"Thunder Fire! That is the inherited fire left by the old master!"

Tiger King Bai looked at the lightning and burst into tears.

"The old master once said that in this world, there are too many variables and too many surprises. Even the Xu Immortal will eventually fall.

Immortal Cave is the same, and will eventually be destroyed one day.

In order to prevent this day from coming, he left his own inherited fire.

Once the Immortal Cave encounters an accident and is in danger of being destroyed, fire can be summoned.

Fire will use the fastest speed and make his last effort to choose a warrior to become the successor of his mantle. "

Tiger King Bai's voice was already trembling at the end.

call out.

The lightning flew to the head of the remnant soul of Thunder Immortal.


A circle of light rippled away from the thunder.

Wherever the light reaches, in each area, a warrior, a ferocious beast, and at the same time feel that his body seems to have suddenly frozen, and he can no longer move.

Moreover, the scene in front of them suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The next second, when they were able to move, everyone only saw themselves and the endless white light.

Many warriors and ferocious beasts were panicking and bumping into the white light, trying to find a way out.

However, nothing was found.

"This is, I was sent to a special space."

Tian Modi put his hands behind his back and looked at the vast white surroundings. He just smiled lightly without feeling any panic at all.

Because he remembered very clearly that the remnant soul of the Thunder Immortal said that the Thunder Fire Seed would select the final successor to the Thunder Immortal's mantle based on the current progress in receiving the inheritance.

Since the selection is based on the progress of accepting the inheritance, there are actually only two candidates.

Gu Xuan and the Tongtian Python are in the sixth area.

As for who the final winner will be, is there any need to think about it?

"What a trap! The three law storms disappeared before they were completely refined.

Who is so ignorant that he came to invade Immortal Cave for nothing? "

The corners of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

The rippling light on the Thunder Fire Seed sent away all the warriors and ferocious beasts in the first to fifth areas, and also caused the three law storms above his head to disappear.

Nowadays, there are only four people left in such a huge inheritance space.

He is the Heavenly Python, Tiger King Bai, and the remnant soul of the Thunder Immortal.


The thunder light above the head of Thunder Immortal's remnant soul trembled suddenly, and the light quickly faded, revealing his true appearance.

That is what the Thunder Fire Type truly looks like!

Gu Xuan and Tongtian Python, who were originally full of endless yearning for that thunder light, twitched the corners of their mouths a few times.

"Senior Tiger King Bai, is that really the 'Thunder Fire Seed' you mentioned?

Why do I look at it, it looks a bit like...like..."

Gu Xuan looked like he was stuttering. He had no choice but to say the next few words.

"Like...a coffin?"

Tiger King Bai answered.

Obviously, it has the same view as Gu Xuan about the appearance of Thunder Fire.

Gu Xuan nodded.

It’s not that he has a problem with coffins, he has a coffin with him!

However, the coffin in front of me looks a bit eye-catching. Not to mention that it is a wooden coffin, it is actually dark with many insect holes on it.

The coffin lid is actually only half of it.

A small half is missing.

There is a big word "Dian" written on it, written horizontally and vertically, with no sense of beauty. It is said that it was written by a three-year-old child. I am afraid that some three-year-old children will jump up and down with anger and angrily accuse this of slandering, humiliating and slandering him!

If this wooden coffin were thrown out, some people said that it was related to an immortal, and he would be drowned in saliva!

Something to do with immortals?

It has something to do with Immortal Banban!

"Its appearance is indeed a bit poor, but it is indeed a genuine 'Thunder Fire'!

The inheritance of my body lies within it!

Just lie in and start receiving fire!

I advise you to respect it. Next, it is up to it to choose who to lie down in! "

Thunder Immortal's remnant soul's eyes were full of fanaticism, and he was extremely dissatisfied with the attitudes of Gu Xuan and Tiger King Bai.

This is a baby that has completely turned over. Anyone who dares to disrespect him is looking down on him!

Gu Xuan's whole face was twitching.

The way to receive fire is to lie on the coffin?

It’s fresh and I’ve gained a lot of experience. The things the immortals do are indeed extraordinary and unique!

"Gu Xuan, read the information I gave you carefully. I don't know if it will help you to be recognized by the Thunder Fire Type, but it will not hurt in the end."

