Outside the empty gate and the Luoying sect, all the warriors were shocked.

More than 100000 people, up to the imperial level, down to the novice disciples, all motionless!

Outside the Luoying sect, a group of warriors exclaimed in shock.

"After all What happened? "

"How could they not move? Is this a means of time and space? "

"Not really. Look at the two fierce beasts. They can still move. The projection of the ancient Xuan is also active, only the warriors of Luoying sect can't move. What means is this? "

"It doesn't really matter what kind of means it is. What matters is who did it?"

The discussion stopped abruptly.

Yeah, who did it?

For a long time, a king level top martial artist finally spoke.

"I'm afraid it's the projection of the ancient xuanna."

"No way! At most, the ancient xuanzhi could only make those martial artists in the air unable to move. Even if their strength was lower, they should not be able to move at all

"Nothing is impossible! There is no doubt that the ancient Xuan is the emperor level warrior, but can you see that he is the emperor level star? Can't you see that? What's more, he was the peak of the clan level before the death of heaven and earth opened? Considering these two situations, have you not thought of anything yet

"No! It's impossible! How can it be ancient Xuan? "

"You mean Not long ago, the man who caused the turmoil in the world Is it Gu Xuan? "

A breath of air was heard.

"The Ninth Five Year Plan"

"No wonder! If the ancient Xuan does not die this time, yingtianzong will not be provoked for the two regions and even most of the burning heaven continent! Even if it's just a small door! "

In the sky of luoyingzong.

The elder Feixuan, whose energy in his body was completely stagnant and could not move, was extremely frightened.

At this point, how could he not understand?

Not long ago, the turmoil caused by the supreme emperor of the ninth five year plan appeared between heaven and earth, which led to the number of old undead who were granted blood town longevity.

Kongmen and luoyingzong, who were sent to yingtianzong this time, have such existence.

They are respected by the sect as the supreme elder. Their actual combat power is much higher than that of the patriarch. They can be called the half step empire!

Feixuan has already regretted to the extreme. If I had known that, such existence should have been left in the clan, and the ancient Xuan would not have been so rampant!

Unfortunately, no matter how regret, it is already late.

Gu Xuan's eyes were full of pity. He glanced at a famous warrior in the air and below, with a trace of killing in his eyes.

"Empty door people, sin should be punished!"

As soon as Gu Xuan's voice fell, he held his right hand gently.

Privilege of the Ninth Five Year Plan Control the energy of all the warriors below the imperial level!

Bang bang bang!

Headed by elder Feixuan, all the martial artists in the air were blown into a cloud of blood mist.


In the sky, as if there is a thunder explosion.

"No, Gu Xuan, stop it!"

A voice like the words of heaven made the whole void shake violently. It seemed that there was some truth between heaven and earth, which was extremely mysterious.

Like the sharpest edge in the world, a surging momentum gushes out from the bottom of the earth to pierce a hole in the sky.

A figure like a God comes from the void, as if through the ages, with a long breath on his body.

The golden emperor's robe was shining brightly on him, and it was impossible to look directly at him.

When all of them saw him, their hearts were pounding.

"The Great Britain!"

The pupil of Gu Xuan shrinks suddenly. If there is anyone who has this kind of breath and such realm, it must be the great emperor of Luoying!

The majestic mountain like breath, even if the ancient Xuan all felt the bursts of oppression, Emperor Wei is so terrible.

However, Gu Xuan's face is not a wave of Gujing, there is no half silk awe color.

He is just a space projection here. Even if he is facing the emperor, he will not be harmed. Naturally, he has no fear.

Besides, it's just the emperor. It's not that he hasn't been killed!

Emperor Luoying looked at Gu Xuan coldly: "after releasing the rest of the people, I will immediately issue an order to all the disciples of Luoying sect to evacuate yingtianzong! You have been loyal to my luoyingzong for a hundred years. I will let bygones be bygones

Emperor Luoying didn't ask Gu Xuan whether to answer or not. In his opinion, this was the most favorable condition. Gu Xuan had only one choice.

However, the general smile is a fool.

"The fallen emperor, right? He became a waste of the great emperor hundreds of years ago. He fought with Gu Xuan for a spiritual treasure and was scared off by the emperor's palm. Today, you have a long skill. How dare you ask me to be loyal to you for a hundred years? Is this a show? "Gu Xuan pointed to the head of emperor Luoying.

"Presumptuous! A hundred years ago, you were powerful, and you were not afraid of the great emperor of Taoism. But now, you are just a lamb to be slaughtered under my eyes. If you don't do as I say, I will destroy your spirits and spirits! "

Emperor Luoying looked at Gu Xuan coldly, and his tone was full of threat.

After a moment's silence, Gu Xuan gave the great emperor a look of disdain again.

"Who gave you courage? Dare to threaten the emperor? "

The corners of Gu Xuan's mouth sparked a brilliant smile.

"But it doesn't matter. I said that if you want to get rid of the name of luoyingzong in the burning heaven, I will do it. "

Gu Xuan gently pressed his left hand to the void.

The supreme privilege of the ninth five year plan was applied to the extreme by Gu Xuan!

Emperor level and below, all Luo Ying Zong Wu, will die!


Even if it's the fallen emperor, they all roar hysterically!

He knew what Gu Xuan was going to do, and he had to stop it!

He suddenly took a step, and then appeared in front of Gu Xuan's body. With a hard hand, the wind and cloud changed color. At this moment, the whole world seemed to be under his control!

However, except for the ancient Xuan!

Bang bang bang!

Almost at the same time, there was a sound of flesh and blood explosion.

A blood mist rises from the Luoying sect at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, a hundred thousand people fell!

No matter whether they are in seclusion or hiding in the array, as long as they are in luoyingzong, there is only one end.

The body of a hundred thousand people turned into a blood mist!

Up to the emperor level, down to the Xuan level, all the body exploded, dead can not die again!

What's more, they fell silent without even hearing a scream.

Only spirit level warriors, Gu Xuan did not kill them. However, after today, it is almost impossible for them to practice again.

"Die! I want you dead

The great emperor roared, a blow to the location of the ancient Xuan projection, the void will be twisted and broken.

In this broken space, the projection of ancient metaphysics is completely torn apart.

However, he doesn't care any more. He has already done what should be done.

The shadow of Gu Xuan was broken with one hand, and the eyes of the fallen emperor fell on the green sparrow and the fierce tiger with white horn.

Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die

It's like a mountain falling, like a God angry!

These two fierce beasts, which caused heavy losses to Luoying sect, split up in an instant and turned into pure dead gas and exploded away.

The same scene happened at the empty door!

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