"Is it?"

All of a sudden, the sound of water was heard from all directions without any sign of injury.

It's like a pierced heart, not his own.

He slowly turned his head and gave a strange smile to Gu Xuan.


Water body, completely turned into water, from the sky.

Ten Zhangs behind Gu Xuan, in a drop of rain, his body was full of water. In his hand, he held a long knife completely condensed by water.

"There is no lack of Saint's skill. You can't be merciless under the knife. Cut me!"

Like the most powerful spiritual treasure between heaven and earth, the long sword comes down from the sky and cuts through the void, as if to split the heaven and earth in two.

Countless raindrops came together.

For every drop of rain, the power of the long sword will be stronger.

The power of heaven and earth is moved by the long sword, and the blade awn is blooming and dazzling.

This knife is enough to kill any three-star emperor, to cut off the rivers, and to cut off a mountain range!


The whole space is trembling. Cracks are produced and broken in the void, and the turbulent flow of space reveals the lofty features, like small snakes.

With his back to the knife, Gu Xuan still kept the original action of stabbing with water, as if the attack behind him was too fast to respond.

"It's just the same with the ancient Xuan of Dandi."

There is no lack of water.

At this moment, the ancient mystery has been unavoidable.

But Gu Xuan's face, there is no panic.

"Is it? Do you think, I didn't find out, what I stabbed is water body? Do you think I didn't find that your real body has moved behind me

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth brings up a smile. There is no lack of water. This knife is really powerful. Unfortunately, it is impossible to kill him!

"The way of time and space!"

Gu Xuan burst out a drink, accompanied by a strong space fluctuations, his whole body hundred square meters of space, as if it had become another space-time.

Time, as if in this time and space, infinitely long.

The terrible knife, which rushed to Gu Xuan, seemed to be still. It was suspended dozens of feet behind Gu Xuan, motionless.

"What's the matter? How can you control such a complete way of time and space? Even in the Zhongyuan Region, there is no such complete way of time and space! "

There was no lack of water in his eyes, showing a look of shock.

Gu Xuan stared at the terrible knife in front of him and raised the sword of killing heaven.

"Kill the heaven, kill the first, kill the stars!"

"The second one, it's gone!"

Zhutian sword is full of brilliant light. A series of secret lines spin on the sword body, and finally coagulate in the sword. It cuts the terrible knife that attacks Gu Xuan!

At this moment, it seems that the space of the thousand Zhang square meters is darkened, and the sword awn is even completely suppressed by the sword light.

These two swords are the sword of killing the heaven. Who can fight with them?

In particular, these two swords, with the addition of the ancient metaphysical way of time and space, have reached an unparalleled speed, and their power is unparalleled in the world. They have increased by many times!


The sword and the long knife collided together.


The sound of a violent explosion generated, the entire space was blown up at this moment, the explosion aftereffect was all around, set off a circle of wind.

Countless smaller drops of water filled the void.

There was a strange smile on his face. Even a tiny drop of water could be used as a medium for his action.

In this sky filled with water droplets, he has been invincible.

His figure disappeared into the void again. Although the knife just made no contribution, the situation has been developing in a direction favorable to him.

"The next blow, I will let you know my strength! You are just a mole ant in my eyes! "

The sound of water is coming from all directions.

"Next, I'll be more serious and play with you..."

At this point, the sound of water, suddenly stopped.

Gu Xuan's eyes, firmly locked a drop of rain, his right hand, has held it in his hand.

"How could that be? How can you find me and why can't I move? "

There was no lack of water, and the sound of panic came from that drop of rain.

Gu Xuan spread out his left hand, staring at the little raindrop, the corner of his mouth hook up a beautiful arc.

That drop of rain, has already braved the cold, frozen into ice.

"What? Is it strange? I said, you, but so. Your soul power is so weak that even a trace of my soul power is attached to your noumenon

Gu Xuan shook his head."You think, why did I stab that futile sword just now? Do you really think that I want to stab your heart and kill you? Of course not. I just want to force you out of that raindrop. As soon as you move, my soul power is already attached to you

On Gu Xuan's left hand, a chill spread around him. All the raindrops around him condensed into ice and went down like hail.

"As for why you can't move, it's very simple. Don't you think ice is the best choice to trap your body? You can lurk in the raindrops because it's liquid, but now that the liquid has become a solid, can you still get out? "

Gu Xuan's smile was even worse. He had intended to gamble. Unexpectedly, he succeeded.

Light flame, burning in the hands of ancient Xuan.

It is the ice soul cold inflammation, to Yin to cold supreme flame.

"However, you have succeeded in forcing out the flame that I have refined. Congratulations." Gu Xuan joked.

"I see! The sky fire you have mastered is actually ice cold. I admit that I know too little about you, but this does not prevent me from killing you

The sound of water is still cold.

"Do you really think that turning raindrops into ice will trap me? How naive! Water is the thing to restrain fire. Even if you are a cold flame, I will still restrain you


The ice broke suddenly.

A water arrow shot out of it, its power is incomparable, and its speed is extremely fast. Even though the ancient Xuan didn't expect it, the water was able to break through the icy cold power so quickly.

Even though he didn't fully activate the power of ice cold, it was still the supreme flame. The ice frozen by it suddenly broke apart, and was shot through by a water arrow. It was just incredible.


The water arrow shot directly at Gu Xuan's eyebrow.

With a wave of Zhutian sword in his right hand, Gu Xuan releases a sword awn and attacks the water arrow!

However, the sword was shot through by a water arrow.

The pupil of Gu Xuan shrinks suddenly.

"This is not ordinary water, this is - weak water!"

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