Tiger King Bai looked at Gu Xuan and released a soul fragment towards Gu Xuan, which contained a lot of information about the thunder and fire.

"Is this cheating?"

Gu Xuan issued a soul torture.

Tiger King Bai did not hesitate and nodded solemnly: "Forget it!"

the other side.

The remnant soul of Thunder Immortal was not idle either, and also released a soul fragment towards the Heavenly Python.

Babel Python checked the information in the soul fragments, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Soon, he glanced at Gu Xuan contemptuously, as if he was already winning.

"I actually wrongly blamed Immortal Thunder..." Gu Xuan muttered to himself.

The reason why Thunder Fire is a wooden coffin actually has its own reason, and it has nothing to do with the bad taste of Thunder Immortal.

Strictly speaking, a wooden coffin is not a fire, but a vessel to carry it.

At first, in order to preserve the fire, Immortal Thunder searched everywhere for a treasure that could carry it, but he searched for tens of thousands of years for a suitable treasure, but could not find it.

Finally, at the age of 1001, he was finally found in a tomb that was struck open by lightning.

That is the wooden coffin in front of me, a kind of extremely precious lightning strike wood that even Thunder Immortal has never seen or heard of.

Of course, he didn't care what it was, as long as it could be used.

After that, with the will of being prepared for danger in times of peace, Immortal Thunder left behind two inheritances, one light and one dark.

The obvious one is naturally the inheritance hall.

The dark one is this wooden coffin.

Regardless of whether it is overt or dark, in fact, its core is one skill: "Five Elements Holy Thunder Technique!"

All of Thunder Immortal’s achievements stem from this technique.

This skill is in the ninth area.

Among the nine stages of receiving inheritance, the first eight stages all serve the ninth stage.

Enhancing the physical strength and soul strength of the candidates, as well as helping the candidates master and integrate the Five Elements, are all paving the way for receiving the "Five Elements Holy Thunder Technique".

This is a step-by-step process that guarantees that candidates who reach the ninth stage will definitely be able to cultivate into the first level of the "Five Elements Holy Thunder Technique".

Once you understand it, you will officially become the descendant of Thunder Immortal, and you will also have a strong ability to protect yourself.

Even if there is a strong enemy guarding the exit of Dongxu, trying to pick peaches, there is a high probability that this descendant will be able to escape.

All in all, after completing the entire process of the inheritance space, you can get the most complete inheritance of Immortal Thunder.

And once Dongxu encounters a crisis and no one can complete the process, it's time for the Thunderbolt to appear.

Among the thunder and fire, there is also the "Five Elements Holy Thunder Technique".

However, the "Five Elements Holy Thunder Technique" inside is not a complete cultivation technique, but a brand of martial arts condensed with this technique!

Belonging exclusively to Thunder Immortal, the martial arts imprint of the way of thunder and lightning!

How to understand the "Five Elements Holy Thunder Technique" through this brand of martial arts, and how to practice it, all depend on the warrior himself, and are full of uncertainties.

But one thing is certain.

That is, no matter who is recognized by the Thunder Fire Seed and obtains the "Five Elements Holy Thunder Technique" from it, they will not be able to cultivate to the first level before the cave is closed.

Whether he can understand the secrets of the first heaven is still unknown.

Another very confusing thing is that before the "Five Elements Holy Thunder Technique" is understood, the martial arts imprint of the way of thunder and lightning can be taken away by others.

A fire is a fire. As long as it is not extinguished, no matter whose hands it is, isn't it still a fire?

No matter who realizes the "Five Elements Holy Thunder Technique", doesn't he inherit the inheritance of Thunder Immortal?

The inheritance is continuous, but in whose hands it is continuous, isn’t it all continuous?

"This, the main character is a cheater!"

Gu Xuan cursed in his heart.

But if you think about it carefully, it is a lie, but it can maximize the inheritance and ensure the continuity.

However, it is one thing to continue it, and it is another matter to be able to carry it forward.

But things have developed to the point where if Thunderbolt is needed to choose a successor, it's basically a broken pot.

If there was only one person here, such as Jin Wansan, the fire type would have to choose him.

Now, after all, there are still two people, and they are the best two people for it to choose from. It has already made a lot of money.


The wooden coffin flew to the sixth area, flying between Gu Xuan and Tongtian Python! It has to make the final decision!

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