The eyes of Gu Xuan and others all looked towards Rainbow.

The rainbow connects the ancient divine court, like a bridge.

Gu Xuan observed it for a while, but couldn't see anything fishy, ​​so he simply walked up openly.

Fairy Baiyu and Lan Yan followed closely behind.

Yu Zhuri was at the bottom, walking at the end.

"I'm quite cautious, but this Immortal has always been upright, so don't worry, there are no traps here.

After that, there will be no traps either. "

The remnant soul of Immortal Thunder smiled slightly, still smiling intriguingly.

The four Gu Xuan people walked on the rainbow and all frowned.

They didn't believe a single word or punctuation mark of what Thunder Immortal Remnant Soul said.

The word "immortal" emphasizes the word "immortal" and the word "immortal".

If he said there was no trap, then there must be a trap.

Moreover, I am afraid it is a trap that is difficult to detect.

However, now that the matter has come to this, Gu Xuan and the others don’t care anymore. Anyway, along the way, haven’t they stepped on too many pitfalls?

They have come all the way through all the obstacles.

If there are traps, then treat it as an experience.

Didn’t you see that Lan Yan has experienced the Great Perfection of Five Tribulations?

"With a few more traps, maybe this young master will be able to make great progress, and take a step further to achieve the Six Tribulations of Perfection!"

Gu Xuan thought happily.

The few people continued to walk forward, and soon they disappeared from the rainbow and entered the Great Desolate Divine Courtyard.

The smile on the face of Thunder Immortal's remnant soul suddenly disappeared, and his expression turned grim.

There are indeed no traps ahead.

However, once they enter the inheritance hall, these people will find that what awaits them will be hell-level inheritance experience.

In fact, the process of accepting inheritance is also an experience.

More than a hundred people entered the inheritance hall together. The inheritance they received and the difficulty of the inheritance were all different.

However, once they accept the inheritance process and are judged to be unqualified, the punishment they receive is the same.

That is - death!

The remnant soul of Thunder Immortal has long used some special means to preserve the most difficult "heritage altars" in case of emergency.

After Gu Xuan and his party entered the inheritance hall, the "inheritance altar" they chose would definitely be one of the most difficult ones.

This is equivalent to sending them to the guillotine in advance.

The body of Thunder Immortal's remnant soul gradually became transparent and finally disappeared from the clearing.

When he appeared again, he had returned to that mysterious space.

Several entrance mirrors are showing the scene in the inheritance hall.

The remnant soul of Thunder Immortal glanced around for a while and nodded with satisfaction.

So far, very smooth.

It won't be long before the person he chooses will be able to complete his mission.

After that, he was taken away by himself again.

According to the current progress, this time will not exceed one day.

Even if he didn't dig a hole for Gu Xuan and the others, and let Gu Xuan and the others choose the inheritance of normal difficulty, their speed would not catch up with the people he chose.

All in all, the current situation can be described in four words: a sure win!

Once he was satisfied, the remnant soul of Thunder Immortal couldn't help but want to mock Tiger King Bai.

But when he turned around, he saw Tiger King Bai lying on the ground, actually asleep, snoring evenly.

"You can still sleep at this time?

What a pig! "

The remnant soul of Immortal Thunder cursed.

At this time, inside the Great Desolate Divine Courtyard, outside the Hall of Inheritance.

Jin Wansan, the master of Wu Fang's suffering, and Tian Mo Di, finally waited for the person they had dreamed of.

"Brother Gu Xuan! You are finally here! I miss you so much!"

When Jin Wansan saw Gu Xuan, his heart was sour and his eyes were red. He opened his arms and rushed towards him.

The corners of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched fiercely a few times, and he quickly hid behind Yu Zhuri.

What does it mean?

Have we been separated for ten thousand years or one thousand years?

Do you deserve to be so excited?

Wufang Kuzhu looked at Gu Xuan sourly, as if his wife had been snatched away.

Damn Jin Wansan, I've been with you for so long, but I haven't seen you so enthusiastic. When Gu Xuan came, you rushed up to him like you were meeting your long-lost biological father?

I bother!

Tian Modi shook his head.

Judging from this situation, the brotherhood between Jin Wansan and Gu Xuan should have reached the point where Gu Xuan sold Jin Wansan and Jin Wansan still had to help count the money.

