Jingdao spirit, or not appear, once it appears, it is absolutely more than one.

That is to say, there are other excellent Ning Dao elves!

However, the best Ningdao elves are very good at camouflage and are more smart than people. They are extremely difficult to find. It is even harder to catch them!

Moreover, even if it is captured, it is not so easy to recognize it.

The resistance of Shangpin Ningdao spirit has made many martial artists at the top of the sect unable to recognize him as the master. I'm afraid that other people can't suppress the resistance of the elite Ning Dao spirit except for the strong ones like mieshura.

However, everything depends on the chance, no one will think that they are not qualified to recognize the master of the Ning Tao spirit. Maybe, it will become?

Therefore, even though they know that the probability is very small, many people continue to reexamine the congdao elves who have been discovered before and behaved somewhat strangely.

This time, even the lower class Ning Road spirit are not many people willing to let go.

Only a few people are still concerned about the confrontation between mieshura and guxuan.

"Ha ha, how are you, Gu Xuan? When I refine these two top-grade Ning Dao elves and this excellent Ning Dao spirit, my strength will crush you thoroughly! Then, I will be the first to destroy you

Mieshura has been excited to the extreme. Originally, he had thought that the chance to defeat the lotus God and the ancient Xuan was very small. But now, God will take care of himself!

Gu Xuan stood still in the void, as if he had not moved since ancient times. Even the smile on his face seemed to have never disappeared.

"In my eyes, you are just a clown. I'd like to see how you can make progress by refining these three Ning Dao elves?"

With his hands behind him, Gu Xuan gazed at mieshura with a playful look.

"Well, open your eyes and see clearly!"

Mieshura laughed a few times, and the three Ning Dao elves in his hands flew up and quickly turned around his body for several times. Each way of mysterious energy reached the extreme. With the atomization of Ning Dao spirit's body, it did not enter into mieshura's body.

The whole person of mieshura is surrounded by this mysterious energy. On his head, there is a huge bloody sword, which stretches across the sky, just like the killing magic knife in the deep Shura battlefield!

Just seeing it makes people feel scared.

The terrible whirlpool of black clouds condenses and spins in the sky above the secret place of lotus God. It seems that the whirlpool is connected with purgatory. It is extremely terrible and frightening. It has a faint feeling that it can swallow everything!

"What is that? It's terrible!"

"Is that the Dao of mieshura? This is definitely the first person to be buried in heaven and death from ancient times to the present

Countless praise, from the mouth of a group of martial arts, all praise the destroy Shura.

"This time the lotus God secret realm line, finally obtains the biggest harvest, certainly is destroys the Shura."

Some people marvel.

"He was originally the strongest one under the lotus God, but now he has refined the best Ning Dao spirit. His strength is probably hundreds of times stronger. He is buried in heaven and earth, and another" God "is born."

Someone has already carried the mieshura to the point of shoulder to shoulder with the lotus God!

There was a rare flash of dignified color in Gu Xuan's eyes.

Now the extermination of Shura has been a great consummation of the imperial level!

But the sense of perfection on his body has a faint sense of detachment. He has even touched the edge of the great emperor's realm!

The realm of imperial level great consummation was originally difficult to enter, but with the help of the spirit of the supreme Ning Dao, there was a trace of breakthrough in the realm of destroying Shura.

Perhaps, with an epiphany and a chance at any time, mieshura can surpass the lotus God and become the strongest one in this heaven and earth!

At the moment, the lotus God is hidden in a space completely different from the secret realm of lotus God.

In her hands, she also holds two top-grade Ning Dao elves and a top-grade Ning Dao elf.

"At last! This time, the way of heaven, I finally broke free of your shackles and captured three Ning Dao elves. With them, I will be able to break through the shackles, promoted to the realm of the great emperor! Then, it will be easy to become the Lord of the dead and the sky! "

Lotus God's face is full of smile, three Ning Dao elves are refined in her hands.

At this moment, the lotus God is in the secret state.


Within a thousand meters, all the original Qi condensed into liquid was absorbed by mieshura, which replenished his consumption of martial arts and consolidated his realm.

Practicing in the secret realm of lotus God is like having inexhaustible energy. You don't have to worry about hitting the realm, and the energy to consolidate the realm is not enough.

Mieshura opened his eyes and stared at Gu Xuan.

He held out a hand, a bloody sword, in his hand condensed.

"Next, let you see my Shura Dao! Now I, even if the lotus God is not afraid, destroy you, easyMieshura stares at Gu Xuan with strong confidence.


Gu Xuan gently spread out his hands, and the black and white light was on.

A simple ancient book, appeared in his hand, is the book of life and death!

Anger and stillness circulate on the ancient Xuan.

Gu Xuan was staring at the exterminator quietly, and the corner of his mouth said, "do you think you can really kill me?"

Mieshura sneered and said, "what do you think? Today, even if you have a life and death book, you can't keep your own life! "

"Who said I was going to use the life and death book? I just don't want the powerful way of life and death in the book of life and death to affect my next promotion. I've been at the top level for a long time. "

The book of life and death flies high, hovering on the top of the ancient Xuan, far away from it.

However, Gu Xuan didn't worry about being robbed of the book of life and death. It was his own property and no one could rob it.

Gu Xuan took out a Ning Dao spirit, which was the last one that Gu Xuan caught. It looked like a stupid "inferior Ning Dao spirit".

This extremely fine Ning Dao spirit didn't react at all, so he was caught by Gu Xuan. Up to now, he still pretends to be stupid.

As soon as the Ning Dao spirit appeared, it immediately caused a lot of ridicule.

Mieshura laughs most fiercely, almost covering his stomach.

"I'm laughing to death. I've caught the lower grade Ning Dao spirit. You don't hide it, but you dare to take it out. Why, do you want to use it to realize Tao and promote the imperial realm? It's really amazing. I'm so happy, ha ha... "

Mieshura laughed, as if to use laughter, vent the discontent that had been suppressed by the ancient Xuan.

Gu Xuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "who told you that what I caught was the lower class Ning Dao spirit? I'll take a look at something you can't even look at? "

Gu Xuan said: "ignorance is not terrible. What's terrible is that we should be proud of ignorance. In the end, we will only be ourselves."

Gu Xuan gently touched the Ning Dao spirit, and suddenly, the whole spirit and spirit of this Ning Dao spirit had undergone earth shaking changes.

"Hee hee!"

Ning Dao spirit's eyes are also like looking at a fool, as if to laugh at his ignorance.

At this moment, the eyes of all those who saw this scene changed at the same time.

"How could it be possible to have the highest quality Ning Dao spirit?"

The face of destroy Shura, instantly become ugly.

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