
The moment Gu Xuan opened his eyes, there were actually two phantoms of divine swords hanging upside down in his eyes, and they trembled.

The endless sword rhyme appeared in this underground space, circling like a storm, as if it wanted to blow the whole land away.

Gu Xuan waved his hand lightly, and these storm-like Dao rhymes submerged into his body.

The bright sword light lit up on Gu Xuan's body, and then went out quickly.

Soon, this space returned to its original state.

And Gu Xuan's realm has also been completely consolidated.

Feeling the change in his own strength, he couldn't help showing a smile.

Both martial arts strength and physical strength have been greatly improved.

The warriors who waited for the five kalpas and the great consummation realm were no longer his opponents.

Even if he encounters the very top Five Tribulations Dzogchen, Gu Xuan is sure to retreat completely.

If the opponent pushed him into a hurry, he would counterattack with all his strength, and at the cost of some money, he could kill the opponent with great confidence.

It's just that the cost will not be too small.

Of course, Gu Xuan would not pay too much attention to this point.

Because the price spent is usually his lifespan.

With this promotion, his lifespan has once again been raised to four million years, which is the same as when he first entered the Three Tribulations Dzogchen Realm.

You know, after Gu Xuan was promoted to the Dzogchen of the Three Tribulations, he experienced repeated battles and burned his life essence many times. If he said it, many people would be dumbfounded.

No matter how rich the family is, it can't make longevity like that!

It's a pity that for Gu Xuan, consuming life energy is often the most cost-effective choice he makes when he has no choice but to do so.

Fortunately, the speed at which he raised his life essence was really fast.

Four million years of life essence, which is already comparable to the average life essence of the six kalpas of Dzogchen.


Suddenly, there was another sound of sword cries.

This time, the sound of the sword cry had nothing to do with Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's gaze immediately fell on the Heaven Punishing Sword suspended in front of him.

At this time, the Heaven Punishing Sword seemed to be darker than before, like a sword-shaped black hole that could swallow all the light in this world.

In the surrounding space, all the rhymes that come within a ten-meter range of the Punishing Sword will be swallowed by it in an instant.

Of course, Gu Xuan didn't care how the sword body of Zhutian Sword became.

What he cared about was the Heaven Punishing Sword Spirit.

The reason why the Tianzhu Sword made a trembling sound was caused by the Tianzhu Sword Spirit.

After a little exploration with the soul power left in the sword body of the Tianzhu Sword, Gu Xuan was sure that it was the Tianzhu Sword Spirit who was asking for help from him!

The battle between the Heaven Punishing Sword Spirit and the Forbidden Fairy seems to have reached its most intense stage.

And the Heaven Punishing Sword Spirit fell into a disadvantage!

Gu Xuan felt slightly regretful.

He didn't have a good way to help Tianzhu Sword Spirit win.

The entanglement between Tianzhu Sword Spirit and Forbidden Fairy Spirit is too deep.

He just wanted to help, but it was difficult to intervene.

The only thing he could do was to separate him from the Forbidden Fairy when the Heaven Punishing Sword Spirit was defeated, so that he could retain some consciousness.

By doing so, the Heaven Punishing Sword Spirit can be preserved, but the Heaven Punishing Sword cannot be preserved.

The taboo fairy spirit will replace the Heaven Punishing Sword Spirit and become the black Heaven Punishing Sword in front of him, the new sword spirit.

This is probably also the purpose of the taboo fairy.

In doing so, although he became a sword spirit, at least he could not die and save his life.

As soon as Gu Xuan thought about this, his eyes turned cold.

If things really come to that point, then this taboo fairy, don't even think about being the new black sword spirit of the Heaven-killing Sword, I will definitely let it taste the taste of regret.

"The "Five Solutions to the Domineering Curse" I just obtained seems to be useful.

Just use this taboo fairy to practice the art of cursing. "

Gu Xuan smiled coldly.

