At the time when people were shocked, Li Xiyun's action did not stop at all.

He moved again!

"Eight door imperial chain, kill me!"

Eight chains, shot out in an instant, pierced the heart of a purgatory emissary!

In an instant, all the purgatory emissaries fell from the battle array that Li Xie Yun rushed to.

Their bodies were strung into eight strings, floating on the eight chains, and then turned into powder, completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Who else?"

Li Xiyun's eyes swept over a group of purgatory emissaries.

"Do you want to catch me, too?"

As a purgatory emissary, anyone who is swept by this sight is like being struck by lightning. His heart suddenly hits with a thump, and he dare not look at Li evil cloud.

The purgatory messengers were in a state of turmoil.

A Terran warrior who looks just like the three-star emperor is so abnormal, even if the Terran warrior who looks like the four-star emperor is also abnormal?

How can we not understand the realm and strength of Terran warriors?

Not only the purgatory messengers were shocked, but also the elf emperor and the light and shadow emperor.

When did Li Xiyun's strength become so strong?

Even if it's your own, I'm afraid you can't do it like this. If you lift your weight as light as you can, you can make a pot of 100 purgatory emissaries in a battle array?

Moreover, Li Xie Yun has this strength, why does it show up now?

Why didn't Gu Xuan go out to help with the battle between Tian 1 and Gu Xuan just now?

A series of questions appeared in the minds of the two emperors.

In the distance, Xuanwu emperor's mouth trembled a few times.

Just now, he was still considering with emperor Guangying whether to go out to rescue Li Xie Yun.

Unexpectedly, Li Xie Yun was so fierce that he killed hundreds of purgatory emissaries.

From Li Xiyun, Xuanwu emperor seems to see the shadow of ancient Xuan.

If I had known that, I would have sent this favor myself.

The emperor of light and shadow and the emperor of the spirit didn't even give out their hands, but the human feelings were sent. This is absolutely beneficial and harmless.

"That's it. Even if I do it now, it will add to the icing on the cake, rather than helping out in time. And it's too purposeful to go. "

The emperor of Xuanwu shot out his hand and killed dozens of purgatory emissaries in front of him with a few fists. His body turned into a light escape and flew to the horizon.

Where they passed, a group of purgatory emissaries quickly separated a road. There was no heaven level purgatory emissary sitting in the town. The emperor level strong people wanted to go, and they couldn't stop them.

There are still more than 3000 people left in the whole army of purgatory emissaries.

After seeing the power of Li Xie Yun, they also started to retreat.

However, where can Li Xie Yun let them retreat so simply.

"If you don't, I'm not polite."


A long bow appeared in Li Xie Yun's hand and was pulled full of strings by him.

Whew! Whew!

Long energy arrows shoot from the bow.

After a series of long arrows, none of them fell through the heart of a purgatory emissary.

"No, the enemy is too strong. Let's go back to the first peak. There's a big array that we've set up, and it should be able to block the enemy. "

A prefectural purgatory emissary issued a command to lead the army of purgatory emissaries to retreat towards the first peak.

"The spirit emperor, these guys, can't let go. Kill as many as you can

The emperor of light and shadow sneered, his body turned into a light, and rushed into the army of purgatory emissaries.

Boom! Boom!

A sound of explosion sounded, countless purgatory emissaries were killed, limb and arm fell from the sky.

"The spirit emperor light way:" said is also right, since you have come, that also need not go

Wisps of green light came from all directions and disappeared into the spirit emperor.

Her hands, like butterflies dancing, made mysterious Dharma Seals.

"The meaning of the spirit, the tree world comes!"

The tree of life falls from the air and takes root in the earth. At the same time, its roots continue to spread around, like a large net.

The towering trees rose from the ground.

In the blink of an eye, within tens of miles, tall trees have grown up, connecting the sky with the earth.

The branches turned into vines, which were inexhaustible and bound the purgatory messengers.

These vines, of course, can't stop the purgatory messengers.

However, the number of vines is too much.

Purgatory emissaries only feel that their sight is blocked, dizzy, and have no idea which direction to fly.

The vine, in particular, is extremely annoying.If you cut off what is bound to your body, you will immediately have new growth. If you re bind them, you will not be able to cut them completely.


Just as the purgatory messengers were blocked and struggling to advance, the voice of Li evil cloud came from behind them.

A long arrow, constantly flying.

Chain after chain, the same flying.

Only listen to the sound of Chi Chi, a famous purgatory emissary fell.

Later, the emperor Xuanwu and the emperor of the spirit killed at the same time, and they killed the purgatory emissaries.

"It's a pleasure!"

Emperor Guangying angrily scolded, according to his agreement with the shadow emperor, this year's competition should be his victory.

Unfortunately, the shadow emperor has already sunk into the long river of killing in ancient Xuan. I'm afraid his body has long been gone.

I don't know why, there is a feeling of emptiness in the heart of emperor Guangying.

The spirit emperor's eyes have never left Li Xie Yun.

Li Xiyun's strength, in her perception, has always been the four-star emperor, but he killed the purgatory emissary at a speed no less than that of himself. This is a strange thing.

All of a sudden, the fairy emperor remembered the scene of Gu Xuan's last move, cutting Tian 1 in half.

At the same time, she also recalled all kinds of changes between Li Xiyun when he was promoted and the fruit of purgatory.

Connecting all these together, the spirit emperor's mind is like a flash of lightning.

"I see! No wonder ancient Xuan can become so powerful, no wonder Li Xie Yun can be so powerful. This is because they are all integrated with the power of order and rules that belong only to the little purgatory!

At least, in this little purgatory, they have become extremely powerful. However, the strength of Li Xie Yun still has its upper limit. But Gu Xuan's strength, perhaps, only Shi Zu's hand is his opponent. "

The spirit emperor was shocked to the extreme.

Shi Zu's power, the whole small purgatory, I'm afraid only you know.

That is the same as myself, from a distant era, to the present fierce man.

Had it not been for the curse of that place, Shizu would have been the absolute master of the little purgatory.

I'm afraid the elf emperor did not think that today, he would compare Gu Xuan and Shi Zu on the same level.

Stone Man canyon.


Shizu sneezed again.

"You're sneezing again. Do you think the meteorite just now is not big enough, it doesn't make enough sound, and hasn't killed us yet

The stone people were chattering and shocked.

At this moment, Gu Xuan is chasing the soul heart of day 1, and finally reaches the first peak! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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