"as you wish!"

The White Jade Fairy sensed the laws of order flowing in the inheritance space, and gathered all the power of the laws that could be mobilized into Gu Xuan.

A shimmering light actually appeared on Gu Xuan's body.

In the light, there seems to be an illusory image of an immortal spirit, looking down at the heaven and earth!

Buzz buzz.

The void trembles.

The space around Gu Xuan's body became inexplicably distorted, as if there was a terrifying pressure emanating from Gu Xuan's body.

And even the inheritance space cannot bear this pressure!

The White Jade Fairy stared at Gu Xuan intently, feeling that the power of law hovering over Gu Xuan's body seemed to be cheering for joy.

They are actually more energetic than when they are controlled by themselves, and the energy fluctuations they emit are stronger.

This means that its power is naturally stronger!

"This feeling... this feeling is so similar to the feeling of the old master manipulating the laws of order?

I really didn’t expect that Gu Xuan actually had such a magical method?

Could it be that he is the reincarnation of his old master?

Perhaps, he can really successfully enter the wooden coffin and regain the inheritance! "

Tiger King's white eyes were filled with anticipation.

Gu Xuan still stood in the void, holding the Heaven-Destroying Sword in his hand, pointing at the wooden coffin shrouded in rays of light.

But what was different from before was that at this time, Gu Xuan's state of mind changed slightly after being entangled by the laws of order.

He felt that he now seemed to have some kind of power to say whatever he wanted and do whatever he wanted.

Moreover, this power has reached its peak.

What we are about to face is the decline after the peak.

This seemed to be some kind of warning, warning him that he must take action as soon as possible!

A smile appeared on Gu Xuan's lips.

Time should be enough!

A brilliant sword glow bloomed from the Heaven-Slaying Sword.

It also bloomed from Gu Xuan.

At this moment, he and the Zhutian Sword merged into one body, and he also merged into this space.

The majestic sword intent rippled away from Gu Xuan's body like ripples.

Ripple, only one circle.

But this is the circle of ripples. Wherever it reaches, even if it reaches the peak of the Six Tribulations of Perfection, I am afraid that I will feel like I am about to be killed instantly with a sword.

The ripples are getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, the corrugated edge collided with the colorful glow that enveloped the wooden coffin.

At this moment, Gu Xuan's figure disappeared from the place as if teleporting, and appeared in front of Xiaguang.

The tip of the Heaven-Destroying Sword thrust out by the sword overlapped with the ripples of sword intent, and also collided with the glow around the wooden coffin.

A gap immediately appeared in Xiaguang.

The tip of the sword advanced.

The gap grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The next moment, the Zhutian Sword was completely submerged in the glow.

Gu Xuan's right arm and Gu Xuan's body also disappeared into the glow.

But as the sword tip advances in the glow, the resistance is getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, the sword tip was about to penetrate the rays of light, only an inch away from the wooden coffin, and stopped.

The law of order surging in Gu Xuan's body is only the last layer left, less than one-fifth of what it was at its peak.


Tiger King Bai's heart skipped a beat, and he took a step forward, as if he wanted to rush out.

"Don't worry, where are you?

Gu Xuan, it is impossible to fail! "

The White Jade Fairy looked confidently at Gu Xuan, whose back was the only one left in the glow.

This is indeed the case.

How could Gu Xuan allow himself to fail?

The immortal aura has been imitated. What kind of terrible backlash pressure has his body and soul endured?

If you fail at this time, wouldn’t the hardship you endured just now be in vain?

Two divine swords hanging upside down appeared in Gu Xuan's eyes.

A handful is red, as hot as fire.

One handful is blue, as blue as the ocean.

The laws of water and fire surged out violently from Gu Xuan's body, forming a storm.

"The Supreme Nine Ultimate Skills, the ultimate sword of fire! The ultimate sword of water!

The two swords merge into one, the dual swords of water and fire! "

Gu Xuan pushed his water and fire skills to the extreme!

