"There are still people causing trouble?"

Gu Xuan snorted coldly, moved towards the stone gate that was under attack.

"Don't be impulsive, Gu Xuan, it's your companions, the White Jade Fairy and the fat man!"

Tiger King Bai sensed the situation outside the stone gate and hurriedly reminded him.

Gu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Not an enemy, that’s fine.

"Can you bring them in?" Gu Xuan asked.

"I have to wait at least an hour before I can do it." Tiger King Bai answered truthfully.

"Then there's no way!"

Gu Xuan clenched his fist, and he could only smash the stone gate here personally.

Anyway, as long as half a quarter of an hour later, the Thunder Tiger Talisman will return to normal, and the Star Cave will become an owner again. It will be easy to repair a stone gate or something.

With the strength of White Jade Fairy and Jin Wansan, I don’t know how long it will take to break the stone gate into pieces?

Outside the stone gate.

Fairy Baiyu and Jin Wansan each held a broken fairy weapon in their hands and launched an attack towards the stone door.

However, just when the two attacks were still one foot away from the stone door, there was a bang and the stone door actually shattered.

A figure in white appeared behind the broken stone door. Who was it if it wasn't Gu Xuan?

Those two attacks naturally flew towards Gu Xuan, and were about to hit him!

"Brother Gu Xuan, get out of here!"

"Get out of the way!"

Fairy Baiyu and Jin Wansan obviously did not expect such a change, and they used soul transmission to let Gu Xuan avoid it.

Gu Xuan just laughed.

He slapped twice casually and sent the two attacks flying away diagonally.


Behind Fairy Baiyu and Jin Wansan, two explosions sounded.

The aftermath of the billowing explosion almost knocked Jin Wansan over.

Fortunately, just as he rushed forward and knelt down on one knee, Gu Xuan held him back.

"Brother Wan San, it's still early for the New Year, so there's really no need to give this big gift."

Gu Xuan smiled jokingly.

Fairy White Jade's body swayed, and the corners of her mouth twitched a few times.

Just now, what made them so crazy that they actually thought that Gu Xuan would be hit and injured by two attacks of that magnitude?

Isn't this a joke?

The man slapped the two attacks away with two random slaps.

"Damn it, you've tricked me again!"

Jin Wansan stood up, patted his knees, took out a small notebook, and viciously wrote down Gu Xuan's writing process.

In the future, one day, all the examples of pen decoration recorded in this small book will be performed on him one by one.

Isn't it just a pen?

Like no one else!

Gu Xuan looked at the small notebook in Jin Wansan's hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

As the saying goes, a hundred kinds of rice can feed a hundred kinds of people. What kind of strange rice can raise such a strange young man?

Gu Xuan suddenly became curious about Jin Wansan's old father.

It’s not necessarily related to rice. Maybe it’s all genetic?

Of course, this is very unlikely.

After all, he is the richest man in the Jin Maple world, so he should have a different style of painting from Jin Wansan.

"Gu Xuan, have you recognized this Star Cave as its owner?"

The White Jade Fairy couldn't help but test it.

Gu Xuan smiled mysteriously.

"of course not."

Fairy Baiyu and Jin Wansan said excitedly at the same time: "So, we still have a chance?"

Gu Xuan chuckled.


There is in the dream!

"Come in with me. Things are complicated. We'll talk about it later."

Gu Xuan turned around and entered the Star Cave. After the White Jade Fairy and the two came in, he used his method again to restore the stone gate to its "original state."

Of course, it's the same as before, only to the naked eye.

The three of them walked through the long passage and entered the grotto.

The scene in the grotto made the White Jade Fairy, who was used to big scenes, almost drool.

On the contrary, Jin Wansan was quite calm.

"It is worthy of being an Immortal Cave and an Immortal Treasure House. The value of the many treasures in this grotto alone is probably comparable to one-tenth of the apparent wealth of my Jin family."

