Gu Xuan did not choose to enter the first peak directly.

Since there is a base camp of purgatory emissaries, I am afraid that the whole first peak is under the supervision of purgatory emissaries. If you enter rashly, you will only scare the snake.

The three purgatory emissaries captured by Gu Xuan were only puppets on the outer side.

Their only function is to warn and mislead the enemy.

Anyone who catches the purgatory emissary will only search around for the traces of their nests, but will not think that the real nests are hundreds of miles away.

In fact, it is.

At the moment, with the mountain peak where Gu Xuan captured the purgatory emissary as the core, all of them were searched by the tortoise people who heard about it, but found nothing.

"Damn it, that damned warrior refused to give me a purgatory emissary, otherwise, I would have got the clue already!"

Princess GUI stares at a big stone in front of her eyes, as if it were ancient Xuan.


Step on it and the rock will crumble.

"knew that as like as two peas of purgatory, there should be three memories of purgatory, almost all alike. After all, they are only puppets."

Gu Xuan holds his chin and smiles.

If you leave two purgatory emissaries behind, I'm afraid there will be more chaotic fighting. Gu Xuan is very good at creating chaos.

Even if others catch the purgatory emissary, they are not afraid. After all, without entering the holy land, no one's soul power is comparable to ancient Xuan. It is simply wishful thinking to grab the purgatory emissary's memory.

While thinking, Gu Xuan changed his appearance.

For a warrior, it is easy to change his appearance.

Especially the purgatory emissary, who is covered with death, is simpler.

The surface of the ancient Xuan's body was covered by dead air in an instant, so he couldn't see the real face clearly.

A sickle of the God of death, condensed through the stillness and the yuan force, was held in his hand.

From the appearance, Gu Xuan is a real purgatory emissary.

"You go straight into the ground and follow me, not too far away."

Gu Xuan hit a group of dead gas, outlined several hidden prohibitions, hit the mice.


Happy, the mouse went into the ground.

The only way to escape from the purgatory is to use its speed to escape.

"Lord Gu Xuan, I vaguely remember that I ate the seeds of purgatory fruit in the direction of the East three months ago."

The mouse transmits the sound to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan nodded: "let's go east."

's ancient Xuan as like as two peas of purgatory, and even the soul strength of the conjoined body is all very vivid.

However, even so, the ancient Xuan did not swagger directly into it, but used the method of concealment and moved forward slowly.

Half an hour later, the ancient Xuan has entered the depth of the first peak, where the clouds are shrouded, and the trees and bushes are growing together, high and dense.

If you want to go there, you have to destroy the terrain.

But if you fly directly, you always feel that you will miss something.

Frowning, Gu Xuan released his soul power. He had a premonition that he would find something here.

The tide of soul power, exploring into the bushes, seems to be all right, not something hidden here.

"Are you wrong? Mouse, where are you? Why my distance from you has increased. "

A fine light flashed through Gu Xuan's eyes.

"No, I feel like you're on top of my head. However, it's a little strange. It doesn't feel so clear. But I think I can bump into your feet as soon as I look up

Gu Xuan's eyes were even brighter.

"I see! It's really weird. If I'm right, there's a space hidden here. You're under that space now, and I'm on top of that space.

We can easily penetrate that space, but we can't get in. You have to find the entrance to get in. "

The mice were surprised.

"Entrance? What would that look like? "

"It could be a leaf, it could be a bug, it could even be a grain of sand."

Gu Xuan smiles.

The mouse eyelids jumped: "then what should we do? We will certainly be found out if we look for it in a big way. If it's a grain of sand, it's looking for a needle in a haystack. No, whatever it is, it's looking for a needle in a haystack. "

Gu xuantuo Sisi cableway: "you're right. It's true. So we can only choose the simplest method. "

"What method?"The mouse suddenly had a bad premonition.

Gu Xuan said with a smile: "it's over to show up directly. I'm dressed as an emissary of purgatory. When I see my companion here, I'll come out to meet you."


"If you had known this, you might as well not hide your body at the beginning, and just break in!"

The mouse was very sad. It was always in fear.

"You think too much!" Gu Xuan said, "if you come in directly, we can't get here at all. Just now, at least three spiritual forces swept through the place where we are. Although I didn't find me, it also shows how strict the defense here is

With that, Gu Xuan showed himself directly, stepped into the Bush and began to explore it carefully.

The opportunity to explore will not be too long. We must grasp the opportunity and find the entrance to the hidden space!


Void concussion, around a few big trees, actually out of several purgatory emissaries, staring at the ancient Xuan.

What are you doing, Huang puppet? Get out of here! Is this also where you come from? "

A purgatory emissary yelled at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's heart moved.

"It turns out that purgatory emissaries are also graded, and yellow puppets can't speak."

He kept silent and continued to walk in a numb manner, but he was always feeling the fluctuation of the space around him.

With his control of time and space, as long as the entrance of the hidden space appears within three feet of his body, he will feel something.

"It seems that the core has been destroyed. In that case, recycle it. "

A purgatory emissary sighed. He moved and raised a huge sickle in his hand to kill Gu Xuan.


The scythe of death draws a mysterious trace in the void, almost cutting the space apart.

Gu Xuan still did not change color, even did not resist.

The body under the dead gas suddenly lit up a light.

"Jiuxuan battle style!"


The sickle of death was swung open.

This is because the ancient Xuanxuan has restrained its own power. Otherwise, the scythe of death could be broken directly.

Four purgatory emissaries saw this, Qi Qi showed a color of surprise.

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