The emissary looked at Gu Xuan, pondered for a moment, and finally opened his mouth.

"I want you to transfer the book of life and death to me. I can pay for your satisfaction. "

"Transfer life and death book?"

Gu Xuan suspected that he had heard something wrong, but he knew that he had not.

The ancient Xuan mouth corner slightly a hook, light way: "evil cloud, return the heaven level spirit treasure to him, let's go!"

When Li Xiyun heard the words, his face was cold, and he handed out the heavenly order Lingbao in his hand.

The emissary flashed a sigh of regret in his eyes and said, "you should listen to the price I can pay. It is absolutely hard for you to refuse. It is beyond the value of life and death itself."

Gu Xuan sneered: "but you are still willing to pay those costs to exchange for the life and death thin, which does not mean that for you, life and death thin is more valuable?"

After a pause, Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked directly at the emissary of the earth, as if to see through his heart.

"Therefore, the value of life and death is not important, but its function. In my opinion, nothing can replace the effect of life and death on me. In short, life and death are too thin for me to transfer. "

Li Xie Yun said in a sharp voice: "you hear my master's words. You should take away this Tianjie Lingbao!"

There was a smile in the corner of his mouth, and his eyes fixed on Gu Xuan's face.

"It's fun to talk to smart people. If you are so determined, why not turn around and go? Why is the heavenly order spirit treasure in your disciple's hand still in his hand

The corners of Gu Xuan's mouth also sparked a smile.

"It's very interesting. Not to transfer the life and death book is my bottom line. However, you must let me transfer the life and death book, but it is not your bottom line. So, let's talk about a plan that you and I can be satisfied with. I think you've been waiting so long for someone to be born and die from the dead zone. You can't even prepare a plan? "

As he spoke, Gu Xuan gently waved his right hand, and suddenly the Tianjie Lingbao in Li Xiyun's hand suddenly burst out into a brilliant brilliance, which fell into Li Xie Yun's eyebrows.

Tianjie Lingbao and other good things, from the hands of their own apprentices, that can be a master of things, even if the original master wants to take back, of course, it is impossible!

Li Xiyun immediately felt that the heavenly level spirit treasure was integrated with himself.

The real form of this heavenly level Lingbao also appeared in Li Xie Yun's mind.


A string sound sounded from Li Xiyun's hand.

"It turns out that the name of this celestial treasure is Sirius bow!"

Li Xiyun excitedly sensed the power of Sirius bow in his hand.

When the emissary looked at Gu Xuan, there was an embarrassing color in his eyes. Fortunately, he was black, and even Gu Xuan didn't see it.

How could it be so easy to transfer the book of life and death to someone who could be buried as the Lord of heaven and earth, and who could get a thin life and death from a three legged crow?

Life and death are rare books of heaven and earth. They are transcendent spiritual treasures. Can we measure their value?

What the dizang emissary said just now is only a tentative one.

"Of course there are. I need to use the life and death book to activate a world. And this, at least, will exhaust nine out of ten anger in the thin book of life and death. "

Dizang emissary looks at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's face was calm.

If nine out of ten of the life and death books are consumed, then the Qi of life and death in the book of life and death will immediately be out of balance, and its power will be greatly reduced, and all kinds of dead creatures that can be summoned can not last long.

This is tantamount to greatly reducing the power of life and death.

"Tell me the price you are willing to pay."

Gu Xuan did not object. It is not impossible to make up for the exhaustion of vitality in the thin life and death. As long as we find a perfect solution, it is completely feasible.

However, the risk is not small.

Therefore, whether Gu Xuan would agree or not depends on what the dizang emissary is willing to exchange.

A smile appeared on the face of the emissary and said, "what I have taken out will not be lost to you."

With a light show of hands, the underground emissary has already produced three pieces of metal with light power.

It seems to be very common at first glance, but the faint power they emit gives people a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

The pupil of Gu Xuan shrinks suddenly.

"Tianwen stone!"

A great wave rose in his heart.

Tianwen stone is a very rare metal.

This kind of metal does not belong to the burning sky continent at all, but comes from the world outside the burning sky continent. According to the saying of a hundred years ago, the whole burning sky land will never exceed ten pieces.

This kind of metal can be used to blend into the spirit treasure of the heaven level and greatly increase the power of the spirit treasure of the heaven level.

As a Dan emperor, Gu Xuan had only one such thing in his previous life.In addition, the sky grain stone was finally refined into the star picking hand, which added three levels of power to the star picking hand.

If the three Tianwen stones in the hands of the dizang emissary were obtained by Gu Xuan, he would be sure to repair the star picking hand!

The star picking hand, even in the heaven level spirit treasure, is outstanding, compared with the Sirius bow obtained by Li Xie Yun, is much stronger than I don't know how many times.

If he can fully display the power of the star picking hand, Gu Xuan is sure to choose a great emperor in the burning sky land!

Like the great emperor of Kongmen and luoyingzong, guxuan is even sure to defeat it!

As for whether you can kill, you may not be able to do so only by picking stars, but if you add Yunxi, it may not be possible.

"Three Tianwen stones, not enough, and ten more!"

Gu Xuan thought about it and immediately raised the price.

Naturally, the more the more, the better.

Ten dollars more than nine.

Gu Xuan obviously saw the corners of the Tibetan emissary's mouth twitching violently.

"What kind of mainland goods did you have on that day? They came from the big world, and they are very precious things in the big world. On me, it's only eight dollars

"Eight dollars altogether?" Gu Xuan's eyes lit up.

The dizang emissary has an impulse to slap himself. He can tell the truth!

"Then bring the other five, and I promise to help you. However, there is a premise that we must first find something sufficient to restore the vitality of the book of life and death. "

The emissary did not bargain and said, "OK! I promise you

It is not too early for him to use the book of life and death. It is not difficult for him to find the treasure that can restore the thin vitality of life and death.

The dizang emissary gave all the remaining five Tianwen stones to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuanshi showed his broken eyes and observed the inner surface of the eight pieces of Tianwen stone. After confirming that there were no defects, he put them away.

Gu Xuan's face suddenly hung a brilliant smile.

When I saw this smile, even if it was stronger than the dizang emissary, I felt the chill of winter.

"What a dangerous smile!" This is the definition of guxuan's smile by dizang emissary.

Gu Xuan said: "finally, there is a small favor. I hope the dizang emissary can help you."

Having said that, after a brief conversation, the two finally decided to help.

Then, Gu Xuan left contentedly.

The emissary looked at Gu Xuan's figure, his face was complicated, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

"Madman! What a madman! I don't know how those two clansmen are so bold that they dare to offend this madman! "

His figure gradually faded away, and finally there was no trace.

At the moment, Gu Xuan and Li Xiyun have disappeared into the sky in the direction of yingtianzong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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