"Rosefinch, you are dead. No matter how strong you were in your life, how could a corpse be arrogant? "

Ji Feihua laughed and clapped it with one hand. The overwhelming Yuan Li rushed forward and directly split the flying flamingo in two.

Her eyes turned to Gu Xuan, who was engulfed by the fire.

The flamingo was engulfed by the ancient mystery as if trapped in a whirlpool.

"Although the fire of rosefinch is the fire of gods and beasts, it is still one notch inferior to the supreme flame. Unless the rosefinch of its heyday comes, at least in the land of burning heaven, there is no flame that can compete with the supreme flame. "

Ji Feihua looks at Gu Xuan, with a trace of greed in his eyes.

She licked her lips: "supreme flame, after today, it will be my Jifei flower! Boy, you should thank me. Although you are dead, your flame continues in me

Gu Xuan sneered: "if you want to get my supreme flame, I'm afraid it's still far from you."

In Gu Xuan's mind, there are too many memories. A strong man like the Seven Star emperor, in his subconscious mind, is not a top man at all.

Therefore, he would not be frightened by Ji Fei's words.

"Chirp -"

the rosefinch chirped angrily. The flaming bird it vomited once burned many Seven Star emperors, but now, it has not burned a hair of this hateful woman.

The rosefinch flapping its wings and grabs its two claws, and the space is broken. The power of this claw is enough to open the mountain and crack the stone, and destroy any hard spiritual treasure.

Its claws, in terms of hardness and sharpness, are even inferior to the top-grade Lingbao of the heaven level.


Sparks were flying in all directions.

Ji Feihua's face was calm. In his hand, he didn't know when to start. He actually had a huge flower ten feet long.

This huge flower is like a disc, and the stamen part is a huge mouth with sharp teeth.

The claws of the rosefinch just hit the sharp teeth!

"Go down!"

Jifeihua on the rosefinch, momentum is more powerful, after blocking the paw of the rosefinch, the body suddenly disappeared in place, appeared above the rosefinch!

She waved the flower in her hand and smashed it down.


The void vibrates, the space produces endless cracks, and a rune appears suddenly and circulates ceaselessly.

This smashing power is enough to dry up a huge lake and to raze a huge mountain to the ground!

The body of the rosefinch fell to the ground suddenly, and the strength of the circle rippled around, and the dust filled the sky.

The people of the two schools were shocked by the strength and flew thousands of feet away directly.

Ji Feihua hit at will, so terrible!

The pupil of Gu Xuan shrinks: "the unique wolf tooth flower of the real world! Is there a connection between daomen and the real world

A conjecture sprang up in his mind.

Why did the ancient star cloud choose to go to the real world? Was it related to the Taoist school that he was attacked by the ancient star cloud?

Ji Feihua suddenly looked at Gu Xuan: "even you know the wolf tooth flower that eats the devil. The insight of Dan Di Gu Xuan is really broad, but you know too much. Some top secret information, even if you just guess, I can't keep you. Well, let me kill you first

Ji Feihua's eyes flashed with a flash of light, as if shuttling through time and space. Only a moment later, Ji Feihua's figure has appeared behind Gu Xuan.

"Don't worry, before you die, I will strip your supreme flame, so that it will not go with you!"

Ji Feihua smiles brightly and points to Gu Xuan.

The random finger, however, triggered all the energy between heaven and earth. Where the finger passed, the space was directly cut, revealing a section of space turbulence.

The mysterious and powerful power seems to have locked the ancient mystery firmly.

Gu Xuan felt like he was carrying a mountain on his back. When his throat was sweet, he was spitting out a mouthful of blood.

But on his face, there was no fear at all: "I said that if you want to kill me, you are still far from it!"

Just when that finger was about to point at Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan's body actually became illusory. In an instant, he fell into the depth of space.


The void explodes and the energy ripples in circles.

Ji Feihua's face turned cold. She was just an imperial warrior. Even though her fighting power was amazing, she still had ants in her eyes. If she couldn't kill her with one stroke, how could she face?

Ji Feihua's palm suddenly opened, five fingers to a void of a grasp, the whole arm, it seems to be directly disappeared in general, into the depth of space.

"Get out of here!"

A burst of drinking, a chain of order from the hands of jifeihua fly out, invasion of the deep space, suddenly pull out.

Gu Xuan's figure appears in the void again. His body is full of chains of order."Of course, I didn't expect that even if I escaped into the space, I would not have time to escape from jifeihua. But how could I die so easily

The chain of order was broken by the flame burning on the ancient Xuan.

"Kill the heaven, kill the first, kill the stars!"

"The second one, it's gone!"

After two swords were cut out in a row, Gu Xuan used the power of time and space to make his hand move as fast as possible. These two moves were extremely powerful, and all his powers were integrated in an instant!

A hundred Zhang across the sword, mercilessly cut to Ji Feihua.

Ji Feihua's face changed slightly. Gu Xuan's speed was too fast. Even in her opinion, there was a sense of amazement.

"Swallow up!"

The wolf tooth flower suddenly blocked the chest of Ji Fei flower, and immediately bit off the sword and devoured it!

Not only that, under the wave of jifeihua, the demon eating wolf tooth flower releases the most mysterious and majestic power, and smashes it at the head of the ancient Xuan with a lightning speed!

The mighty power and the sharp breath of senhan all acted on Gu Xuan, which affected his actions and even stopped abruptly.

This blow was so strong that Gu Xuan could not resist even if he exerted his double supreme power.

At this time, Gu Xuan's pupil suddenly shrinks.

"Right now, only the rosefinch can defeat Ji Feihua!"

"The way of time and space!"

A space-time Rune emerges from the body of the ancient Xuan. The void in which he is located seems to be isolated from this space.

His speed, not only returned to normal, but also became faster!

On the right hand of Gu Xuan, there is endless brilliance, which is the light on the hand of picking stars.

This light, like the sun, is more dazzling than ever before.

"Please, star picker! When I destroy the gate, it will be your return


The light on the hand of picking stars flickered suddenly, as if in response to the ancient Xuan.

"Pick up the star hand, in a form of killing, one form of sunset, power has been extremely strong, meet God kill God! But even the ancient star clouds don't know that there is still the most ultimate form of star picking hands! "

In Gu Xuan's eyes, there was a flash of light!

Even if the star picker will leave again, he does not have any sadness, because only when he performs this move, can he be the peak, the most proud and the most gorgeous moment!

This blow, will show the most powerful star picking hand power!

Star picking hand, Sun Moon Star meteor!

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