Gu Xuan stretched out his left index finger, and as soon as he thought, a drop of blood emerged from it.

This is ordinary blood, not essence blood.

But even if it is ordinary blood, this drop of Gu Xuan is completely different from the blood of other warriors.

It seems to be full of vitality, full of vitality, and even gives people a feeling that it will boil at any time.

A knowledgeable person can tell by just one glance that Gu Xuan's physical strength is definitely far superior to that of a warrior of the same realm.

Of course, just how strong it is is not something ordinary warriors can see.

"There's a show!"

Gu Xuan suddenly felt happy.

The drop of blood on the fingertip seemed to be suddenly wrapped in an invisible energy.

In the blink of an eye, the drop of blood actually floated into the void at a speed visible to the naked eye.


In Gu Xuan's ears, he suddenly heard the sound of thunder.

The sound came from above the head.

Gu Xuan raised his head and saw a thunderstorm that was only ten feet in size but exuded extremely terrifying power!

The storm swirled in the void, and the center position looked like a road leading to unknown time and space, or like an endless abyss.

Gu Xuan felt that his body, soul, and thoughts seemed to be swallowed up by the storm.

In a daze, he actually felt insignificant.

This feeling lasted only a moment.


It seemed like thousands of troops were about to rush out from the area at the center of the storm.

Gu Xuan's pupils shrank slightly.

Could it be that my guess was wrong?

As if hearing Gu Xuan's thoughts, Thunder Storm quickly answered Gu Xuan's question and told him that he guessed it right!

One after another, dragon horses, completely transformed by lightning, with wings on their backs and dragon scales on their bodies, appeared from the eye of the storm with extremely vigorous steps, running towards Gu Xuan in a mighty way. .

The horse's hooves hit the air, and Gu Xuan actually remembered a clicking sound in his ears.

Gu Xuan did not resist or dodge.

Because he didn't feel the slightest threat from these dragons and horses.

On the contrary, every cell in his body seemed to be jumping for joy.

In an instant, the bodies of Long Ma and Gu Xuan "collided" together.

But the moment the two came into contact, the dragon and horse turned into body-tempering lightning, shrouding Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan immediately felt that every inch of his body, every bone, every hair, every piece of flesh and blood, and even every cell were bathed in the lightning, which made him feel extremely comfortable.

The thunder light contains the body tempering power left by the Thunder Immortal!

It also contains Immortal Thunder's extremely brilliant understanding of the way of body refining.

With a thought in Gu Xuan's mind, every pore in his body opened and began to absorb the body-refining energy in the lightning.

As soon as these energies entered his body, they actively searched for the weakest points in his body and began to help Gu Xuan temper his body.

Even though Gu Xuan possesses the true king's divine body, which is nearly immortal before it is exhausted, the strength of every part of his body is not exactly the same.

The surface of the body, as well as the strength of the bones, are undoubtedly the highest.

But other parts, such as the internal organs, although not weak, are much harder than some Dzogchen who specialize in body training.

But for Gu Xuan, they are considered weaknesses that are not weaknesses.

But now, these weaknesses are being strengthened by the body-tempering power absorbed from the body-tempering thunder light.

It won't be long before Gu Xuan's physical strength will be completely unified and there will no longer be any weaknesses.

After that, if he continues to absorb lightning, his physical strength may be able to increase to the limit that he can currently reach.

Bathed in the thunder light and feeling the changes in his body, Gu Xuan was in a good mood. At the same time, he also had some new understandings and speculations about the inheritance left by Immortal Thunder.

Gu Xuan glanced at the top of his head. The momentum of the thunder storm was still huge.

He looked in the direction of the Red-Armored Scorpion King again, and still could only see the Red-Armored Scorpion King bathing in the lightning.

As for the thunder storm above the Red Armored Scorpion King, he couldn't see or feel it.

"This thunder storm should be the same as the space channel that can be seen after receiving a stage of inheritance. Only you can see it.

I couldn't see the thunderstorm above the Red Armored Scorpion King.

The red-armored scorpion king couldn't see the thunderstorm above me. "

Gu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

"Damn it! You actually started to receive the body refining inheritance!"