Jin Wansan was filled with emotion.

Gu Xuan's whole face was twitching.

Tithe of property?

Or on the surface?

In other words, not secretly?

This made Gu Xuan feel frustrated.

Just now he was thinking that after he obtained everything in Xianren Cave, he should be richer than Jin Wansan's family.

But he never expected that the slap in the face would come so quickly.

The financial resources of the Jin Wansan family are actually so strong!

"You looked so ugly in Versailles!"

Gu Xuan secretly cursed Jin Wansan.

Jin Wansan sneezed, but he didn't know that he had already placed a big pen in front of Gu Xuan.

After a long time, Fairy White Jade wiped away her saliva and regained her reserve as a fairy and her rationality as a warrior.

Only then did she notice that Tiger King Bai was actually imprisoned, and what the Bone Priest was stepping on was not a ball, but the remnant soul of the Thunder Immortal.

The White Jade Fairy quickly picked up the remnant soul, put it in her hand, squeezed it into a ball and flattened it, and asked with great interest:

"What happened after we separated?"

Jin Wansan pricked up his ears and wanted to know.

Gu Xuan kept the story short and briefly recounted what happened before.

After hearing this, Fairy Baiyu and Jin Wansan both widened their eyes.

But soon, Jin Wansan suddenly said: "No! There is a flaw!

Brother Gu Xuan, tell me, outside the stone gate on the left side of Xingchen Cave, there are people from the sword world.

Outside the stone gate on the right are people from the sword world.

But, how is this possible?

This is obviously the Thunder Mountain Range in the far east, while the people of the Sword World are in the far west.

How is it possible, outside the stone gates on both sides of the Star Cave?

This is only a thousand feet away. "

Fairy Baiyu also showed doubts.

Gu Xuan smoothly grabbed the crushed remnant soul from Fairy White Jade's hand and squeezed it into a round shape.

"Of course I didn't lie to you. Have you ever thought that the Immortal Cave is actually a round world?

You see, if this line is the Thunder Mountain Range, it runs through the entire cave from south to north.

And we are at any point far away from the Thunder Mountains.

Then, no matter you go east or west, you will eventually reach the side of the Thunder Mountains.

Therefore, no matter how far west or east you are, when you reach the end, you will see the Thunder Mountains!

The Star Cave runs through the Thunder Mountain Range, so people on both sides can see it. "

Gu Xuan took the ball-shaped remnant soul and explained it vividly.

Fairy Baiyu understood immediately, and Jin Wansan also understood after thinking about it.

But he still had questions, and added: "But the Star Cave is a square box, only a thousand feet wide. It shouldn't be able to penetrate the Thunder Mountain Range, right?"

Gu Xuan shrugged and explained:

"This should involve some space methods. I don't know how to do it specifically.

All in all, it shouldn't be too difficult to do something like this. "

Jin Wansan nodded. Although he didn't understand, he looked so awesome.

Fairy White Jade didn't pay attention to these details. She only knew several similar spatial methods, and it didn't matter.

“Thunder Mountain Range connects the north and the south.

Making one immortal treasure house look like two is indeed a stroke of genius.

If it weren't for you, I'm afraid people from the sword world and people from the sword world would come here together.

At that time, their expressions should be very interesting. "

Fairy White Jade fantasized in her mind and couldn't help but smile.

Finally, during the chat among several people, the last bit of energy in the lightning clone was not absorbed into the Thunder Tiger Talisman.

As the thunder and lightning clones dispersed, the power of the Golden Crow Blood Curse was completely resolved and driven away.


The Thunder Tiger Talisman trembled and returned to its original appearance, emitting a dazzling light.

It finally established contact with Thunder Immortal Dongxu again!

"Now, Gu Xuan, get its recognition and recognize it as your master!

This is your last test! "

Tiger King Bai's eyes burned brightly, reminding Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan’s eyes shine! This moment has finally arrived!

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