"Fairy Feihong is in the Suzaku secret realm?

Great, it seems she didn't mean to trouble me. "

Gu Xuan heaved a sigh of relief, put away the sound transmission talisman, and continued to explore outside the extreme north with a radius of a hundred miles.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

Gu Xuan meets Wufang Sufferer.

"I didn't find anything."

The Wufang Sufferer frowned.

Gu Xuan shrugged his shoulders, the meaning was self-evident, and he didn't find anything.

"Damn it, it looks like the Blood Priest didn't take the risk of using the dark trick, he must have fled somewhere after leaving the extreme north.

The Demon Realm's army came to Fentian Realm on a floating island across the starry sky.

And that floating island is in Zhongyuan Domain.

The blood priest might flee back to the floating island. "

Wufang Sufferer thought for a while, and expressed his guess.

Gu Xuan shook his head and analyzed:

"Unless he wants to leave the Burning Heaven Realm now and escape back to the Demon Realm, he won't go to the Zhongyuan Realm.

Because the target is too conspicuous, I don't know how many people are staring there.

The blood priest is not stupid, he must know that finding a place to hide is the most troublesome way for us. "

Wufang Sufferer pondered for a moment, and also thought that what Gu Xuan said was reasonable, the blood priest should not return to the Zhongyuan domain.

In this case, it would be really difficult to find the blood priest.

For a while, Gu Xuan and the blood priest were silent and did not speak.

I don't know how long it took, but Gu Xuan finally couldn't bear it and asked:

"Back then, in order to snatch the Seven-Aperture Linglong Golden Lock, you could even 'deduce' my whereabouts.

A mere blood priest is worse than me in terms of strength, so you can't, can't find him, right? "

When this matter was mentioned, Wufang Sufferer's face was obviously a little ugly.

In order to find Gu Xuan, he spent a lot of money.

Moreover, it does not rely on any "calculation", but the intelligence network that has been deployed in the Burning Heaven Realm for a long time.

Regarding this matter, Gu Xuan had already guessed it.

But he deliberately pretended not to know, and deliberately said the word "estimate" repeatedly, which is not only a mockery, but also a reminder to the innocent sufferer that it is time to use his intelligence network.

Wufang Sufferer also guessed Gu Xuan's subtext, so his face was not good-looking.

He was able to grasp Gu Xuan's whereabouts at the beginning because Gu Xuan was too high-profile, and he took many shots and killed many people in the demon world.

But now, with the Blood Priest focused on hiding his tracks, his intelligence network is simply useless.

Moreover, most of his eyeliner strength is not strong, he will be fine when he meets Gu Xuan, and Gu Xuan will not indiscriminately kill people from the Fentian Realm.

But once you meet the blood priest, it's probably more ominous than good.

It's too late to deliver a message or something.

"Your 'calculation' ability is no worse than mine.

You can't figure it out, and neither can I. "

The Wufang Sufferer snorted coldly, and lightly stepped on the ground with his right foot.


There was a scream coming from the ground, it was the sound of a gopher.

Obviously, Wufang Sufferer has long noticed that Gu Xuan used gophers to establish an intelligence network that belongs exclusively to Ying Tianzong.

He purposely trampled on that gopher deep in the ground until it screamed, just to retaliate against Gu Xuan's ridicule.

Gu Xuan squinted his eyes, and was about to fight back again, but a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Since your deduction ability is not bad, my deduction ability is not bad either.

Then the two of us combined, are we afraid that we won't find a mere blood priest? "

Wufang Sufferer frowned, suddenly feeling a little confused.

His intelligence network, together with Gu Xuan's intelligence network, are completely two sets of information networks that have nothing to do with each other.

One set is dominated by warriors lurking everywhere, and the other is dominated by gophers.

Even if they cooperate, finding a blood priest is almost impossible, right?

Moreover, in a hurry, the two intelligence networks simply cannot establish an effective cooperative relationship.

As soon as Wufang Sufferer frowned, Gu Xuan knew that he had played too many charades with himself, fell into inertial thinking, and misunderstood.

"The reckoning I'm talking about now is the real reckoning!

You know how to calculate the secrets of heaven, and I know how to calculate the secrets of heaven. If the two of us perform the calculation of secrets and calculate the whereabouts of the blood priest, do you think he can hide it? "

Gu Xuan's eyes were shining.

When he came up with this idea, besides finding the whereabouts of the blood priest, he also had other thoughts.

His "heavenly secret calculation" may not even be considered as an entry-level level.

