A corner of the Thunder Mountains.

Dazzling light is erupting from the ground.

That is the treasure Xiaguang, the treasure Xiaguang that will appear only when the immortal weapon is born.

The entire sky seemed to be occupied by this glow.

In the rays of light, there are various visions.

Many auspicious beasts that only existed in ancient times were flying and flying among them.

Many strange creatures that only existed in ancient times are also playing happily in it.

You can even vaguely see giant trees, soaring upwards, connecting the earth and the sky.

He has great perseverance and is climbing along the tree, hoping to reach the sky and become an immortal.

It was a scene of great prosperity.

But soon, the sea changed, the world changed dramatically, auspicious beasts were penetrated by spears, strange creatures were roasted by fire and cooked in oil, and giant trees fell to the ground one after another and turned into a handful of dust.


As the entire Thunder Mountain Range shook, a metal box one thousand feet long and one thousand feet wide finally emerged from the ground.

Half of it is outside the Thunder Mountain Range.

The other half is within the mountain.

But even though only half of it was exposed, the golden light that hit his face and the ever-present aura of the fairy weapon still shocked people.

On the metal box, the lines are extremely mysterious, natural and beautiful.

Supreme pressure emanates from the metal box.

Everything shows its extraordinaryness.

Anyone who sees it for the first time will probably be shocked beyond measure.

"What a beautiful fairy weapon!"

"There is such an immortal weapon in the Thunder Immortal Cave? What on earth is this?"

“Didn’t I say that the two most precious immortal weapons here are the immortal sword and the immortal knife?

But I really can't imagine that those two things can be more attractive than the one in front of me! "

A man who was famous in the sword world had a look of covet on his face and was filled with admiration.

"What exactly is this..."

Hao BuTong was hanging high in the void, looking at the half metal box emerging from the ground, his eyes full of surprise.

For this operation, the sword world had collected a lot of information about Thunder Immortal Cave Xu, but none of it mentioned this fairy weapon.

This magical artifact was just an ordinary metal box on the surface, but the moment it appeared, everything in the world seemed to have lost its luster.

Hao Tongtong had a vague feeling that even the fairy sword coveted by the sword world in the Thunder Immortal's treasure house may not be more valuable than the fairy weapon in front of him.

Logically speaking, such an immortal weapon should be placed in an immortal's treasure house rather than an immortal sword or sword.

But why is he here?


At this moment, a ray of light flew out of Hao BuTong's robe and flew straight towards the metal box.

Hao BuTong's expression changed.

That ray of light was one of the two-sided golden tokens formed by the two-headed treasure-hunting golden dragon condensed in the "Huntian Divine Disk" of the sword world.

Once it finds traces of Thunder Immortal's treasure house, it will fly out and lock it!

Buzz buzz.

The golden token flew ten feet away from the metal box and kept trembling.

The rolling sound waves distorted the space and turned into an arrow.

The arrow is naturally pointing directly at the metal box!

Hao Tongtong's pupils suddenly shrank, and then he was ecstatic:

"This metal box is not only an immortal weapon, it is actually the treasure house of Immortal Thunder!"


The metal box continued to rise, and the parts that were still underground soon emerged.

On the flat surface, facing the side beyond the mountains, four characters gradually appeared on it: Star Cave.

Under the four characters, an arched stone door, one foot high and one wide, slowly appeared.

"It turns out that the name of the immortal's treasure house is called 'Star Cave'?"

Hao BuTong felt a little embarrassed.

In order to catch spies, he created a fake immortal treasure house and named it "Thunder Immortal Treasure House" as a matter of course.

Logically speaking, Thunder Immortal's treasure house should be called this.

Even if it's not accurate enough, it should be pretty close.

But I never expected that an immortal treasure house with so many majestic names would be called "Star Cave".

But after thinking about it, it seems reasonable.

This name was not given by Thunder Immortal, but given by the person who refined it.

Thunder Immortal just used it as his own treasure house.


The golden token flew in front of the stone gate of Star Cave, seeming to be exploring something.