At this time, after receiving Immortal Thunder's inheritance on the way of water and fire, his control and attainment of these two attribute powers had already reached an unimaginable level.

It can be said that in terms of the way of water and fire, in the entire realm of Dzogchen, few people can surpass him.

call out.

Gu Xuan clearly slashed out two swords, but there was only a sound of piercing the air.

The power of the two swords each generates an energy dragon.

A flaming dragon, black.

Another weak water dragon, blue.

The two giant dragons only appeared for a moment before they became entangled with each other and merged into one body. They burst out with terrifying power and rushed forward.

At the same time, all the remaining laws of order on Gu Xuan were integrated into the water and fire dragon.

The last inch of glow was like window paper, broken by the giant dragon of water and fire.

Moreover, the power of the water and fire dragon has not weakened much.

It hit the wooden coffin hard, on the coffin lid that was already incomplete.


It was like thunder exploding.

The whole wooden coffin was shaking.

Gu Xuan stared at the broken part of the coffin lid and the bug eyes on the coffin.

“Sure enough, this coffin seems to have a damaged lid and many bug holes in other places.

But in fact, this is actually a kind of 'perfection' for it.

It is complete!

Worm eyes, incomplete parts, are all part of the 'complete'.

It is simply impossible to get in from those places! "

Gu Xuan raised his left fist.

"Chaos Bipolar Fist!"

The fist flew out and hit the wooden coffin hard.


The wooden coffin shook even more violently.

Gu Xuan even noticed that there were actually wisps of rays of light emerging from the inside of the coffin and dissipating.


A panicked, unwilling and angry roar came from the wooden coffin.

"What did you do? What did you do!

Why did the brand fragments disappear before they were collected? "

This voice is naturally the remnant soul of Immortal Thunder.

Obviously, his dream of receiving the inheritance left in the Thunder Fire Seed failed.

"It's now!"

There was a flash of light in Gu Xuan's eyes.

He could clearly see that the coffin lid on the wooden coffin had become loose after the blow just now, and there were more than one gap.

The power of rolling time and space emerged on Gu Xuan.

He put away the Heaven-Destroying Sword, took one step forward, and his body turned into a stream of light, and in a wave of time and space, he got into the wooden coffin.

"Gu Xuan? How is it possible? How can you come in?

No, why do you smell like an old guy? what on earth is it?

what you up to? stop! asshole! I kill you! "

Inside the wooden coffin, the voice of Thunder Immortal's remnant soul came again, but it seemed more panicked than before, and his words were somewhat incoherent.

Ping ping ping pong.

The sound of impact sounded.

Wooden coffins were flying in the void.

However, it only flew around for less than three seconds.

"Let's go!"

Gu Xuan's voice sounded from it.

The coffin lid was suddenly knocked upright, and the body of Thunder Immortal's remnant soul was suddenly thrown out.

The moment he stepped out of the coffin, dozens of energy fragments emerged from his body and sank into the wooden coffin.

The current appearance of the remnant soul of Immortal Thunder is still that of the Heavenly Python.

This has not changed for him yet.

The "successor" recognized by the wooden coffin was ultimately Babel Python, not him.

And now, this "successor" is Gu Xuan!


The coffin lid was pulled down hard with one hand and closed.

Gu Xuan was lying in the wooden coffin and felt that suddenly, the whole world became quiet.

And his body seemed to be lying on the lake, rising and falling with the water.

The next second, rays of dense rays of light enveloped his body.

Countless energy fragments emerged from the glow, one by one, rushing towards his body.

These energy fragments are undoubtedly the martial arts brand that has been divided into countless pieces.

If the Immortal's martial arts imprint were a whole body, and suddenly got into a Dzogchen body, you could even imagine the consequences with your knees.

Only by breaking it into parts can it be slowly accepted by warriors.

It wasn't until this moment that Gu Xuan was completely relieved. Sure enough, Thunder Fire cannot refuse a person with the aura of Thunder Immortal!

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