The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth brings up a mysterious smile.

"The emperor once killed the blood lotus, but failed to destroy his lotus platform, so he came back to life."

"Why did I make the same mistake twice? You are one with him, and liantai is your real noumenon. You say, I know all this, and why did I rush over and stab you so much instead of attacking the lotus terrace under your feet

The lotus God's face is as white as paper.

It turns out that from the beginning, Gu Xuan, who thought he had calculated by himself, had been calculating himself!

Lotus God's body, began to shake violently, also do not know is because of anger, or because of fear.

"That's great. Gu Xuan didn't die as expected."

The pink skeleton stares at Gu Xuan. If Gu Xuan is not dead, she can live.

Standing in the void, the ancient Xuan was filled with the power of swallowing the sky.

As the Lord of heaven and earth, he is the absolute master in this place!

Gu Xuan's face still hung a faint smile, staring at the lotus God.

"The reason why I approach you is because I know that the boundary core is in the lotus terrace under your feet. Although you use the spatial approach, you hide it well. Unfortunately, the emperor's mastery of the way of time and space is much higher than your single way of space. The core is easy to get. I recognized the Lord in an instant and hid in the depths of space

The lotus God's face was ferocious, and his beautiful face looked like a nun coming out of purgatory. It was extremely ugly.

"How do you know that Jiehe is in my lotus terrace? For so many years, I've never been able to recognize it. How can you succeed at one time? "

The lotus God roared and almost lost his mind.

"It's very simple. The one who is not very good to you told me. She also told the emperor that you are the best person she trained to inherit her mantle. Unfortunately, you did not cherish this opportunity, you degenerated. What qualifications do you have to call yourself lotus God

Gu Xuan stared at the lotus God coldly.

"What's more, I would like to tell you that from the moment you plan to get the position of the Lord of heaven and earth, you will never have the chance to become the Lord of heaven and earth. Yin Yang dead gas beads will not identify with you. In the same way, you can't understand the true inheritance of the Lord of the dead. "

Gu Xuan's palms bear mysterious fingerprints, and the supreme majesty gushes out of his body.

A huge shadow is formed on the top of the ancient Xuan. It can't see the face clearly, but it gives people a sense of standing firm and enduring vicissitudes.

The shadow stood quietly, like a God, gazing at everything between heaven and earth.


The thunder roared.

A huge whirlpool forms in front of the shadow.

The whole mystery of lotus was shaken up, and the seal set by the lotus God to the lotus god space was suddenly broken by the powerful force.

The power of space, again, clearly appears in the perception of all people.

In the distance, a trace of joy appeared on Huang Sheng's face.

On the nine rings of tin stick in his hand, a violent energy suddenly erupted and made a violent stroke in the void.

The space was cut out.

At the same time, he thought, the space ring will fly out of a talisman, which has a strong force of space.

Two rays of light suddenly wrapped the pink skeleton and the monk Huang Sheng.

"What are you doing?"

The red pink skeleton glared at monk Huang Sheng. The good play has not been finished yet!

Huang Sheng and Shang said, "no matter how good a play is, you have to have your life to see it.". The lotus God is going crazy. This time, I'm afraid the whole secret place of lotus God will be full of holes, and it will be late if you don't leave. "

"The lotus God still has the strength to compete with the ancient Xuan? How is that possible? Gu Xuan has become the Lord of heaven and earth

Monk Huang Sheng solemnly said: "any existence that has lived for tens of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years should not be underestimated. The martial arts practice against the heaven. In the dark, Qi has its own destiny! Not everyone dares to call God! Among the three thousand worlds, even the great emperor or the saints dare not call themselves gods easily! Otherwise, it will plant countless dangerous causes, and one day, it will have a bad result. If I am not wrong, lotus God, she is really a god! It's not known who will win. We have to withdraw first! "

The red pink skeleton listened to monk Huang Sheng's words like a letter from heaven. Although he didn't understand, he didn't resist. He let space transmit runes and sent them out.

In the void, only the powerful ancient Xuan was left, and he constantly took control of the secret land of DUOLIAN God from the lotus God.

The lotus God's face became more and more ferocious. At first glance, it didn't look like a human, but more like some kind of fierce beast.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Facing the majestic momentum of Gu Xuan, the lotus God burst into laughter.

Her black hair was flying, and the murdering machine in her eyes was too thick to melt."Gu Xuan, do you really think that if you become the Lord of heaven and earth, you will win?"

The lotus God stares at Gu Xuan coldly, and the momentum of his body also surges out.

as like as two peas, the lotus vine on the lotus foot of the lotus god suddenly began to grow a vine, which is exactly the same as the lotus root.

One by one, the lotus leaves grew and blossomed.

A breeze, petals flying, colorful petals, an instant to occupy the whole world.

Gu Xuan was surprised to find that he had not moved just now, but the scene around him was constantly changing. In the end, he was standing in a sea of flowers.

But this flower, too monotonous, in addition to the lotus, or lotus.

"Is this a fairyland?"

Gu Xuan was immersed in it, and his soul power was released. However, he found that everything in front of him was true.

"Isn't this a fairyland? It's my domain, God's domain! And, for you, hell! How about burying the Lord of heaven and earth? You can't keep this position! "

The lotus God drank violently. This is her last resort and last chance. Here, she must kill Gu Xuan.

Otherwise, once Gu Xuan completely controlled the secret land of lotus God and buried heaven and death, she would have no chance.


The figure of lotus God disappeared in the void. In the realm of God, the speed of lotus God seems to be a little faster.

Gu Xuan felt as if he was trapped in a cage. He could not contact the mysterious land of lotus. In other words, he could not use the privileges of the Lord of heaven and death.

"But even so, what am I afraid of?"

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth was hooked, and a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, the figure of the lotus God appeared behind the ancient Xuan, just like a ghost.


Lotus god suddenly roared, countless lotus petals appeared out of thin air, just like the sharpest spirit treasure in the world!

Chi Chi!

The air was almost slit by these lotus petals.

All the petals, attack the ancient Xuan! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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