"Ha ha ha..."

Seeing that Gu Xuan did not enter the long river of killing, his eyes were full of pride and arrogance.

The power of the bloody hand is not what ancient Xuan can resist.

Therefore, he deliberately left a gap, as long as Gu Xuan wants to escape from that gap, the final end is only one!

"Whether you are in the middle of the killing or deliberately entering the long river of killing, I can only say that you are extremely stupid."

Kill a look at the long river of killing, mouth mutter words.

Whoa, whoa.

The blood waves of the long river of killing are rolling, and it seems that a dragon is swimming to roll out the body of Gu Xuan from the long river of killing.

In a flash, Gu Xuan's head came out of the long river of killing.

The chains of bloody evil spirit bound Gu Xuan's body firmly, making him unable to move at all.

"Do you feel regret! ha-ha! Even if it is a five-star monster into the long river of killing, there is only one way to fall. You, not to mention you. Die, and be part of my power of order

Kill a sneer to stare at Gu Xuan, a sarcastic look.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth also raised a smile - a mocking smile.

"The long river of your killing can indeed trap the five-star evil beast. It's a pity that I'm better than the five-star monster! "

Grunt, grunt.

Gu Xuan's body suddenly gushed out the most powerful Yuan Li, making the bloody river around him rolling, as if boiling in general.

"It's useless. Even if you use up all the energy in your body, you can't get rid of the evil spirit chain. Give up. This is..."

The word "kill one" stops here.

Because at this moment, the evil spirit chain that bound the ancient Xuan was broken inch by inch, and finally collapsed into nothingness.

"What? Keep talking? You want to say that this is the evil spirit chain containing the power of order. All the energy that I burst out is absorbed by it, right? "

Gu Xuan's body recovered his freedom and slowly emerged from the long river of killing.

"Unfortunately, it can only absorb element forces. But I broke the evil spirit chain by virtue of my body's own strength. How can it be absorbed? The force I released was just a cover up. It's a pity that you are so stupid that you have been cheated

One tooth squeaks.

But only for a moment, the killing opportunity in its eyes was once again strong.

"You just broke the chain of evil spirit, but you still can't get out of the long river of killing. There is not only the power of order, but also... "

Kill a word, say here, again suddenly stop.

It looks shocked at Gu Xuan.

At the moment, Gu Xuan, like playing and frolicking, gently jumped up and his lower body came out of the river.

Standing on the surface of the water like a bloody man.

"Oh? Excuse me? What did you just say? I didn't hear you clearly

Gu Xuan looked puzzled, as if he had not heard what he had just said.

I'm shaking with anger. I didn't hear your sister!

Just said you can't come out, you stand up, this call did not hear?

This is the face of red fruit, dare you say you didn't hear it?

Do you think Ben is a fool!

If you kill a person with a long face, now, it is estimated that he is blue and purple with anger.

"Death! I want you dead

Sha Yi was completely angry and crazy. He raised his hands together, chanted words in his mouth and recited the Dharma formula to arouse the blood and water in the long river of killing.


The fierce and bloody Dragon flew out of it and opened its mouth to swallow Gu Xuan.

It wants to completely suppress the ancient Xuan to the deepest part of the killing River, so that the ancient Xuan will never turn over!

There was a sneer on Gu Xuan's face. The reason why he was able to walk out of the long river of killing was entirely due to the jiuxuan battle style.

The long river of killing has a great suppressive effect on the yuan force, but the body power can not be targeted.

Therefore, as long as the ancient Xuan operates the jiuxuan battle body, the whole body will be like a human shaped weapon, comparable to the heavenly level spirit treasure. How to suppress the long river of killing?

At least, killing a long river of killing summoned by a place is hardly a threat to ancient Xuan.

The ancient Xuan's mind moved, and his body turned into hiding light, which aroused thousands of waves!

"Jiuxuan battle style!"

Gu Xuan's speed increased abruptly, his whole person is like a fast to the extreme cannonball, blooms the dazzling light.

With a bang, he flew directly into the big mouth of the bloody dragon.


The bloody dragon couldn't resist the impact of the ancient Xuan's body. With a crash, it turned into blood and water all over the sky.This impact, even if it is a huge mountain, ancient Xuan can pierce it!


Kill a mind drama shock, mouth spit out a mouthful of blood.

Its mind is closely linked with that bloody dragon.

The collision force of Gu Xuan was so strong and direct that it didn't even have the chance to break the mind mind mind relationship with the bloody dragon.

The energy is back to eat, so that its internal organs are injured.

The long river of killing also disappears at this moment. The wounded one can no longer sustain the consumption of the long river of killing.

"Damn it! I am a murderer. I will be defeated by you. Wait for me. I will kill you! "

Without hesitation, he withdrew and flew towards the deepest part of the canyon.

For today's plan, only by connecting the killing two and killing three can we kill Gu Xuan and save his life.

"Want to go? It's late

Gu Xuan sneered and stepped out. His body seemed to shuttle through the void, like a blink, and appeared behind Sha Yi.

Take a shot!

A giant hand suddenly falls from the sky. There are runes on it. It strengthens its power and destroys the heaven and the earth!

"No! How fast is this man? "

Kill one by one, as if made a great choice in general.

"The body changes evil spirit, the blood escapes the skill!"

Sha Yi's body suddenly emptied and turned into a group of evil spirits like red clouds. Following the palm wind of the towering giant hand, it was easy to hide and drive away.


The huge palm is empty and falls on the cliff, and the gravel splashes.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shiyi, who used the skill of blood escaping, has already flew thousands of feet away and entered the canyon thoroughly.

Gu Xuan snorted coldly, trying to escape from his hands, impossible!

"The way of time and space!"

Ancient Xuan's body, hidden into the depth of time and space, appeared again, was already killing a dead man.

Kill a at this moment, panic to the extreme, even directly burn life essence blood, accelerate again.


Every time, Gu Xuan was just a little short of catching up, but he still failed in the end.

A moment later, a towering tree appeared in front of them.

"Is this the tree of life?"

Gu Xuan's eyes narrowed and his heart was shocked.

"Who is sacred? How could you chase and kill the killing emissary under the emperor's seat? Don't stop! If you kneel down and admit your mistake, I can give you a good time

An angry roar rang through the canyon.

"Joke! Stop it? No one can protect the people I want to kill

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