"This is it? Could it be that you have already prepared the Star Teleportation Formation?

Can we teleport directly to the Qixingling area from here? "

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up.

Tian Modi was taken aback, and looked at Gu Xuan strangely.

"Star teleportation array? Why is there such a thing here?

Don't even think about it, how far is it from Qixingling?

Even if they sell the Burning Heaven Realm, they probably won't be able to build a star teleportation array directly leading to the Seven Star Ridge from here. "

Now it was Gu Xuan's turn to be taken aback.

"What are you talking about? There is no star teleportation array?

Then how do we go to Qixingling area?

By flying? I'm afraid we haven't flown there yet, the fairy caves are all closed! "

Wufang Sufferer patted Gu Xuan on the shoulder.

"Brother Gu Xuan, please be safe and don't be impatient!

There is something more convenient than the star teleportation array here! "

Gu Xuan looked suspicious.

"Something more convenient than the space teleportation array?

Apart from space wormholes, I really can't think of anything more..."

Wufang Sufferer gave Gu Xuan a thumbs up, and interrupted:

"As expected of you, brother Gu Xuan, you got the right guess!

Here, there really is a space wormhole!

Moreover, it directly leads to the Qixingling area! "

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched for a while, he didn't believe it at all.

"Are you stupid for being the suzerain? The suzerain doesn't believe that there will be such a coincidence in the world."

Tian Modi smiled faintly.

"It can't be said to be a coincidence, before, when the Demon Realm caused chaos in the Burning Heaven Realm, there were also star robbers taking advantage of troubled waters.

I chased him all the way from the Burning Heaven Realm to this starry sky before I caught up with him.

When he begged for mercy, he told me his origin..."

Tian Modi briefly explained the whole matter.

It turned out that the star thief who was hunted down by him was a well-known existence in the circle of star robbers, called the "star picker".

For hundreds of thousands of years, he has been wandering in the Qixingling area.

It's a pity that a hundred years ago, a young man in the sword world was robbed.

Unexpectedly, that young man had a very strong backing, and afterward, he actually summoned three strong men from the Great Perfection Realm of the Five Tribulations to chase and kill the Star Picker.

While the Star Picking Thief was running around, by chance, he stumbled into a space wormhole and was teleported here.

As soon as he came, he inquired about the information about the catastrophe of burning the world, and planned to fish in troubled waters.

It's a pity that he was destined to die, but he met invincible.

Regarding the Qixingling domain and the information about the Immortal Cave, Modi also got it from his memory.

Originally, Tian Modi didn't care, his goal was to hunt the Heavenly Dao of the Burning Heaven Realm, and he just waited for the Heavenly Dao to show up.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Tiandao appeared, he was immediately shocked.

He can't beat the way of heaven at this time!

Tian Modi is not reconciled, which is why these things happen now.

Knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Gu Xuan couldn't wait to open his eyes, and turned his eyesight to the extreme, looking at the chaotic starry sky ahead.

Meteorites are everywhere in it, in a mess.

Spatial cracks and spatial turbulence also continue to appear.

Even, Gu Xuan even sensed a breath of space storm from a space crack that suddenly appeared.

This made him immediately more vigilant.

Any place with a space storm atmosphere, within a radius of a thousand miles, cannot be said to be absolutely safe.

In case that space storm becomes bigger and tears a bigger space crack, everything around it may be swept into it at any time and torn into pieces.

He is a majestic four-kalpa Dzogchen who has five kalpas Dzogchen combat power. If he dies in a space storm for no reason, and he is famous for a lifetime, it will be completely ruined.

Of course, the chances of this happening are extremely low.

But even if he is not dead, as long as he is involved in the space storm, at least his skin will peel off.

Seeing the vigilant look in Gu Xuan's eyes, Tian Modi Nou smiled:

"What? The master of the Yingtian Sect, who is not afraid of anything, is actually afraid of a small space storm?"

Gu Xuan stood up straight, with his hands behind his back, with a calm expression on his face.

