The distance of a thousand feet is actually not a distance for any warrior in the realm of the Four Tribulations Dzogchen.

But for Wufang Suffering Lord, the thousand zhang distance between him and Gu Xuan is like a heavenly chime at this moment.

No matter what, he could no longer catch up with Gu Xuan.

"Wait a minute! Sect Master Gu Xuan, I lost today!

But I have a question that I would like to ask you to answer. "

The Wufang Sufferer showed a helpless look on his face, and forcibly suppressed the unwillingness in his heart.

"Have you really seen through my nightmare realm?"

Gu Xuan stopped and turned around slowly.

There was always a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, Wufang Sufferer asked this question, which was within his expectation.

Because this so-called "Nightmare Realm" is a fake at all, and it was arranged by Wufang Sufferer who spent countless painstaking efforts to deal with him.

"It's really disappointing that you still have expectations for your failed conspiracy.

At the beginning, I was indeed fooled by you, thinking that I was pulled into your domain by you and fell into an illusion.

But everything in this illusion is so real that even I can't see the slightest clue.

This is absolutely impossible, because I am confident that I can see through any illusion!

Since you can't see through it, it means that everything in front of you is definitely not an illusion!

Snow, it's true! The snowy world, too, is real! "

There was determination in Gu Xuan's eyes.

"Thinking in this direction, then everything is easy to figure out.

You already knew my whereabouts and guessed the route I must take to respond to Tianzong, so you arranged the space magic circle in advance, and used the magic circle to build an independent space.

After that, I will find another opportunity to activate the magic circle and let me enter that independent space.

And you deliberately said that it was your 'Nightmare Realm', just to make me mistakenly think that I really entered your dreamland, fell into your illusion, and everything I saw was an illusion! "

Wufang Sufferer heard this, a bitter smile appeared on his face.

His "heavenly secret calculation" could not deduce Gu Xuan's whereabouts at all.

In order to grasp Gu Xuan's whereabouts, he paid a huge price and adopted a roundabout calculation method to confirm one thing, that is, Gu Xuan is not in Yingtianzong.

But just to confirm that Gu Xuan is not in Ying Tianzong, it is still extremely difficult to find Gu Xuan.

Fortunately, the arrival of the demon army provided a turning point.

In order to control the overall situation of the Burning Heaven Realm, the Wufang Sufferer had already arranged a lot of eyeliner.

Many small and medium forces, even large forces, have his people lurking.

Not long ago, those small and medium-sized forces were attacked by the demon army. They were about to perish, but they were suddenly rescued.

Although Wufang Sufferer's eyeliner didn't even know who the person who saved them was, but after several eyeliners reported the news to Wufang Sufferer one after another, he immediately realized that the person who made the move was most likely Gu Xuan. .

Therefore, he also used "Tianji Calculation" to make a little calculation.

Of course, nothing can be calculated as a result.

But just because they couldn't figure it out, the possibility that the person who took the shot was Gu Xuan immediately increased greatly.

Wufang Sufferer was very excited, and after judging the direction of Gu Xuan's advance, which was the Jiling Mountain Range, he immediately took action.

Of course, he didn't go to the Jiling Mountain Range, but between the Jiling Mountain Range and Yingtianzong, several ancient Xuans arranged formations one after another on the possible route.

Several formations were also connected in series using the teleportation formation.

In any case, Wufang Sufferer believed that Gu Xuan would eventually respond to Tianzong, and it was only a matter of time.

Afterwards, in the Jiling Mountain Range, the Heavenly Dao faction was completely annihilated, Gu Xuan lost his reason to go to the Jiling Mountain Range, and chose to continue returning to Yingtianzong.

Along the way, Gu Xuan killed people in the Demon Realm when he met them. Although in his opinion, he did not reveal his whereabouts, but in fact, he had already confirmed Gu Xuan's return route to Wufang Sufferer.

Wufang Sufferer rushed to the ambush point ahead of time, and sure enough, he waited for Gu Xuan to appear.

This is how the two first met.

And the ambush set by Wufang Sufferer, just as Gu Xuan guessed, is a space magic circle that can build an independent space.

