Anger and stillness, like a wandering snake, revolve around the ancient Xuan and surround it in a circular air hood.

Gu Xuan's eyes were very firm.

It's going to be a big gamble!

Come to the secret place of rosefinch, his biggest card is not the red tailed bird, nor the double supreme power, but the soul of the rosefinch!

Almost all the souls of the creatures who die within a certain range of the book of life and death will enter the book of life and death.

In the book of life and death, in addition to Xuanwu, there are three other four elephant beasts!

Nature, including rosefinch!

"Chirp -"

in the book of life and death of the ancient Xuan, a long cry broke out suddenly, which was more sonorous than the long song of the rosefinch itself, as if it contained the mystery close to the nature of heaven and earth.

Rosefinch body standing in the pit, its eyes, suddenly from Ji Feihua body, transferred to the ancient Xuan body!

There, it seems to hear their own voice - their own voice, their own voice when alive!

This long cry, let everyone look at Gu Xuan in surprise.

Feihong fairy covered his mouth: "that's the voice of the rosefinch, there's no mistake!"

Looking at the book of life and death in Gu Xuan's hand, Yang Yu's face showed a color of ecstasy. Only he could guess what an amazing scene would happen next!

Ji Feihua's eyes showed an uncertain look. Her eyes were cold, and she could not laugh any more. She raised her demon eating wolf tooth flower in her hand and attracted the power of heaven and earth. The torrent of energy swept across thousands of feet of space and attacked Gu Xuan fiercely!

"I don't know what you want to do, but you'd better die! Die, Gu Xuan


The terrifying force broke through the layers of space and smashed down towards the ancient Xuan.

This blow is almost unstoppable. Even if it is the five-star emperor and the six-star emperor here, I am afraid they will also fall!

"I look up to it. I'm so powerful!"

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth is a smile.

"It's a pity that you despise me after all."

At this moment, at the foot of the ancient Xuan, a hundred Zhang black rosefinch seemed to emerge from the ground. Its eyes were indifferent to Jifei flower.

"Chirp -"

the black rosefinch roared wildly, and the whole secret land of rosefinch was shaken up again. Everything in heaven and earth seemed to have established some unspeakable connection with it.

At this moment, the power of heaven and earth aroused by the demon eating wolf tooth flower is gone. The power of this attack is directly reduced by one third.

Not only that, all the energy in heaven and earth seems to be pressing towards the wolf tooth flower, which suddenly slows down and reduces its power by one third again.


The strong wind suddenly rises, the hundred Zhang size rosefinch, outspread the wing, suddenly waves out.


The powerful anti shock force acts on Ji Feihua's body, which makes her face change greatly. Her body involuntarily retreats.

After a long retreat, it stopped.


The black rosefinch's body is full of dead air. He carries Gu Xuan and flies up to the sky and stares at Jifei flower from a high position.

"What is the matter? How can you summon the rosefinch? How can two rosefinches appear in the burning land

Ji Feihua's face was very ugly and questioned Gu Xuan.

There was a smile in the corner of Gu Xuan's mouth. The bird buried in heaven and death was indeed the soul of its body.

From the moment he called out the black rosefinch, he knew.

Rosefinch body staring at the black rosefinch, no one is more familiar with itself by it, that black rosefinch, unlike the rosefinch's rosefinch, is itself.

"Be one! Angry with me

In Gu Xuan's mind, these two words suddenly appeared. I don't know whether it is the idea of the soul of the rosefinch or the idea of the body of the rosefinch.

Gu Xuan didn't even take a look at Ji Feihua, let alone answer her question. He patted the black rosefinch at his feet, and suddenly there was a flame on his body!

This is the rosefinch fire!

On the body of the rosefinch, the same flame was released, and it flew towards the black rosefinch at the foot of the ancient Xuan.

"No, never let them get together, or something terrible will happen!"

Ji Feihua is worthy of being the Seven Star emperor. At this time, a bad omen has been born in the bottom of my heart.

Her body shape, soared to the sky, toward the rosefinch body.

The dead rosefinch is not her rival.

"The flower of destruction!"

Ji Feihua's hands bear the Dharma seal, and the majestic power suddenly appears around the body of the rosefinch. An invisible flower of energy is full of flowers, and it is directly covered in it. We should crush it and destroy it!

The rosefinch body protrudes from the left and rushes right, so it can't break through at all.With a sneer, Gu Xuan controlled the black rosefinch under his feet, like a burning meteorite, falling into the sky.


The invisible flower of energy is destroyed in an instant.

In this secret place of rosefinch, the power of black rosefinch is comparable to that of the Seven Star emperor. Everything here is controlled and controlled by it!

Originally, Gu Xuan was not willing to call out the rosefinch easily, because he did not know what kind of changes would happen. It was a big gamble.

If you win, you can live.

If you lose, you may be killed by the rosefinch.

Fortunately, the actions of the black rosefinch are still controlled by the book of life and death.

There was no change in the rosefinch itself.

When the wind blows, Gu Xuan is wearing his clothes and his hair is flying. He stands quietly on the back of the rosefinch, witnessing what will happen next.

Endless stillness, gushing out from the book of life and death, went into the body of the black rosefinch.


The black rosefinch and the rosefinch body finally contact each other.

Flaming fire, this is the real rosefinch fire, far more powerful than the previous weakening version of the rosefinch fire!

Black rosefinch and rosefinch body can release the fire of rosefinch, and play an unexpected change.


a bird as like as two peas, a bird of a finch, suddenly rises from the flames, just like the giant bird that had been passed by the rosefinch.

It circled in the void and returned to the flames again.

Along with a clear long cry, a bright and colorful glow, like a rainbow, came out of the flame, straight into the sky.

"This is This is... "

She was surprised to be incoherent.

Four old immortals of the eclosion were at a loss. One fell to the ground.

"This is This is The fire of rebirth

Gu Xuan stood on the body of the rosefinch, surrounded by the flaming fire. With the supreme flame, he was not afraid of the fire of the rosefinch.

Moreover, the fire of rosefinch had no intention to hurt him.

All of a sudden, the black rosefinch spat out his words and spoke to the ancient Xuan.

"Feel it carefully, Danti, this is more mysterious than the inheritance of rosefinch, which can be called the true meaning of the secret art!"

Gu Xuan looked solemn and nodded heavily.

In his mind, there seemed to be a bell ringing on the road.

Two big characters, as if carved into the soul -

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