival of a world will usher in the final decision at this stage.

In later generations, the head of the Li family, one of the five great families in the Burning Heaven Realm, known as the "Li Wanzhi" of the new generation of Bai Xiaosheng, called the year when the main force of the catastrophe entered the Burning Heaven Realm, the "First Year of the New Burning Heaven".

Because this year, too many major events have happened in the Burning Heaven Realm, which are related to the rise and fall of a realm.

Among them, the invasion of the demon army only occupied a very small part of the first year of Fen Tian's new calendar.

But at least, the demon army is the protagonist of the entire first month of the first year of the Fentian New Calendar, a whole month.

On the eve of the storm, there is always peace.

The day before the arrival of the Demon Realm's army, the entire Burning Heaven Realm seemed particularly peaceful.

Even, many places seem to be very lively.

A famous martial artist eats a lot of meat, drinks heavily, talks and laughs loudly, as if he is celebrating a prosperous world.

On this day, many people did what they always wanted to do but dared not do.

On this day, many people said what they always wanted to say, but didn't have the courage to say it.

On this day, more than 90% of the warriors in the Burning Heaven Realm stayed up all night.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning penetrated the clouds and fell on the earth, in the starry sky outside the Fentian Realm, a huge floating island appeared in a very high-profile manner.

Wherever it passed, the void vibrated, and there seemed to be thunder and explosions, as if afraid that no one would know that it had arrived.

Rolling devilish energy surged on the floating island.

Hoo hoo.

Above the floating island, a huge flag fluttered in the wind, making the sound of hunting.

The flag is black, like an abyss that can swallow even light.

On both sides of the flag, the word "Eternal" is written on one side, and the word "Demon Realm" is written on the other side.

The four characters are flamboyant, insane, and seem to have a strong aggressiveness.

Waiting for an idle warrior, even if his realm has reached the peak of the Holy Monarch, if he dares to face those four words, he will feel a tingle in his soul and disturb his mind.

If the will is weaker, it may even collapse directly, become obsessed, and become a useless person.

Inside and outside the floating island, there are all people from the demon world with golden arms and iron armor, all of them have sharp eyes, high-spirited aura, and their bodies are filled with devilish energy and full of killing intent.

One can tell at a glance that each of them has suffered countless hardships in the sea of ​​corpses and blood!

In the middle of the floating island is a tall and majestic black palace.


Two figures, from behind the black palace, one in front and one behind, half a step apart, flew to both sides of the waving flag.

One of them is as fat as a Maitreya, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, white hair and a childlike face, just like the neighbor's parents.

The other person was a strong man with a height of one foot. He was covered in sinews and flesh, and exuded a vaguely dangerous aura from his whole body.

All the people in the Demon Realm, even a group of powerful Demon Realm experts who have reached the realm of the Great Perfection of the Four Tribulations, bowed their heads respectfully when these two people appeared.

These two people are the two most powerful Five Tribulations Dzogchen in the army of the demon world, the blood priest and the ape demon emperor.

They are the No. 1 and No. 3 figures in the demon world conquest plan.

As for the number two person, it was Bei Gongling, who had already died under Gu Xuan's hands.


Accompanied by an explosion in the starry sky, the entire floating island stopped.

The Burning Heaven Realm is approaching.

The blood priest patted his big belly with a smile on his face, but a murderous intent flashed through his eyes.

"It's finally here! Finally, we can destroy this world where the Eternal Demon Saint returns home and Bei Gongling dies!

Burning Heaven Realm, in the near future, will eventually become the residence of my people from the Demon Realm!

The plan to create the second devil world will be kicked off by us! "

The blood priest smiled excitedly.

The ape demon emperor licked his lips, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

"I can't wait, I want to taste the taste of blood."

The blood priest chuckled, and unhurriedly took out a token from his pocket.

On both sides of the token, the words "Heavenly Dao Alliance" are engraved on one side, and on the other side, there is only a big word "Jie".


On the word "Jie", there is actually a flash of thunder, and faintly, there is a frightening power revealed.

"Is this the 'Destruction of the World' that belongs to the main force of the Great Tribulation?"

The ape demon emperor looked at the token in the hands of the blood priest, and his eyes couldn't hide his salivation.

That token was issued by the Heavenly Dao Alliance. Apart from being a status symbol, it also has other unexpected functions and is a rare treasure.