The red-armored scorpion king sounded an angry voice.

It was careful enough not to let Gu Xuan see how it attracted the inheritance.

However, the method to induce inheritance in the fifth stage is still too simple after all.

Gu Xuan will definitely be able to attract inheritance. This point, the Scarlet Armored Scorpion King has never doubted.

But it didn't expect that Gu Xuan would discover the method of attracting inheritance so quickly?

The Red-armored Scorpion King raised his head and looked at the three-foot thunderstorm above his head. He gritted his teeth and began to absorb and refine the body-tempering power in the light at a faster pace.

After all, it takes one step ahead of the Ancient Mysteries and leads to inheritance, which has some slight advantages.

It must take one step ahead of Gu Xuan, receive the inheritance of body refining, and increase the strength of its body to the limit that it can currently achieve!

In this way, we can enter the sixth area first!

Unfortunately, he didn't know that Gu Xuan's thunder storm was more than three times bigger than his.

Otherwise, I don’t know if I would still feel that I have the so-called “advantage”.

One minute later.

The Red-armored Scorpion King frowned.

"No, it's still not fast enough! It seems that the only way is to take risks and use Lord Thunder Immortal to stay in my memory!"

A gleam flashed in the red-armored scorpion king's eyes.

"The Immortal Thunder Disintegration Forbidden Technique, help me!"


Densely dense tiny lightning lights appeared on the red-armored scorpion king.

If you look carefully, you will find that these thunders actually burst out from the surface of the red-armored scorpion king's body!

This left countless small wounds on its body.

Even these wounds did not start to heal immediately. There were still blood streaks floating out of them and integrating into the thunder, seeming to provide energy for it.


The thunder light jumped on the body of the Red Armored Scorpion King, seeming to be stimulating its body.

The effect is immediate.

The Red-Armored Scorpion King immediately felt that the speed of the body-tempering power in the lightning that he absorbed and refined increased by three times!

Suddenly, the Scarlet-armored Scorpion King was full of confidence and had a chance to win, and when he looked at Gu Xuan, his eyes were filled with contempt.

Gu Xuan noticed the changes in the Scarlet Armored Scorpion King and didn't pay too much attention to it. He just smiled disdainfully.

Haste makes waste in everything, and there is no room for sloppiness in things like body refining. In order to be faster than himself, the Red-armored Scorpion King actually used some forbidden technique, which was really stupid.

Forbidden techniques and forbidden techniques are all called forbidden techniques. They are either risky or have serious sequelae.

Many times, there are often risks and sequelae. It is unwise to blindly seek speed.

Moreover, Immortal Thunder's body-refining inheritance is not just as simple as allowing people to receive the power of body-refining, but it also contains many insights about body-refining.

It can be said that the speed of digesting these insights and the speed of absorbing the power of body refining and improving body strength need to be directly proportional in a sense.

Just like some Kung Fu and martial arts, to learn, you must not only learn the moves, but also understand the techniques, so that you can learn them well and exert your maximum power.

If you simply learn the moves without understanding the techniques, the results of your practice will only be nondescript.

Although the way of body refining is different from other martial arts, and the perception is not that important, it is not so unimportant that it can be ignored.

Especially the body tempering stage is just one of the nine stages in the complete inheritance left by Immortal Thunder.

Any slightest carelessness may have a great impact on the reception of subsequent inheritance.

The correct way to accept the inheritance at each stage is to stay within the scope of your ability and take your time.

Just as Gu Xuan was thinking, another space path appeared between the fourth area and the fifth area.

"White Jade Fairy" sneered as she entered it and appeared in the fifth area.

"Gu Xuan, we are in the same area again.

It seems that this time, at this stage, you have not been judged as qualified by the inheritance altar?

In this case, it is up to me to declare that you are not qualified for the fifth stage, the process of receiving inheritance! "

"White Jade Fairy" stared at Gu Xuan coldly, with murderous intent emerging in her eyes!

Gu Xuan chuckled.

What was supposed to come finally came! However, it is not that easy to let him die!

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