Numerous lotus flowers appear in the void, containing a huge opportunity to kill without any cover up. They gather in the past towards the ancient Xuan!

The faint power makes the red and pink skeletons pale. Once the countless lotus flowers explode, I'm afraid that half of the mysterious lotus will be affected!

"Run away, it's no longer safe here!"

Once the red pink skeleton pulls Huang Sheng, he runs away in a further direction!

And the ancient Xuan, still standing in the void, motionless!

"Die, Gu Xuan!"


The lotus God's eyes show a crazy color, a distant point to the nearest lotus in front of the ancient Xuan body!

A light suddenly lights up, this lotus flower, explodes!


The explosion of a lotus flower is a long chain reaction. The lotus flowers all over the sky are triggered by this explosion lotus flower and explode at the same time.


The sound of the explosion is endless, and half of the mysterious land of lotus is affected. The terrible energy turns into a series of hurricanes and sweeps the four sides.

Within tens of thousands of meters, the whole sky seemed to collapse, and the whole earth was shaking, as if the most terrible earthquake had happened in the world.


Two howls.

In the void, the two guarding black dragons, who had not acted for a long time, were constantly bombarded by the explosion. Their size was too large to be blocked.

Finally, the two sides of the black dragon's body, at the same time scattered.

The explosion continues.

The sky is falling apart, the scene of doomsday!

The figures of the ancient Xuan and the lotus God were annihilated by the explosion almost at the same time.

As early as the first time, Gu Xuan made a response. His dark spirit sword danced perfectly, and a piece of sword light held up a space of ten Zhang in the explosion power.

All the explosion powers are blocked out and can't be overstepped at all!

Gu Xuan's eyes were always locked in the direction where the lotus God had just been. Even under the current situation, his eyes could only see the scene within ten Zhang of the square.

This is still because the sword of ancient Xuan is all within ten Zhang.

"If you want to hurt the emperor, it's still a long way to go with this explosive power!"

Gu Xuan suddenly murmured to himself.

Just then!

Behind Gu Xuan, in the light of ten Zhang sword, the space suddenly trembled, and the figure of lotus God stepped out quietly.

"So I'll take your life myself! Do you really think that I want to kill you by the explosion of lotus flowers? Naive! The only purpose of the explosion is to limit your range of activities! Now, you have to deal with the explosion and my attack at the same time. Do you still think I can't kill you? "

With a sneer on his face, the lotus God opened and closed his hands, and an energy lotus platform appeared at the foot of Gu Xuan, giving birth to countless roots and twining Gu Xuan in an instant.

"Ten thousand dharmas pass through the mystery, and the lotus is buried dead!"

At the foot of the ancient Xuan, on the lotus platform of energy, there is a huge lotus. The lotus is so mysterious that it emits extremely dangerous breath. There is a whirlpool between its petals, which can absorb everything, swallow it up and kill it!

Once engulfed by this whirlpool, even the ancient mystery, I am afraid that it will be lost in the unknown space-time, and eventually run out of energy and die!

However, how can ancient Xuan be easily swallowed up by whirlpool?

His mouth, with a smile, a smile in control of everything.

"Naive, it's you! Do you really think that such a little explosion can limit my movement? Do you think that what the emperor said just now that this kind of explosion power can't hurt him is really talking to himself? What I said just now was intended for you! "


There are countless sword lights on Gu Xuan, which belongs to Tiangang sword code alone.

Lotus God through space means, into his ten Zhang range, he has long been aware of.

In his body, he had already sealed the strongest attack of Tiangang sword code!

Sword 36!

With the light of the sword, the swords shot from his body!

Chi Chi Chi!

The lotus at the foot of Gu Xuan was smashed, and the lotus platform under his feet was also smashed.

A broken lotus platform bound the lotus rhizome of the ancient Xuan, and turned into a natural powder.

"Even if you block space, don't forget that what I have mastered is the way of time and space! Can be far stronger than you rely on the control of the secret land of the lotus God, forcibly display the way of space! And it's so strong that you can't imagine it! "

Lotus God's face changed and he was caught in a trap!


The lotus God wields one hand, swallows the sky the power to gush like the river sea water, instantly tears a crack in the space, wants to escape.

"I want to escape, but it's too late!"

The voice of the ancient Xuan blew up in the ear of the lotus God.

"If you want to restrict the actions of the emperor with the power of lotus explosion, I will naturally plan. This ten Zhang sword space is to lead you in! Now that you have come in, you can stay here! "Chi Chi!

A sword, quickly close, from ten Zhang into a Zhang, like a sword cage, covering the lotus God!

What's more, the sword is still closing in!

Lotus God's eyes showed a trace of fear, she also felt the ultimate power of swallowing the sky from this sword!

Moreover, the power of swallowing the heaven had a kind of faint oppressive feeling to the power of swallowing heaven in her body.

If the prison cage is completely closed, even with her strength, she will be severely damaged. Even if she wants to escape, she will be followed by Gu Xuan.


Without the barrier of the sword, the explosion aftershock rushed to the ancient Xuan space again.

Gu Xuan, like an ancient statue, was motionless, allowing the explosion energy to impact on his body, but he was unhurt.

Lotus God looked at this scene, and finally realized how stupid he was just now. He actually wanted to limit Gu Xuan's actions by relying on the explosion. From the beginning, people didn't pay attention to these explosions, and they didn't hurt them at all.

"But if you want to hurt me, it's impossible!"

The lotus God's hands bear mysterious to the extreme fingerprints. On the lotus platform under her feet, a lotus flower suddenly blooms and closes instantly, wrapping the lotus God in it.


The lotus is like the hardest metal in the world. No matter how the sword is attacked, it just splashes sparks. It doesn't look like it will be damaged at all.

Until the sword is exhausted, the closed lotus is still the same.

Gu Xuan raised his eyebrows and snorted, "just a lotus flower, I can't stop it! If you are bound in the lotus, you will find your own way to death

Star picking hand, sunset!

As soon as Gu Xuan waved his hand, a dazzling brilliance appeared on the star picking hand, and a virtual shadow formed on the top of his head.

That's a vision!

In a trance, Gu Xuan seemed to see a star in the sky, a huge palm fell down, smashing a star as dazzling as the sun!


Gu Xuan's right hand pierced the lotus.

The petals of the lotus suddenly spread, revealing the lotus God inside.

At the moment, the heart of lotus God has been pierced by Gu Xuan.

However, the lotus God's face, there is no failure should have lost, or before death despair, she has, is a smile!

Brilliant smile!

She stretched out her hands and hugged Gu Xuan.

"I'm in control of everything. You know the truth, but I also understand it! So why should I hide in the lotus? Because I am the lotus flower

The shape of lotus god suddenly changed Become a stamen!

By the ancient Xuan pierced the heart, only lotus shaped stamens!

This is Double!

Gu Xuan's pupil shrank sharply.

He immediately understood the meaning of the last sentence of lotus God.

Just now, the lotus petals that wrapped the "false lotus God" were the real lotus God.

Think of all this ancient Xuan, immediately want to break away from the embrace of the stamen, retreat!

However, it's too late, the lotus petals will be closed in an instant, the ancient Xuan wrapped in it.

"Ten thousand dharmas pass through the mystery, and the true lotus is buried dead!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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