At the same time, he formed a magic seal with both hands, controlling the power of soul in the sword body of the Punishing Sword, and prepared to forcibly rescue the spirit of the Punishing Sword.

But before he could take any action, a few words suddenly flashed in Gu Xuan's mind: "Nine Yang Hua Yi Curse!"

This curse is suitable for the current use.

Once successful, the Heaven Punishing Sword Spirit will definitely win!

This curse is one of the most unique types in "Five Solutions to the Domineering Curse".

Because no matter how you look at it, this curse doesn't look like a curse.

The so-called "nine suns" refers to nine kinds of beneficial energy.

The so-called "unification" naturally refers to grouping these nine energies into one to strengthen oneself.

If it is excerpted separately and changed to "Nine Yangs Returning to One Gong", or "Nine Yangs Transforming One Curse", saying that this is a method that can help people cultivate and make people stronger, I am afraid that not many people will understand it. Suspect.

However, it is a curse.

A curse that can greatly improve a person's strength at the very beginning.

But as long as it reaches a critical value, the true power of this curse will begin to be revealed.

The energy of the original "Hua Yi" will be re-differentiated into nine paths in the cursed person's body, raging in his body until he is cursed to death.

"If one of the nine energies is the power of the soul, the cursed person will encounter a double attack from the body and the soul.

That kind of taste, tsk tsk, I really want the forbidden fairy to taste it. "

Gu Xuan licked his lips, and immediately recalled the formula of "Nine Suns into One Curse" in his mind.

Among the "Five Solutions to the Domineering Curse", the difficulty of this curse definitely ranks in the top ten.

In order to cast it successfully, the caster is often required to practice it at least ten thousand times before attempting to cast it on a Dzogchen-level powerhouse.

Otherwise, you can't curse others, and you are very likely to suffer backlash.

Of course, backlash is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that once this curse technique fails, the nine energies injected into the enemy's body may really become the enemy's tonic.

He obviously wanted to curse the enemy, but in the end, he actually took advantage of the enemy. This kind of thing is not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

If conditions permit, Gu Xuan also wants to practice first.

Unfortunately, there is no such condition now.

He had to cast the "Nine Suns into One Curse" directly, and it succeeded once!

For this point, Gu Xuan has strong confidence.

After all, it didn't take much to create a fairy-level sword technique from scratch.

Now, it's just a curse technique, and there are magic formulas to guide it, so how can it be difficult to defeat him?


The Heaven Punishing Sword made a trembling sound again.

Its disadvantage in the battle with the taboo fairy is even more obvious, and it will probably be swallowed by the opponent in a few hours at most.

Gu Xuan didn't hesitate any longer, read the formula, and officially started to cast the "Nine Suns Transformation One Curse".

Eight extremely pure ordinary energies and a piece of soul energy flew out from Gu Xuan's body, circling and intertwining in front of him, like nine little dragons soaring in the sky and playing happily.

This was supposed to be a beautiful scene, but as Gu Xuan continued to recite the formula, there were gusts of wind blowing around him.

Even, within the body of Nine Daoes of Energy, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves came out.

Vaguely, Gu Xuan clearly saw that there seemed to be a strange black net woven by nine energies that were continuously intertwined.

"Sure enough, a curse is a curse. These energies, on the surface, are still beneficial energies. Once they enter the body, they can be easily absorbed, allowing the cursed person's strength to be greatly increased in a short period of time.

But in fact, every energy contains the power of curse, which is negative energy, which can only be harmful to people, and will never be beneficial to people. "

Gu Xuan thought inwardly.

"This curse technique is really harmful to the peace. If you don't have the strength as a last resort, you can use it if you can."

Of course, Gu Xuan didn't mean to be merciful at all.

Now is the time of last resort!


Gu Xuan saw the right timing, nine energies flew forward, and submerged into the black Heaven Punishing Sword. Soon, they entered the bodies of the Heaven Punishing Sword Spirit and the Forbidden Fairy Spirit, who were so entangled that they could no longer tell each other apart.

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