Jin Wansan is inviting the wolf into the house!

It can be foreseen that the Jin family is not far away from hemorrhage.

"The Master of Wufang is invincible. You can't wait for me here all the time, right?

Wouldn't this be a waste of opportunity for others to take advantage of? "

After comforting Jin Wansan, Gu Xuan's suspicious eyes finally fell on Wu Fang Ku Zhu and the other two.

He really couldn't figure it out, what did these two people mean by waiting for him here?

Wouldn't it be better to go in early and receive the inheritance?

The remnant soul of Thunder Immortal made it clear to him that he didn't know whether he could come or not. Waiting like this, did he lose his mind or not?

Wufang Kuzhi said righteously: "What are you talking about? We came out of the Burning Heaven Realm together, so of course we must advance and retreat together!

If you haven't come yet, it's okay if you don't inherit the immortal inheritance.

If you want to inherit, let’s all inherit together! "

The corners of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

Advance and retreat together?

If you want to inherit, should everyone inherit together?

Is your brain trapped in the door? Don’t you even follow the Basic Law when you lie?

In the end, there is only one person who can inherit the inheritance of the immortal. How can everyone inherit it together?

As for advancing and retreating together, that is even more nonsense.

We have been separated for so long. After meeting in the Thunder Immortal Cave, the two of you have been hiding your identities.

This is obviously because I don’t want to discover you by myself.

What kind of common advance and retreat is this?

The white jade fairy's eyes have rolled to the sky.

These two people are worthy of being from the same world as Gu Xuan. They lie without blinking an eye.

"I'm afraid even Zhuang wouldn't believe what you two fellow countrymen say.

What the hell are they doing? Reliable or not? If it’s unreliable, why not just…”

Yu Zhuri sent a message to Gu Xuan, full of killing intent.

“I don’t know what they are doing, but they probably won’t hurt me.

In the Burning Heaven Realm, they may not be reliable.

But here, absolutely reliable! "

Gu Xuan's tone was firm.

It is certain that Wufang Kuzhu and Tian Modi have Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts, but it is also certain that they will not harm themselves.

Yu Zhuri dispersed the murderous intention in his heart, but he was still vigilant.

"Okay! You two are worthy of being my brothers!

As brothers, we should advance and retreat together!

The spirit of these two brothers makes me admire them very much! "

Jin Wansan suddenly raised his thumbs towards the two of them, with a look of emotion on his face.

Obviously, he believed Wufang Kuzhu's words.

Gu Xuan raised his eyebrows fiercely.

Just now Yu Zhuri was saying that Zhu Gang wouldn't believe what Wu Fang Ku Zhu and the two said, but Jin Wansan actually jumped out.

In Gu Xuan's mind, he couldn't help but recall the "majestic" appearance of Jin Wansan sitting on a big pig.

Sure enough, those who are close to vermilion are red, those who are close to ink are black, and those who are close to pigs become pigs!

"No more ink, brother Gu Xuan, please come in!"

Wufang Kuzhu pointed at the gate of the inheritance hall, seemingly impatient.

Gu Xuan glanced at him doubtfully and had a guess in his mind: "Could it be that these two people are waiting for me to explore the way?"

But soon, Gu Xuan shook his head.

This doesn’t make sense!

There are so many ferocious beasts and warriors inside, and there aren’t enough people exploring the way?

Could it be that we really have a deep friendship with each other, so we have to wait for him to come?

This is a fantasy!

Gu Xuan didn't know that his guess just now was already very close to the correct answer.

Wufang Kuzhu and the other two were waiting for him because they were waiting for him to explore the way.

The group of ferocious beasts and warriors in the inheritance hall were not qualified to explore the path in the eyes of Wufang Kuzhu and the two of them.

Gu Xuan couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't think about it and walked towards the entrance of the inheritance hall.

"Brother Gu Xuan, you go in, I'll wait here!"

Jin Wansan had long been frightened after hearing too many screams.

Fairy Baiyu grabbed the back of Jin Wansan's neck.

"Don't you have a deep love for each other as brothers? Of course you have to live and die together!

Go in together, no one can stay! "

finally. The last seven people who had collected all the tokens, under the leadership of Gu Xuan, entered the inheritance hall!

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