Everything in this independent space is prepared in advance, and it is all real, not an illusion.

Wufang Sufferer kept saying that it was an illusion, in order to paralyze Gu Xuan.

As long as Gu Xuan believes that he has fallen into the illusion, then if he wants to break the situation, he will definitely find a way to see through the illusion.

A person who thinks he has been hit by an illusion must be tied up and dare not fight with all his strength until he has cracked the illusion.

In this way, being able to exert 70% to 80% of one's strength is considered a lot.

But because everything is real, it is naturally unsolvable to "see through" the truth.

Therefore, as long as Gu Xuan believed that he was under the illusion, he would never be able to see through this "illusion", and would always think that he was sinking into the "illusion", unable to extricate himself, and became less and less confident.

Not only that, this independent space also has a certain degree of blessing for Wufang Sufferer, which can increase his speed and hard power by at least 20%.

Don't underestimate the two percentage points. For a powerhouse at the level of the Wufang Sufferer, if the strength is increased by 10%, the pressure on the enemy will definitely be doubled.

Another key point is that even if Gu Xuan wants to break out by force, the tricks needed to break out of an illusion and break out of an independent space are completely different.

In short, as long as Fan Guxuan fell into the tricks of the Wufang Sufferer and believed that he was in the so-called "Nightmare Realm", he would never be able to escape.

Unfortunately, Gu Xuan was too confident in his insight.

All illusions that cannot be seen through are not considered to be illusions, but to be considered real.

This is different from ordinary people's thinking, but it gave him a new breakthrough direction.

Find the right direction, and then observe the surrounding scene, naturally everything is reasonable.

Find the weak point of that independent space, cut it through with a sword, and return to the original space, it will naturally become simple.

Of course, all of this is easy to say, but in practice, it is even more difficult. Gu Xuan has no doubts, if he is not confident enough in himself, and his insight is not as strong as his own, even if he is a strong man in the realm of the Great Perfection of the Five Tribulations, he will have to stay in that independent space after being slandered by the Wufang Sufferer once. suffer

head, it is possible to get out of trouble.

"Thinking of Suzerain Yinben, I am afraid that no one in this world can succeed.

There is no way to suffer, this Liangzi, I will write it down.

Sooner or later, I will have to fuck you once, I hope you will not cry when the time comes! "

Gu Xuan had a good heart, he laughed, turned around and turned into a ray of light, and left.

The muscles on Wufang's face twitched violently a few times.

"Aren't you curious, how did I find you?"

Wufang Sufferer still wants to win back the situation and regain a little bit of face.

Later, if Gu Xuan asked, he would not hesitate to talk about the process of how he found Gu Xuan through devious tactics.

Unfortunately, Gu Xuan didn't even turn his head.

"You can ambush me this time. From now on, as long as I don't want to, no one will be able to find my whereabouts!"

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes.

How the Wufang Sufferer found him, he could guess with his knees.

It was nothing more than that he had killed too many people from the Demon Race before, exposing his whereabouts.

Wufang Sufferer is also a person who has arranged in Burning Heaven Realm for an unknown number of years. Gu Xuan doesn't believe it, he has no eyeliner.

Using gophers to set up an intelligence network in the Burning Heaven Realm, Gu Xuan did not believe that no one else was doing similar things.

It's just that other people don't use gophers.

"Among the sects that I saved casually, there must be the eyeliner of the Wufang Suffering Lord.

I, Ying Tianzong, may also have the eyeliner of the Wufang Sufferer.

This kind of thing is impossible to prevent, and it can't be stopped at all.

After all, in the territory of the Wufang Sufferer, I have a lot of eyeliner.

In short, in the future, I must act more cautiously. "

Gu Xuan propped his chin, talking to himself.

Being ambushed this time, although it was the result of Wufang's suffering master's calculations, he was indeed a little careless.

buzz buzz.

While Gu Xuan was thinking, the two sound transmission talismans on his body vibrated at the same time.

One, from Li Yuanhao.

The other one came from the Blood Ancestor.

Gu Xuan's pupils shrank slightly. The Li family, I'm afraid something has happened!

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