But Wu Fang has been studying this exercise for an unknown number of years.

If you can see him use "Tianji Calculation", maybe you can inspire yourself, and really use this technique to enter the room and go to a higher level.

As soon as these words came out, Wufang Sufferer's eyes couldn't help but light up.

But soon he came to his senses and looked at Gu Xuan vigilantly.

"You don't want to steal the teacher, do you?"

Gu Xuan smiled slightly, and with a wave of his long sleeves, a token appeared in his hand, which was officially sealed as an order to destroy the world.

"Whether I want to steal my teacher or not, it doesn't matter.

What's important is the value in your heart of this World Exterminating Tribulation Order. "

When Wufang Sufferer saw the order of exterminating the world, he almost couldn't hold back, and wanted to grab it.

Fortunately, after all, I held back.

His expression became cloudy and uncertain.

After a while, Wufang Sufferer gritted his teeth: "That's all!

With your talent, it will be a matter of time before you can practice 'Tianji Suan' to the same level as me.

I will go all out! "

Gu Xuan patted Wufang Sufferer's shoulder heavily.

"Brother Kuzhu is so upright, don't worry, when you find the blood priest and find out the way to open the order to destroy the world, let's share the contents together!"

The Wufang sufferer said: "Okay! Share it together! I hope you don't break your promise!"

Gu Xuan nodded.

"Don't worry, I, Gu Xuan, never break my promise when I speak!"

He said this in his mouth, but he added in his heart: "The suzerain said how to divide, but didn't say how?

At that time, if you divide it into one thousandth, one hundredth, that is also a point! "

Wufang Sufferer's body turned into a ray of light and flew towards the distance.

"I know a secluded place, let's go there and arrange it first before finding someone!"

Gu Xuan took a step forward, and also turned into a light, and followed.

The two flashes of light quickly disappeared into the sky.

When they reappeared, the two were already deep in the mountains, in a cave.

This cave is very ordinary. It seems to be the cave where a certain emperor realm warrior once lived. The only feature is that it is concealed and it is large enough.

As soon as Wufang Sufferer came, he arranged several formations to isolate the inside and outside.

One of them is very profound, and the Wufang Sufferer even used an extremely extraordinary array.

Gu Xuan sensed for a while, that the array contained extremely pure power of space, if it was detonated completely, the power might not be weaker than that of a top Four Tribulation Dzogchen self-detonation.

"It's just using 'Heaven's Secret Arithmetic', do you need to be so cautious?"

Gu Xuan looked curious.

He has also used "Heaven's Secret" several times, but he has never made such a big battle.

Wufang Sufferer said seriously: "Be careful sailing for thousands of years, there is a difference between 'Tianji Suan' and 'Tianji Suan'.

No two people can master the exact same 'heavenly calculation'.

You and I use this technique to find people together, and if we find a Dzogchen of the Five Kalpas, it is still unknown what kind of commotion it will cause, so naturally we have to be cautious.

Also, there is one more thing, don't blame me for not reminding you, in the three thousand world planes, there are organizations that hunt and kill practitioners of 'Tianji Suan'.

Once you are discovered, you may not be safe even if you hide in the headquarters of the Heavenly Dao Alliance. "

Gu Xuan's pupils shrank slightly.

There is actually an organization that specializes in hunting down practitioners of "Tianji Suan"?

It's off the charts!

Lin Huohuo and Princess Suzaku didn't tell themselves about this kind of thing!

It seems that when I use this technique in the future, I must be extremely careful.

"Without further delay, you and I will use the method of 'retracing the origin' to refine the 'Looking for the Crane of Cause and Effect'.

Then combine the two 'Tracing Karma Cranes' together, I believe there is a 1% chance to resist the backlash and track down the trace of the blood priest! "

Wufang Suizhu's eyes were awe-inspiring, he recited the formula silently, formed a seal with his hands, and officially started to operate the "Tianji Calculation".

A mysterious and mysterious energy appeared in his body.

The radiance of holiness also emerged from the body of Wufang Sufferer.


At this critical moment, Gu Xuan suddenly stopped.

Wufang Sufferer was stunned: "What are you waiting for? You are not ready yet?"

Gu Xuan shook his head.

"This suzerain does not need to prepare, and can start at any time.

That is, there is a small problem, so what is the "Tracing the Karma Crane", how to refine it, the suzerain seems, seems, probably... no. "

The Wufang Sufferer widened his eyes. "No... yes? No way!"

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