The spirit emperor's eyes, looked to a direction.

Everyone's eyes followed her in the same direction.

There, that's the direction of the first peak.

"The king of the elves, can you say that the purgatory emissary's nest is in that direction?"

The emperor of light and shadow asked carelessly.

It has always been at odds with the shadow emperor, but it is still in harmony with the spirit emperor.

Like the fairy emperor, the emperor who is so eye-catching, peace loving and powerful at the same time, except for killing such stupid people as the emperor, other emperors are very fond of her.

It can be said that if the spirit emperor joins any party, other emperors will agree and will never worry about the spirit emperor stabbing a knife in the back.

Unfortunately, the spirit emperor and the Xuanwu emperor had a life-long friendship, and the other emperors had no chance at all.

The fairy emperor walked barefoot to the front, every step, there were ripples under his feet.

"According to the information I have gathered, the purgatory's nest should be in this direction. But I can't confirm their exact location. "

Speaking of this, the elf emperor was silent, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a moment, her brows began to wrinkle.

"The situation this time is very different from that in the past. I have a bad feeling that we should be careful. "

The information collected by the spirit emperor was obviously masked by the purgatory emissary. Therefore, it was not complete at all and quite vague.

There is not much valid information that she can analyze.

But this kind of bad premonition, is determined not to be wrong.

The elf emperor frowned.

Her warning, of course, was completely ignored by several emperors.

Compared with finding the fruit of purgatory, gaining the ability to enter and exit the small purgatory freely, leaving this ghost place is a little dangerous. What is it?

No matter how dangerous the purgatory emissary is, he is nothing more than the supreme emperor. There has never been more than half Saint level purgatory emissaries in the past.

This time, I believe there will be no exception.

Four forces, five emperors, flew towards the first peak.

As long as we determine the direction and explore the past all the way, we will always find the clue of purgatory emissary and find the old nest of purgatory emissary.

And now, ten miles away from the endless mountains.

A group of evil spirits, frowning, flew over.

"What's the matter? The breath of the ancient Emperor Xuan disappeared

"It's impossible to disappear. It must be in a special space. We can't feel it."

"According to the direction of the emperor, we must find the emperor. As for the purgatory fruit, forget it. If we don't have the emperor to support us, we can't keep the purgatory fruit. "

Finally, they made a decision and continued to fly in the direction of sensing the ancient mystery.

This direction, of course, is the direction of the first peak.

But as the ancient Xuan emperor's party, also did not know, oneself inexplicably took the mantle of killing the great emperor.

At the moment, Gu Xuan only felt that he felt oppressed and bent in his heart.

Full seven heaven level purgatory emissaries, surrounded him, all kinds of touch all kinds of research.

In the distance, there are two more powerful purgatory emissaries than the heaven level purgatory emissaries, who are hosting the seventh batch of purgatory fruit sowing tasks.

Of course, in the eyes of Gu Xuan, these two purgatory emissaries were not inferior to those who killed the great emperor, but were still heaven level purgatory emissaries.

No way, the purgatory emissary's classification is only four levels of heaven and earth xuanhuang, even if the Holy Land purgatory emissary comes, it can only be the heaven level.

Gu Xuan released his soul power and carefully observed the situation around him. However, his body was still and sluggish, standing on the spot.

As a man of flesh and blood, a group of puppets studied which part of the body was broken. This is the most oppressive thing - none of them!

"What is the matter? This puppet of prefecture level is full of dead breath. I have also detected its heart with soul power, and there is no sign of damage? "

One purgatory crooked his head.

Gu Xuanxin said: "with your little soul power, you can see signs of damage! The information you detected is just disguised by the emperor. Don't say it's bad. It's OK to make a big watermelon for you

"What's more, the body is so hard that the general prefecture level puppet has already been cut into two parts under my sickle just now, and it is still intact?"

"Is it strange?"

"It's strange!"

Several purgatory emissaries feel that they are big headed. They are celestial puppets and have independent souls as their core. They have the same wisdom as human beings and have their own memories and personalities.

In the eyes of Gu Xuan, they were bewildered.

If you suddenly become violent and exert all your strength, you may be able to kill seven at a time. However, the two semi holy purgatory emissaries behind are not easy to deal with.Besides, Gu Xuan knew that there were many purgatory emissaries here, but they were all made by yue'er, and maybe they were made out of passion. Strictly speaking, they were still half of their own people.

Therefore, Gu Xuan did not intend to kill these purgatory emissaries unless necessary.

Seven celestial purgatory emissaries studied for a long time, but got nothing. Finally, they were impatient. They put a few restrictions on Gu Xuan, and then put Gu Xuan in the air, which was regarded as the completion of recycling.

When the matter is over, they will naturally bring the ancient Xuan back to the secret place of time, let the adults repair it, and it will be finished.

These days level purgatory emissaries left, and Gu Xuan naturally wanted them. Finally, he could explore here with less scruples.

The ancient Xuan released the soul power and spread around like the tide.

The space is very large. It is three miles round. The special purgatory fruit planting area is a full mile round.

Originally, Gu Xuan thought that purgatory fruit must be very rare. However, the number of such natural materials and treasures is no longer large. If there is a tree, one or two fruits will be enough.

But this is clearly not the case.

There are hundreds of purgatory fruit trees planted here.

The seeds soon germinate, emerge from the soil, grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and are almost a foot high in the blink of an eye.

Heaven level purgatory emissaries personally operated, each took out a small porcelain vase, carefully dropped a drop to each purgatory fruit tree.

Then, the purgatory fruit trees seem to have been baptized by time. Although they did not continue to grow, their branches and branches became more robust.

"It's the water of time that accelerates growth! In such a drop, purgatory fruit trees must be at least ten years old. I'll go, water of time. Give me a bottle. I can cultivate a quasi drug ancestor. It's just outrageous! What a monster

Gu Xuan was shouting in his heart.

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