"What, your realm is real? Are you really an imperial warrior? I thought it was your disguise, but it was true? "

The vines all over the body of the dragon eating vine were shaking violently.

It never thought that the tree of life would instinctively pull in an imperial warrior?

Even if this emperor level warrior has any more amazing opportunities and is more powerful, it is only emperor level!

"Even the great emperor is not. Without the power to control order, it is impossible to help the tree of life recover!"

The Dragon vine murmured to himself.

As soon as he moved his body, he flew far away.

"So, I am not in the promotion of emperor!"

Gu Xuan's voice, like rolling thunder, resounded through the whole desert.

Swallow dragon rattan a Leng, good reason, oneself unexpectedly speechless.

Li Xiyun looked up at the sky, thinking.

The ancient Xuantian calamity has just begun, and it is still in the stage of gathering clouds, but the overwhelming energy has already filled the whole sky.

The sky seems to be falling down, giving people a kind of heavy to the extreme pressure.

Just standing here, there is a feeling of stagnation of breath.


The wind howled and the sand whirled.

In the sky, the speed of cloud hijacking is becoming faster and faster. In an instant, the whole sky has been covered by hijacking clouds.

The stone man looks shocked and stares at the sky.

"What a strong disaster, at least 16 times as much as it is, but how can this be possible? Jieyun has just begun to condense, how can it show such great power? I suddenly feel, we are not too close to the direction of the tianjielei landing

Li Xieyun shook his head.

"Since master only quit wanzhang, it shows that this is definitely a safe space."

"Don't you trust your master too blindly?" he said. I think it will be a little safer for you to quit ten thousand feet. "

Li Xiyun raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and stood in the same place, holding his head high, without any intention of retreating.

With a whoosh, the stone man hid behind the Li evil cloud.


In the clouds of robbery, the thunder is rolling, and a Thunder Dragon roams in it, emitting endless dignity.

Its eyes, like two sharp arrows, cast down from the sky, staring at the ancient Xuan.

Gu Xuan only felt that at this moment, his whole body seemed to suddenly have a shackle, which represented the power of order.

Cultivation is to act against heaven and fight for life with heaven.

There is a difference between the imperial level and the imperial realm, which represents the realm where the martial arts truly understand the martial arts and really begin to fight for their lives with the way of heaven.

Gu Xuan looked up at the sky. His pores seemed to be dilated, trying to breathe the air around him.

Each martial arts person, in the process of conferring the emperor, his own perception ability and perception ability will be greatly improved.

This is a short process, which can only last until the end of the disaster.

However, it is an extremely important process for the martial arts. During this period of time, they are open-minded and often have unexpected gains in their understanding of martial arts.

Even, what many martial artists realize at this moment is more important than the gift from heaven after the robbery.


Lightning flash, the first wave of thunder, has been brewing.

The power of 16 times the scourge has not yet landed, and it is strong enough to give people a sense of despair.

The vines of the dragon swallowing vine are deeply hidden in the ground. Sixteen times the natural calamity, even if it is, they feel incomparable palpitation.

It really can't figure out why the ancient Xuan triggered sixteen times the natural calamity.

What a despairing number.

However, at this moment, a cry of surprise came from the mouth of the dragon eating vine.

"How could it be? This is... "

Li Xie Yun and the stone man looked at the sky with astonishment. The first wave of thunder that had already been brewing stopped brewing.

Rob cloud surging more crazy, there are signs of power increase again!

Gu Xuan's eyes were clear and bright, and the power of Tianjie increased, as if it was something he expected.

At the same time, the burning sky continent, southeast region, yingtianzong.

All of a sudden, yingtianzong's protective barrier for the core area began to work.

Inside and outside yingtianzong, countless warriors looked up to the sky.

Originally a void sky, suddenly suddenly suddenly appeared rob cloud, rolling surging, in yingtianzong sky condensation.


There was a terrible sound of thunder in the hijacking cloud, as if there was a dragon roaring in it. The air within a hundred miles seemed to start flashing lights.

This movement has shocked countless closed-door warriors, countless emperor level warriors, and many great emperor martial artists.

Even Zhuque Xianzong was shocked by the news.Yue Laozu rushed up into the sky in amazement and looked in the direction of yingtianzong.

"No way! Thirty two times the disaster

"Thirty two times the disaster? That's the direction of yingtianzong. Is guxuan going to cross the river? But, how could that happen? Thirty two times the natural calamity. Is there anyone in the world who can survive this kind of disaster? "

Zhu Wudi was shocked.

Daomen, the top of a hall towering into the clouds.

Several of the great emperor's martial arts practitioners looked at yingtianzong's direction.

"Thirty two times the disaster! This movement is too exaggerated. It's either a monster or a madman who can trigger such calamities! "

"I prefer the former. How can the people who can attract the attention of Zhongyuan domain and even send someone to mediate with them, can they not be the immortal evil spirits? However, thirty two times the natural calamity, demons are not so evil

"No, look, there are changes! This is - sixty four times the disaster! "

At the top of the hall, the wind howled.

For a long time, no one spoke.

"I take back what I said just now. It's not a monster, it's a madman!"

"Sixty four times the disaster, he is looking for death! Burning the sky mainland, Nangong Chen, the first genius in the list a hundred years ago, has only survived 16 times the natural calamity, and 64 times the natural calamity. No one can survive it! "

Zhuque Xianzong and Yue Laozu almost fell to the ground.

"Sixty four times the natural calamity, Gu Xuan's son of a bitch must be stupid again. Does he really think it's his family? How do you want to spend it? Sixty four times the natural calamity, there is no possibility of survival. "

Yue Laozu sighed a long time, Gu Xuan was playing off.

"Well, when the disaster is over, I'll go there in person, and I'll take everyone in yingtianzong to Zhuque Xianzong, and protect his inheritance. This is the only thing I can do."

In yingtianzong, a famous martial artist is extremely dignified.

Everyone knows that no one but Gu Xuan can make such a big noise.

Of course, Mo Jingyun is the exception.

Only Mo Jingyun knew that it was not the ancient Xuan he was familiar with, nor the master he was familiar with.

"Sixty four times the disaster, who are you? But who you are, I hope you can pass. "

In Mo Jingyun's mind, flashed the figure of the "ancient Xuan" who killed the warrior Lu You in the middle Yuan Dynasty.

In the void that no one noticed, a warrior stands tall and straight like a knife!

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