“The first person to find the entrance to the Immortal Treasure House will get 500 contribution points.

snort! Hao Bufan, you lost this competition! "

Hao BuTong smiled proudly, waved his hand, and a burst of energy flew into the golden token suspended in front of the Star Cave.

This was the golden token in Hao Bufan's hand from the Sword World that sent a signal, telling him the time when he had found the entrance to the Immortal's Treasure House.

Both sides of the golden token will record the time at the moment when the entrance to the Immortal Treasure House is discovered to determine who wins and who loses in the Sword World and the Knife World.

Of course, it depends on the person holding the golden token whether to tell the other party immediately.

Anyway, the time recorded by the golden token cannot be faked, and it will be the same when the winner is judged afterwards.

But Hao BuTong couldn't wait any longer.

However, after the signal was released, Hao BuTong's expression became ugly.

The other party actually sent a signal.

On top of the golden token, two phantoms of crossed swords appeared.

This means that after verification by the golden token, the time when both parties found the entrance to the Immortal Treasure House was exactly the same, exactly!

Because, if the sword world wins, what emerges from the golden token will be a sword shadow.

On the contrary, what emerges is the shadow of the knife.

The crossed swords represent a tie.

"How is it possible? Hao Bufan also found the entrance to another immortal treasure house?

How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

The Huntian Divine Pan belongs to the sword world, so Hao Bufan couldn't have done anything with it, right? "

Hao BuTong had a look of suspicion on his face and was in a bad mood.

at this time.

Under the mountains in the far west.

The scene here is exactly the same as the scene in the Thunder Mountains in the far east.

Similarly, there is a metal box half embedded in the mountain.

On the outward side of the metal box, there is a stone door.

Above the stone gate, the words "Star Cave" appear.

There was even a golden token floating in front of the stone gate.

On the tokens, there are images of crossed swords.

Everything is as if carved from the same mold.

Hao Bufan and everyone in the sword world were in a bad mood.

"Cheating! People from the Sword World must have cheated!

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence? We just found the entrance to the Immortal Treasure House, and they found it too? "

A young man from the sword world looked unhappy.

Hao Bufan's face turned slightly gloomy.

He knew very well that cheating was simply impossible.

The Huntian Divine Disk is the treasure of the sword world and is controlled by him.

The two-sided golden token is the product of the Huntian Divine Disk. Even if someone cheats, it can only be him. How could it be someone from the Sword Realm?

Everything can only be attributed to this amazing coincidence.

A coincidence that made him extremely unwilling and his heart sank to the bottom.

Previously, according to the news sent back by Tong Weijing, people from the Sword World captured the Bone Priest.

As for the bone priest, in the competition between the sword world and the sword world for contribution points, he is worth a thousand contribution points!

It can be said that the sword world is already far ahead.

I thought I could gain some ground by finding the entrance to the Immortal Treasure House first.

Unexpectedly, the other party found him at the same time.

The two sides fought to a draw.

The one that lags behind is still the sword world.

If you want to make a comeback, you have to capture the other two cave guardians alive, Tiger King Bai or Thunder Immortal Remnant Soul.

Or, find the fairy sword and fairy knife first.

These two things are each worth one thousand contribution points.

Although there is an agreement in advance, the fairy sword must belong to the other party, but if it is found by one's side, the other party needs to pay contribution points in exchange.

One comes and goes, one goes down and the other goes up. Obtaining the fairy sword is equivalent to a net profit of 2,000 contribution points.

The treasure glow in the sky has reached its peak.

The Star Cave trembled violently, causing the whole world to shake.

After that, it calmed down, shining golden light quietly on the spot, spitting out runes, as if calling everyone to come and conquer it.

However, neither Hao Bufan nor Hao Bufan moved.

Because they know that if they want to conquer the fairy weapon of Xingchen Cave, they may not be able to do so from the outside.

You have to go inside!

At this time, inside the Star Cave.

Gu Xuan took Tiger King Bai and Bone Priest through the long passage and entered a huge cave.

"Is this a fairyland?" As soon as he entered the grotto and looked at the dazzling array of treasures, Gu Xuan felt like he had entered a fairyland!

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