Eternal Pill Emperor

C424 Broken star seizer

Gu Xuan walked at the very front with a "as expected" smile on the corner of his mouth.

No one noticed that after a slight spatial ripple, the transparent dagger that Zhangsun Chong had just released into the air had already appeared in his hands.


With a sweep of the Soul Power, the Protection Barrier inside the transparent knife was easily penetrated and obtained the information within.

This message was actually the news that Zhangsun Chong had informed the Blade Sect that Gu Xuan was a Heavenly Martial Cultivator.

At the same time, he had also informed Gu Xuan about the situation where Ying Tian Sect was already the most respected one and wanted him to send out experts to force Gu Xuan to transfer the ten spots to the Heaven-Burying Death Land.

After he finished reading, there was another wave of spatial fluctuations.

The translucent knife appeared from the spot where it had disappeared. It followed its original trajectory and flew in the direction it had come from.

"The ten spots to enter Heaven-Burying Death Land are not bad, just treat it as a gift from Zhangsun Chong."

Gu Xuan had already made up his mind. No matter how vicious Zhangsun Chong thought, in the end, Gu Xuan believed that all of Zhangsun Chong's thoughts would be on him.

With a slight move of his lips, Gu Xuan passed the news he just obtained to everyone in the Ying Tian Sect, telling everyone to be on guard.

Everyone was shocked, they had never expected that under their eyes, Zhangsun Chong would actually dare to do something to him.

However, no one moved.

Very quickly, Gu Xuan and the group of ten arrived at an extremely flat area at the foot of the mountain.

This place was already packed full of people, even more crowded than other places.

No one was flying. This was the rule of the auction, otherwise it would be deemed as an attempt to cause trouble.

Gu Xuan looked from afar, there were flags planted all around the auction house.

The word "Beichen" represented the background of the auction house.

"It really is a Beichen Trading Company."

Gu Xuan smiled faintly. In this kind of chaotic place, only the Beichen Trading Company, which was spread across the entire continent, was able to run over and hold an auction as if nothing had happened.

The auction had already begun, and the auctioneer was a white-haired, Old Man son.

That was a defense type of peak Human Rank armor, and after being blown about by him to a point where it was rarely seen in the sky and rarely seen on the ground, the King Level Zong Stage Expert s continuously bid to compete with each other.

The moment Zhangsun Chong arrived, he immediately went to chat with a manager from Beichen Trading Company. After lighting up his identity plate, he immediately received a bidding token.

As if offering a treasure, Zhangsun Chong smiled and handed over the bidding token to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan received it with a smile, as if he had never intercepted Zhangsun Chong's transparent knife just now.

After auctioning a few items in a row, the most precious one was only a set of Earth-Step Middle Grade Spiritual Treasure, Gu Xuan was not the least bit interested.

Then, with a loud bang, the sound of a drum suddenly rang out, causing the eardrums of the people around the auction house to ring out.

Everyone immediately became alert and revealed a look of curiosity.

During the auction, there was a sound of a drum, indicating that the auction was about to begin. There was a treasure with a starting price of a hundred Heavenly Essence Pill.

Very quickly, an exquisite box was lifted up by two assistant auctioneers.

The old auctioneer laughed. "Next up will be one of the three main events of today. This is a broken Spiritual Treasure, but, even if it is broken, he has an unusual value. "

These words aroused the strong curiosity of everyone.

Under the hopeful gaze of the crowd, the old auctioneer slowly opened the box.

Without the suppression from the Protection Barrier on the box, a biting cold and bloody Qi immediately surged out from the box.

This smell of blood also contained a chilling killing intent. It was as if thousands of men and horses were lining up in a grand formation, ready to launch a world-shocking battle!

The expressions of everyone present, including the Emperor Level Expert, could not help but change.

Even Gu Xuan's expression could not help but change.

His face was terrifyingly gloomy, terrifying to the point that it looked as if he wanted to kill someone!

But that murderous look only lasted for a moment, and then it disappeared. When everyone was still in shock from the killing intent, no one noticed Gu Xuan's face.

On the stage, the old auctioneer was introducing the Spiritual Treasure s in the box with a bewitching voice.

"This Spiritual Treasure belongs to an absolute warrior! Everyone might be unfamiliar with this name, but everyone in the older generation knew that in the continent, a generation of Peerless Expert had once appeared. His name was Gu Xingyun! This Spiritual Treasure is his weapon, the former Heaven Rank Spiritual Treasure, the Star Picking Hand! "

Beside Gu Xuan, Mo Jingyun's face changed.

"That broken Spiritual Treasure is actually the Star Picking Hand? Even I almost didn't recognize him. The Star Picking Hand was obviously Master's Spiritual Treasure, how did it become Gu Xingyun's thing? I remember Gu Xingyun said before that Master would lend this Spiritual Treasure to him for a period of time, but how could this treasure be broken to such an extent? "

Mo Jingyun's heart was in a mess, as though he had grasped on to something.

But he did not dare think further, and forced himself to stop, staring straight at the Star Picking Hand.

"Gu Xuan, this Spiritual Treasure, you have to win it!"

Mo Jingyun transmitted to Gu Xuan.

"This Spiritual Treasure, I want it!"

Gu Xuan clenched his teeth.

"Now, I announce the start of the auction. The starting price was one hundred Heavenly Essence Pill! Every increase in price must not be less than ten Heavenly Essence Pill! "

the old auctioneer shouted.

The atmosphere below was still very warm. Just now, the old auctioneer had told him some of the things he had done about Gu Xingyun.

But in actuality, Gu Xingyun's name wasn't well-known, and many of the young generation didn't even know of this person's name.

Some of the older people introduced him to the younger generation with a proud expression.

However, what they actually knew wasn't much. Although Gu Xingyun had glittered in light back then, he had only risen up for a short period of time.

Of course, even if Gu Xingyun wasn't famous, he wouldn't be able to stop everyone's enthusiasm towards this "used to be a Heaven Rank Spiritual Treasure", even if this "Heaven Rank Spiritual Treasure" was broken beyond recognition.

"One hundred Heavenly Essence Pill!"

Someone took the lead to raise the bidding token, on it the words "one hundred Heavenly Essence Pill" appeared.

"Bastard, a hundred Heavenly Essence Pill, this is simply insulting to the Heaven Rank Spiritual Treasure. I bid two hundred!"

"Two hundred! That's still a bumpkin. I bid five hundred!"

The bidding was fierce.

Gu Xuan raised the bidding token in his hand.

"A thousand Heavenly Essence Pill!"


It was like a thunder from a clear sky, causing everyone to be stupefied.

"Will they bid? We can't not make a ruckus!"

"Is this person crazy?"

Some people were cursing loudly.

A single Heavenly Essence Pill was enough to make a person's Small Sects go crazy.

One thousand Heavenly Essence Pill could buy a pretty good Medium Sects.

Some people were cursing, while others were extremely happy.

The old auctioneer's face turned red.

A thousand Heavenly Essence Pill, for this broken Heaven Rank Spiritual Treasure, could definitely be considered to be a sky-high price.

"A thousand Heavenly Essence Pill going once!"

If nothing unexpected happened, this Spiritual Treasure would belong to the young man who had bid a thousand Heavenly Essence Pill.

"One thousand Heavenly Essence Pill going twice!"

The auctioneer raised the hammer in his hand!

"One Thousand..."

"Fifteen hundred Heavenly Essence Pill!"

A crisp sound suddenly rang out.

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