"My suzerain is just wondering whether the space wormhole you mentioned is in that starry sky?

If so, why didn't the suzerain find out for so long? "

Gu Xuan's words are well-founded.

A space wormhole is a kind of space channel that will only appear when the power of space is condensed to the extreme.

And this kind of space channel is often in the dimensional space.

Legend has it that some peerless powers in ancient times were able to create space wormholes with their bare hands and enter the dimensional space for space shuttle or space jump.

This is a more convenient and faster way than the star teleportation array connecting the two worlds.

Of course, the risks are also great.

Dimensional space is not something you can enter if you want to.

The degree of danger there is countless times more dangerous than the depths of space.

Hidden in the depths of the space, the space storm that frightens warriors, compared with the danger in the dimensional space, is the difference between an ant and a mammoth colossus.

Because of this, usually the place where the space wormhole is located, there will be a dangerous atmosphere from the dimension space, which will be revealed.

Around the space wormhole, there will also be various phenomena of heaven and earth.

But now, the chaotic starry sky in front of the three of them is only a little chaotic, and there is no visible phenomenon of heaven and earth.

Even Gu Xuan couldn't feel the dangerous aura from the dimensional space.

"You must have made a mistake, right?

Or, the space wormhole you know has disappeared?

After all, naturally formed space wormholes may also disappear naturally, and are more likely to move to other places. "

Gu Xuan released the soul energy and probed again, but still found nothing.

Wufang Kuzhu smiled, and flew straight into the chaotic starry sky ahead.

Gu Xuan's eyelids couldn't help twitching.

"Could it be..."

At this time, Tian Modi also flew in.

Gu Xuan's eyelids twitched violently again, hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and followed in.

Sure enough, Wufang Sufferer and Tian Modi actually got in when a spatial crack suddenly appeared from a wrist.

The last trace of luck in Gu Xuan's heart also disappeared without a trace.

He finally settled on one thing.

The reason why the space wormhole can't feel the dangerous aura emanating from it, and the reason why the vision of heaven and earth can't be seen is because its location is within the space storm!

The space storm in the depths of the space is likely to be the so-called "heaven and earth vision" itself!

In other words, it is precisely because of the existence of space wormholes that space storms can be produced.

The figures of the three stopped a hundred meters away from the space storm.

One after another space turbulence, varying in strength and weakness, appeared from time to time, or swept the three people, or pushed the three people in the direction of the space storm, or pushed the three people in the direction away from the space storm, without any rules.

This level of spatial turbulence naturally has no effect on the three of them.

However, if you go further inside, you may be involved in a space storm.

At that time, whether it will have an impact on the three of them, and how much impact it will have, may be uncertain.

huh huh huh.

The clothes of the three of them were chattering.

Tian Modi waved his right hand, and a flat boat appeared in front of him.

"This is the 'Thousands of Miles Ark' that we got from the Star Picking Pirates, which can help us make a smooth space jump and avoid most of the dangers in the dimensional space."

Tian Modi and Wufang Suizhu were the first to stand on the ten thousand li boat.

Gu Xuan stared straight at the flat boat.

"Wait! Avoid most dangers, what do you mean?

Isn't it the avoidance of all dangers? "

Tian Modi shook his head.

"You are the master of a sect anyway, how can you say such stupid words?

How can there be something that can avoid all risks?

Don't waste time, believe in yourself, with your luck, you shouldn't be in danger. "

Gu Xuan is extremely sensitive to the word "Qi Luck".

"Wait a little longer! The two of you, could it be that this suzerain is favored by luck and is very lucky, comparable to the son of luck, so you asked this suzerain to go to the Qixingling area together?"

Tian Modi and Wufang Sufferer looked up at the sky together: "That meteorite is really big!"

Gu Xuan's face was covered with black lines, he clenched his fists and stepped onto the boat.

The invincible telekinetic art, a boat thousands of miles away, officially sets sail! Goal, Seven Star Ridge Domain!

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