"It's really troublesome to crack them. Each of them is prohibited independently. It can't be cracked together. It only takes time. People from all walks of life have nothing to do. Without a year and a half, these prohibitions will not go up. "

There is no way, the ancient Xuan can only be cracked from the first prohibition.

In order to control Zhutian sword, daomen made great efforts.

For a day and a night, all of Gu Xuan's body and mind were used to break the ban.

"It's over at last."

It was early in the morning, and Gu Xuan finally breathed a long sigh of relief.


Zhutian sword makes a light and trembling sound. For it, those prohibitions are shackles, shackles and coercion.

But now, all of these are gone. This man, called Gu Xuan, has helped to lift it all.

Zhu Tianjian felt very happy and had a good feeling for Gu Xuan.

With a faint smile, Gu Xuan felt the kindness from Zhutian sword and was in a good mood.

One day and one night's busy, finally had the harvest.

Such top-level spiritual treasures as zhutianjian have their own spirituality. It is not the right way to drive them by forcing them.

Only willing to let it submit to the master, can play the greatest power.

Gu Xuan once again released a soul power and went to Zhutian sword seal.

This time, there is no obstacle, the success of the Lord!

As soon as he recognized the Lord, the message of Zhutian sword immediately appeared in Gu Xuan's mind.

"Zhutian sword, with tianwai meteorite, nine grain Gang stone, with It's refined. "

"Once cut a sword of heaven, and was attacked by the way of heaven without falling."

"The emperor of Heaven Sword, only the great emperor of martial arts, can play its full power!"

The last sentence in the message, let the ancient Xuan suffocate.

"Only Wudao emperor can exert all his power? My father

Gu Xuan couldn't help but curse.

But think about it carefully, and you will be relieved.

At that time, jishenhai, as the first person in the land of burning heaven, wanted to take over Zhutian sword, but ended up in failure.

At that time, jishenhai was already the peak of the imperial realm and still failed. From this point, we can see the extraordinary nature of Zhutian sword.

However, after more than a thousand years, Zhutian sword was smoothed by Taoism.

Otherwise, Gu Xuan was sure that if Zhutian Jian had been destroyed a thousand years ago, it would not have bowed like Gu Xuan.

This also shows that the number of crimes committed by zhutianjian in Taoism and the three hundred prohibitions are only apparent.

But even so, Zhutian sword still has the last trace of pride. Although it is forced to be driven, it will never be allowed to recognize the LORD by anyone in the Taoist school.

Unfortunately, this last trace of pride, life was burned by Yunxi.

After accepting Zhutian sword, Gu Xuan immediately felt that there was a kind of telepathy between himself and Zhutian sword. The joy, anger, sadness and joy of Zhutian sword could be clearly presented in his mind.

At the moment, zhutianjian is still very afraid of him, but in the fear, there is a trace of gratitude.

Gu Xuan gently stroked Zhutian sword.

Pick star hand to release a strong light, flash, protest!

Gu Xuan couldn't help but smile and had to stroke his hands again.

The star picking hand sends out a strong message to Zhutian sword, as if to say, see, I am the master's most beloved Lingbao, I am the boss, after all, you should listen to me!


Gu Xuan laughed.

Whether it's Zhutian sword or star picking hand, if you cultivate it well, you may have a chance to be promoted to Lingbao which surpasses the heaven level and tongxuan Lingbao!


Butianding suddenly began to tremble.

The hand of picking the stars and the sword of killing heaven are at the same time.

Zhutian sword was originally suspended in the air. At the moment, it fell to the ground.


Bu Tianding is another trembling sound. Gu Xuan clearly felt that this life was full of mockery?

He suddenly realized that although he had already looked at it very highly, he still underestimated it.

Gu Xuan opened his double pupils and tried to find out the clues from the mending Tianding, but he got nothing.

Butianding is just like the most common Lingbao at the top of the earth level. There is nothing special about it.

However, judging from the fact that it can frighten Zhutian sword out of the air, it should not be so simple.

If you can't observe it, the ancient Xuan simply doesn't want to observe it. As it continues to improve, it will eventually be able to know.

The ancient Xuanxin thought to move, then will Zhutian sword into the body.

Zhutian sword turns into a small sword pattern, which appears on the arm of Gu Xuan.

After collecting the mending Tianding, the ancient Xuan came out of the Tongtian tower.

As soon as he went out, Zilao met him.

"Lord, you are coming out!"Purple old sweat.

Gu Xuan said: "what can't you do? With the reputation of yingtianzong, who has just killed two great emperors, there should be no sect that dares to touch the bad luck. "

"Of course not. However, because of this prestige, a large group of free practitioners came to join yingtianzong

"Is that a good thing? Why are you sweating? " Ancient xuandao.

Purple elder brother spit bitterness: "Lord, do you remember that according to our original rules, if people who joined yingtianzong after the war, regardless of their strength, they were all classified as external disciples?"

"What's the problem?" Gu Xuan was stunned.

"Big problem!"

Old purple glared.

"Those who join yingtianzong are too powerful. There are even no less than ten emperor level top martial artists who want to join, to be the elder of yingtianzong or the elder of Keqing. As for those who are at the top of the clan level, they are the core disciples everywhere. Now they do not agree to let them be the outer disciples. "

"Hum! Now I should be in the ascendant of Tianzong. They even want to take advantage of it and be a moth? A bunch of rubbish, lead the way, I'll have a look Gu Xuan snorted coldly.

Purple old big happy, this trouble matter finally has settled.

A group of emperor level warriors clamoured to join yingtianzong, but still wanted to be the core disciples. They said that being a foreign disciple was insulting them. It was a big trick to slide the world.

Originally wanted to blow out, but, black mountain old demon, Mo Jingyun will fight to kill, scared old purple quickly took this matter to his body, sent away the two gods.

As for Chuangong elder and Yang Yu, the realm is still close, and they can't expect to go up at all.

Of course, yingtianzong had a bigger God, Li Xiyun. However, Zilao didn't dare to bother this bigger God. This is the evil emperor!

According to the evil emperor's temper, this kind of thing must be a wave of hands, a large number of martial arts head flying high scene, think about it, people shudder.

Who dares to join yingtianzong in the future?

It is the best choice for the patriarch Gu Xuan to appear.

Soon, Gu Xuan and Zi Lao came to a palace hundreds of miles away from yingtianzong.

Here is the registration point.

"So many people?"

At a glance, Gu Xuan couldn't believe it. He was full of people and surrounded the registration sites. It was estimated that there were 20000 people!

The female students who are in charge of filling in the application materials are crying with anxiety. These people don't queue up well at all, and they always sign up first if they have a big fist.

I can't imagine it if it's really a fight.

Suddenly, the female disciple saw Gu Xuan and Zi Lao walking side by side!


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