The power of space fluctuated with the ripples on his body.


As if in a flash, the figure of ancient Xuan turned into an illusion and flew away in a direction.

At this moment, hidden in the deep void above the lotus platform, the lotus God's figure slowly emerged from the lotus platform, but no one could see it except herself.

Lotus God frowned.

Even though she had been watching Gu Xuan in the dark, she didn't find out which direction he was flying away. What she saw clearly was to the left, but in her heart she felt it was right.

"No matter you left or right, don't try to escape my lock! This is my "God's realm"

Lotus God in the heart of a cold smile, the soul power will surge out, began to feel all around.

This is her field, here, she can control everything!

However, soon, lotus God's face became ugly.

"How could it be? Can't you find it? "

You know, this is your own field. Even a grain of dust, a hair, under the induction of the power of your own soul, you should be able to show up!


Gu Xuan's soul power is much stronger than himself!

"If so, he must have found me now, and even tried to get close to me! Not good


As if in order to confirm the conjecture of the lotus God, the figure of ancient Xuan is revealed from the space just a Zhang above the lotus God's head.

"Star picking hand!"

Gu Xuan drank in a low voice and shot it with one hand. His powerful palm power destroyed the withered and decayed, and fell directly on the lotus God.


Lotus God's head disappeared and his body exploded.


The terrible power of explosion directly impacted the space of thousands of feet. Not only the ancient Xuanxuan was impacted, but also the lotus platform under the lotus God's feet.

Chi Chi!

The lotus platform whirled like a round of gold cymbals, cutting through the void and flying thousands of feet away.

Gu Xuan's body was also impacted, but he was prepared for it. This time, he was only hit by the aftershock of the explosion, and his body stopped.

Gu Xuan had a flash in his eyes. He was staring at the lotus platform, which was the real essence of the lotus God. As long as the lotus platform was cut off, the lotus God would never have the ability to be reborn again!

On the lotus platform, the figure of lotus god suddenly appeared. Her eyes were cold, and her eyes showed strong killing intention. Almost without a pause, she rushed toward the ancient mystery!


Her speed, fast to the extreme, stepped out of the void in a few mysterious steps, between the body suddenly hidden, has appeared in the ancient xuan30 Zhang away.

"Thirty Zhang, that's the distance!"

Gu Xuan's pupil suddenly shrinks. After his deduction, this distance is the most suitable distance to attack the self exploding body of lotus God!

The black spirit sword has made a long mark in the void. Cracks have appeared on its body, but its attack is not inferior to the original.

As if even it felt that it was about to bloom its last glory.

"Tiangang sword code, sword 23!"

Gu Xuanshi exhibited the gentle sword 23.

Tiangang sword code, a total of 32 forms, this type, of course, is 23.

This sword, at first glance, seems to be a gentle attack. However, in the energy surging on the sword body, it contains the power of swallowing the heaven to the extreme!

This sword was made by ancient Xuan with the skill of swallowing the heaven!

A sword across the sky, a sharp sword Chi Chi, will cut off the head of lotus God.

However, the lotus god throws the head to fly above, actually has been hanging coldly the smile.

Thirty feet away, completely within the scope of her explosion. Even if Gu Xuan stopped her from advancing, she still couldn't stop her from exploding!

Gu Xuan still has to bear the power of explosion!


Lotus God's head and body explode at the same time!

The power of explosion will swing away in an instant!

However, at this moment, the corner of Gu Xuan's mouth sparked a smile.


On the dark spirit sword, the power of tuntian Gong is released in an instant, and a small whirlpool is formed in front of the sword tip.

The aftershock, visible to the naked eye, is absorbed by the vortex from the core of the explosion.

In the end, the aftershock of the explosion only affected the area of 29 Zhangs, and the power was very weak. Even if any emperor level warrior was here, he would not be threatened with his life.

In the distance, the lotus platform trembled suddenly, and the voice of lotus God came out.

"I see! I finally understand that this kind of skill is the inheritance of the Lord of the dead? But why can you understand, but I can't? "The lotus God roared hysterically.

"How many years have I planned this? Why, in the end, can't even understand the inheritance skill! Originally, all along, I have been calculated by the law of heaven! If I can't understand the inheritance skill, I can't be the Lord of the earth and heaven! "

At this moment, the lotus God seems to understand everything.

Liantai trembled violently, and it was obvious that she was extremely angry.


Gu Xuan gazed at the lotus terrace, and his face was surprised.

That lotus platform, the shape actually began to change, in the blink of an eye, it turned into a lotus God.

But, at the moment, the lotus God, a face ferocious to the extreme, looking at Gu Xuan's eyes, as if he wanted to cut him into pieces countless times.

Lotus God, the majestic vitality almost can not hide, between the hands and feet, there is endless life gushing out, it is just like a tree of life.

Under this anger, visions were frequent in the void, and phantoms appeared, as if countless creatures were about to be born.

"It's no wonder that you can not die. Within the lotus stage, you have such a magnificent vitality. I'm afraid that the vitality of the whole secret land of lotus God is not as good as one tenth of you!"

Gu Xuan's eyes showed the color of contemplation.

It seems that the lotus God is closely related to the death of heaven and earth.

If the anger in her body is released, I don't know how many creatures can be born and how many can prolong their life.

Even, it can make half a day dead to rejuvenate!

Unfortunately, she did not.

Lotus God said with a ferocious smile: "I want to let you know the gap between you and me. No matter how many things you do, you can't kill me! What, despair? If you are in despair, hand over the inheritance skills, and give up everything you get in heaven and death! Maybe I can give you a chance to reincarnate! "

Lotus God's momentum suddenly broke out, straight into the sky!

The whole "God's realm" is trembling, the void is full of thunder and thunder, and the sky has lost all its luster, some are just gloomy and depressed!

"Ten thousand methods pass the mystery, ten thousand methods belong to the clan, kill!"

The lotus God recognized the ancient mystery, and his hands made a mysterious fingerprint to the extreme!

A torrent of energy billows down like the Milky way water above the nine days!


The whole sky seems to collapse under this move! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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