Dense knife awn, let this one side space, be full of incomparable killing opportunity.

What's more terrible is that even the space is cut apart where the knife awn passes.

Although Tian No.1 did not do its best, it was still powerful against the sky. Any emperor here would like to block this blow. I'm afraid it is not an easy thing.

The stone buries his head deeper, shivering.

As soon as Li Xiyun lifted the big stone, he moved his body. He didn't have a knife to cover the sky, so he went directly into the burrow.

There's a tunnel from the ground squirrels to the depths of the ground, away from the heart of the battle.

Day 1 has been launched, which means that the purgatory emissaries will launch a general attack. It will become extremely dangerous here.

The elf emperor raised his head with a dignified face.

Her hands are like butterflies flying in the flowers. They are as fast as lightning. They are so mysterious that they are dazzling.

The tree of life suddenly appeared eyes, ears, mouth and nose. It turned out to be a tree warrior and ran towards the spirit emperor. Before the knife fell, it blocked the spirit emperor.

"The meaning of the spirit, the tree world comes!"

The spirit emperor's hands are like lotus flowers. With a gentle wave of both hands in the void, the endless tree man soldiers are angry. They split from the tree of life and take root in the void. They are like an army assembled and completed!

Every tree man opened his arms to meet the boundless sword.

Bang bang bang!

The knife awn constantly bombarded the tree man, making a famous tree man explode.

Only a moment later, the sky is full of branches and leaves flying, sawdust, like a heavy snow.

Day 1 looks shocked.

"How could it be? You can actually block my attack. Even if you are the emperor of Xuanwu and the emperor of light and shadow here, there is no reason to block this attack without injury! "

The spirit emperor calmly said: "endless mountains, endless trees, this is my battlefield, here, any emperor's strength, can not be compared with me."

Of course, although he said that, Tian No. 1 didn't know that in order to block his attack just now, the elf emperor almost consumed more than 80% of his strength.

If it had not been for the constant replenishment of the tree of life, she would have only the strength to flee.

The fruit of purgatory is a little face with curiosity.

It couldn't understand what the two men were fighting in front of them.

Its eyes, away from the two people, looked at Gu Xuan.

At this moment, ancient Xuan, like the God of war, stands in the sky!

The long river of slaughter spread under his feet like the water of a rolling river.

Whoa, whoa.

All of a sudden, in the long river of killing, a few bloody vines sprang up, directly connecting more than a dozen prefectural purgatory emissaries in the sky.

Gu Xuan stepped on the seven-star position and displayed a mysterious pace. His speed reached the extreme. A celestial purgatory emissary in front of him had no chance to escape, so he was cut in half with a sword.

Another heaven level purgatory emissary sees the situation is not good, quickly retreats, wants to stay away from the killing river range, but how could Gu Xuan give him a chance?

"The way of time and space!"

There were ripples on Gu Xuan's body. His body shape disappeared from the original place. When he reappeared, it was time for a sword to pierce the heart of the celestial purgatory emissary.

At this point, the battle line that besieged Gu Xuan was once again broken by him.

On the 22nd of the day, he led thousands of purgatory emissaries to attack and surround the ancient Xuan.

"Gu Xuan, you are difficult to fly today! You can die without suffering! If you will kowtow to me and beg for mercy, I can even leave you with a remnant soul and go to the nether world for reincarnation. How about? "

On the 22nd of the day, he was full of temptation. Of course, he didn't want to let go of Gu Xuan. He just wanted to shake Gu Xuan's mind and cheer for himself.

He was telling all the other purgatory emissaries that Gu Xuan must die today and there is no need to be afraid.

Gu Xuan was staring at the day 22 coldly.

"Fight alone with me. Within three moves, I will kill you. If you don't die within the three moves, I'll let you deal with it. I dare to make an oath of heaven. Do you dare? "

Gu Xuan's words, like rolling thunder, resounded over the whole mountain, with a tremendous momentum.

At present, tian22 is the only living purgatory emissary besides Tian1.

The two celestial purgatory emissaries who fought with emperor Xuanwu and Emperor Guangying were just killed by them.

However, a large group of fiendish emissaries immediately surrounded them.

It's not a simple thing for them to get away.

There is no way. There are too many purgatory envoys. There are thousands of them. If you divide hundreds of people randomly, you can trap them for half a cup of tea.

However, Gu Xuan didn't have half a cup of tea time to waste.What he wants is to fight a way out of the sky to support the spirit emperor.

Otherwise, the purgatory fruit of Chengjing will be obtained by day 1. All efforts will be in vain.

Because of this, Gu Xuan proposed a bet with Tian 22.

As soon as this condition is mentioned, whether he answers or not on the 22nd of the day, he is no different from losing.

Gu Xuan's eyes, like sharp arrows, were staring at Tian 22.

A purgatory emissary of prefectural level, Xuan level and yellow level was also staring at tian-22, which was undoubtedly good news for them.

In their eyes, tian22 is the strongest one next to tian-1. They are full of confidence in tian-22. As long as tian-22 attacks, let alone insist on three moves under Gu Xuan, it is very likely that Gu Xuan will be killed.

On the 22nd of the day, my heart was filled with bitterness.

How can we really see the strength of Gu Xuan, these purgatory emissaries who can't even reach the heaven level?

He is strong, but compared with Gu Xuan, it is far from good.

The ancient xuantai was ferocious. He summoned the Xuanwu beast and the rosefinch beast. God knows if he will summon the white tiger beast and the green dragon beast.

Although tian22 felt that it was not impossible to insist on the three moves under Gu Xuan's command, and it could greatly improve the morale of the purgatory envoys, the next siege would certainly put more pressure on Gu Xuan.

But he didn't dare to gamble.

It is gratifying to win.

Lost, but even the lives are up.

Facing the burning eyes of purgatory emissaries, he chose to escape.

"Well, why should I fight you alone? Don't fall into his scheme. This man is full of tricks and certainly wants to escape when fighting alone. Everyone listen to the order, together, who killed Gu Xuan, I personally applied to enhance the power of his soul and heart. "

On the 22nd of the day, it looks like a bold and dry cloud.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of a famous purgatory emissary, there was an inexplicable color.

Even if the day 22 said high sounding, but their wisdom is not low, it is not difficult to see that this is the day 22 retreat.

Heaven level purgatory emissary, the second figure in the purgatory emissary army, is afraid of a famous warrior?

Is this Terran really so terrible?

As the day 22 shrank, a purgatory emissary's eyes to Gu Xuan also changed, becoming afraid and shrinking.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth sparked a smile.

The purpose has been achieved.

Now, it's time to kill.

"Purgatory fruit, it must be mine!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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