"That's right, it's the 'Destruction of the World'.

Compared with the original, the token of "Envoy of Miserable Tribulation" given to Gu Xingyun and the token of "Pioneer of Great Tribulation" given to the world master of the astral world are more than 10,000 times more effective.

Their tokens are nothing more than children's playthings.

Only it, the Extinct Tribulation Order, is the most orthodox and the most valuable token in the Extinct Tribulation.

With it in my hand, where I exercise the right to destroy the world, I will not touch cause and effect, and will not fall into reincarnation.

Even if you do some outrageous things, you will not be punished.

Of course, its most important role is to block. "

The blood priest proudly showed off the token in his hand.

The ape demon emperor's eyes were full of envy, but when he heard the last sentence, the envy turned into doubt:

"Blocked? What does this mean?

This huge Burning Heaven Realm can be sealed off with just this small token, preventing people from entering or exiting? "

The blood priest shook his head.

"Of course it's not to seal off a world and prevent people from entering or leaving, which is meaningless.

This is used to block the Plane Tribulation!

During the Great Tribulation of the World, the Burning Heaven Realm didn't even have the Dao of Heaven, and all the rules and laws of the world were incomplete.

In theory, it is impossible to attract catastrophe, and no one can be promoted.

But God has the virtue of loving life, even if it is a catastrophe, there is still a glimmer of life left.

This line of life includes the promotion channels for warriors.

Once someone is promoted, they can attract the disaster of the plane and thus advance to the realm.

But as long as the 'Destruction of the World Tribulation Order' is activated, no one in the Burning Heaven Realm can attract the Plane Tribulation and elevate their realm before the catastrophe ends. "

The ape demon emperor nodded, feeling more and more at ease.

Originally, he was a little worried that the warriors in the Burning Heaven Realm who had achieved the Dzogchen Realm of the Four Tribulations, if they were pressed for time, might stimulate their potential and be promoted to the Dzogchen of the Five Tribulations.

It's not a big deal for an ordinary Dzogchen of the Four Tribulations to be promoted to the Dzogchen of the Five Tribulations. As a senior Dzogchen of the Five Tribulations, the Ape Demon Emperor has the confidence to kill him.

But if a strong man like Gu Xuan, who is extremely powerful in battle, breaks through suddenly, then who can stand it?

But now, as soon as the "World Extinction Tribulation Order" is activated, the warriors in the Burning Heaven Realm who need to cross the tribulation will have no more tribulations to overcome, no way to improve their strength, and can only be slaughtered.

He can feel completely at ease.

"Of course, after using this token, it means that we have no way out and cannot ask for support.

Even after we rushed in, we discovered that there were six-kalpa Dzogchen-level existences in the Burning Heaven Realm, so we could only bite the bullet.

Because of this, before, I asked the Heavenly Dao Alliance to help us investigate again, whether there is a five-kalpa Dzogchen level in the Burning Heaven Realm.

This will be directly related to the timing of using this token.

If there is, then we are probably still waiting for support. "

The blood priest explained while playing with the token.

The ape devil smiled disdainfully.

"Unfortunately, the most powerful person in the Burning Heaven Realm is only the Great Perfection of the Four Tribulations.

Bei Gongling's death was the result of being tricked and besieged.

We just need to be careful, stay together as much as possible, and push the Burning Heaven Realm all the way, it will only be a matter of time. "

A gleam flashed in the eyes of the blood priest.

"That's right! Now, I will kick off the prelude to this big show myself!"

He recited the formula, and a drop of blood was submerged in the order of annihilation in his hand.

A beam of light shot out from the token and went straight to the Burning Heaven Realm.


An energy ripple rippled on the surface of the Burning Heaven Realm, covering the entire Burning Heaven Realm in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the entire Burning Heaven Realm seemed to be shrouded in a layer of haze, put on a pair of shackles, and even the flow of the air seemed to become somewhat heavy.

All rules and laws, all orders, also became completely chaotic at this moment.

In the starry sky, a space passage appeared directly in front of the blood priest and his party!

With a wave of the blood priest, the whole floating island flew in!

Burning Heaven Realm.

Countless pairs of eyes suddenly looked at the sky at this moment. The demon army has officially entered the Burning Heaven Realm!

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