"The tree of life has fallen into a deep sleep?"

Gu Xuan looked back at the tree of life.

"I just passed through the ditch of the tree of life. Don't you know that once you pick a living tree, it will suddenly lose a lot of energy, and it will fall into a temporary dormancy to supplement the energy of another living tree species to 100%

Gu Xuan was stunned again. According to the records in his memory, it seems that it is.

However, just now I was too excited to realize it.

That is to say, the barrier of the whole gorge disappears from the moment of picking the tree species of life.

Since then, the spirit emperor and the peach sacrifice have come in.

However, these two are obviously a little bit more than killing emperors and gentlemen. At least they did not take the opportunity to attack themselves.

Of course, Gu Xuan didn't take the fact that he didn't sneak attack. He took it as the kindness of the two men.

According to their performance just now, they can't kill the emperor at all. If they succeed in the sneak attack, the final result will be to kill the emperor and return home.

"Young life, all rushed in, pills!"

Frightened, the stone man found a shelter and plunged into the ground.

Li Xiyun is on guard. He can't get involved in the battle at this level.

At this moment, the ancient Xuan, the killing emperor, the spirit emperor and the peach sacrifice were all on guard against each other.

"Strictly speaking, I am not your enemy. If it were not for me, the tree of life would not have risen again. "

The light way of ancient Xuan.

If the fight is really going on, the other two sides will be aiming at the tree species of life in his hands, and the pressure he will bear will be double.

It's not much different from killing two emperors by one person. It's impossible to win the war.

"Why can the tree of life be revived? I still need to find out. However, you are right in saying that we are not enemies. As long as you are willing to hand over the vines and tree species of life, we can even join hands to kill the emperor

Gu Xuan took a puff from the corner of his mouth.

If you really hand over the Dragon vine and life tree species, I'm afraid that I don't even have the qualification to participate in this level of battle. Any enemy at the level of 89 star emperor will be unable to bear it.

"It's impossible!"

Don't think about it. Gu Xuan refused immediately.

"Then there is no need to talk about it. We are still enemies. If you refuse to hand it over, I will take it back with my own hands! "

The spirit emperor said coldly.

Although we don't know why the tree of life grows two tree species of life, we must not let another tree of life be taken away from us until we confirm that the tree of life is safe.

Otherwise, in case of great damage to the tree of life, it will not be worth the loss?

"Strange, the tree of life is not sleeping at the right time. And no one will believe me

The dragon swallowing vine sends the sound to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan had no choice but to shake his head. It seemed that the hard battle was going to go on.

Killing emperor's eyes turn, can't let Gu Xuan and the spirit emperor talk.

If these two people reach a consensus and try their best to deal with themselves, it will be difficult.

"We must make a quick decision! Attack with the soul, even if it costs some money, we should kill these three people as soon as possible! "

Once the idea was established, the killing emperor began to say something.

From its mouth, Sanskrit is transformed into Sanskrit that only it can understand, and is thrown into the long river of killing.

"Kill the Dharma!"


is as like as two peas in killing the great. It is the magnification of thousands of killing laws, and the sound of the wind rises from the long river of killing.

Majestic momentum, straight on the sky!

There is even a trace of rule power in this killing Dharma. The mere gaze makes people feel that they are about to be slaughtered.

"Fa Xiang! He has become a Dharma! This is the holy land means that can only be practiced by understanding the power of rules

The peach sacrifice was frightened.

Even if it is with the Dragon vine, it can not beat a Dharma.


His voice was like thunder. He clenched his claws and blew out three fists in succession, attacking the three ancient xuanren!

"Little skills! Let's show you how good I am

The spirit emperor drank coldly, and the light on his body twinkled. The whole body suddenly changed and turned into a green woman, noble and holy, and beautiful to the extreme.

However, a face, but full of cold, killing opportunities emerge.

The pupil of the ancient Xuan shrank: "it's another Dharma form, and it's a transformation of the Dharma form. With the help of Dharma phase, you can transform yourself into a human form! Once the canonization is established, the Dharma will become a real man of flesh and blood! "

This is a method of transformation which has been lost for many years. In his memory, there are very few records.Surprise flashed on the face of the elf emperor. It never occurred to me that a famous emperor had such insight.

The two fists of the king of the spirit directly blocked the two attacks of the killing Dharma prime minister.

She would not resist the attack on Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan smiles faintly. How can he be afraid of FA Xiang's fist?

"World shaking fist!"

It's the same blow, but this one is flashing green light, and the vines are looming like a dragon in the fist power.


This fist of killing FA Xiang was easily blocked by Gu Xuan.

However, at this moment, whether it was the ancient Xuan, or the fairy emperor and the peach sacrifice, their faces were all changed.

FA Xiang's fist is not a simple one!

In the power of boxing, there is a soul attack of terror to the extreme!

Like a thorn, this soul attacks and invades the minds of the three, directly invades the soul, and wants to destroy their souls!

Let them lose their ability to move even if they can't be hit hard!

"Even if it's just a moment, it's enough to make you fall!"

In the eyes of the slaying emperor, the battle was won by himself!

"Mm-hmm --"

the spirit emperor and the peach sacrifice each uttered a dull hum, which had been hit at the same time.

Although they know that the soul power of killing emperors is far better than them, and they are always on guard, they did not expect that the killing emperors will use the fist power of Dharma to attack their souls.

And it's still such a powerful soul attack!

Such an attack will also do great harm to itself. It can be said that it is an attack method that damages the enemy by 1000 and damages itself by 800.

It's like fighting landlords. It's just like putting bombs on the first hand. It's beyond everyone's expectation.

Peach sacrifice body a tremor, directly then fainted.

Although he didn't faint, he was also enveloped by a deep pain. His whole body seemed to have lost control.

"Break it for me!"

She mobilized her soul power to break down the soul power of killing the emperor. As long as she blinked an eye, she could return to normal.

"It's me who wins in the end!"

The breath of killing the emperor is a little weak. The soul attack just now has the same heavy burden on it. Fortunately, it is very effective.

Next, it's time to harvest victory.

As long as a moment less than the Kung Fu, these three people, will die!

It controls the Dharma and wields a terrifying claw. The space is torn apart by the rolling energy!

This claw, attack three people at the same time!

Enough to tear all three to pieces.

And Gu Xuan, just in this claw attack under the first position.

's ancient mystery as like as two peas, a dull face, motionless, and the same as the peach sacrificial offering.

The killing emperor looked pitifully at Gu Xuan, a disgusting Terran warrior. It was really cheap for him to die like this.

At this time, however, the dark eyes suddenly burst out!

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