It's still golden day two.

However, in the golden yellow, there are some green awns flickering faintly, which looks wonderful, just like putting on a layer of armor.

"Day 2, your power..."

Day 3 looked at day 2 in surprise, even a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, my power..."

Day 2 surprised to see their own body, not only the cracks disappeared, but also, even their own strength has been enhanced.

Now, even those who were even better than him in the past, I'm afraid their strength is still below him.

At first, he thought that even if Gu Xuan could repair his body, he would not be perfect. Unexpectedly, he had become so much stronger!

As for the change in color, it is nothing, as can be enhanced so much, he would like to paint him colorful.

For purgatory emissary, strength is supreme, appearance and so on, does not exist at all, OK!

Tian 2 and Tian 3 are real and true now. I completely believe that Gu Xuan has something to do with heartless adults, and there is no doubt about it.

Mr. Gu Xuan's ability to make puppets is not inferior to the ruthless master!

Looking at the day 2, who said half of the time, Gu Xuan held his chin.

"Why, is your strength weaker? No reason? "

"No, no, no, Lord Gu Xuan, I'm stronger! And much stronger! "

Day two looks happy.

Gu Xuan nodded: "then why are you hesitating! If you don't go with me, go and help your brother, brother 7. If you don't, I'm afraid he'll only have a shell left. "

Day 2 and day 3 came back from the joy and observed the scene carefully.

At the first peak, there was still smoke and flames. A purgatory emissary had given up fire fighting and gathered at the foot of the mountain where fierce fighting was taking place.

Day 2, his face changed slightly.

"I feel the breath of day 7, but it's strange that the breath of day 1 is a little weak."

Tian 3 looks at Tian 2 in surprise.

"Your soul power has been strengthened? I can't feel them. "

Gu Xuan smile: "I really injected a little soul power into you, not to make you stronger, but to make you quickly adapt to this body."

With that, the ancient Xuan turned into a hiding light and flew towards the foot of the mountain.

From there, he felt a strong spatial fluctuation. I'm afraid some strong people are coming across the space, which must be prevented.

Day 2 in the heart is very moved, and day 3 together, closely followed up.

At the foot of the mountain.

Groups of purgatory emissaries surrounded dozens of purgatory emissaries inside and outside.

In this group of purgatory emissaries, the first is Tian 7. He is the only one left. His body is covered with scars.

These scars were nothing to purgatory messengers, but now he has no extra strength to repair them. He can only leave them on his body.

"God 7, give up the resistance! The stone gate has been repaired by me, and the passage connecting the secret place of time has been opened by me again. "

Day 1 has only one soul heart left, but many purgatory emissaries still respect him.

"At least one of the two envoys of Wu Xingyun will come. At that time, you will still die! It's better to be killed by me than to be tortured to death by one of the adults by the two left and right! "

Day 1 laughs, soul heart trembles, appears extremely excited.

Obviously, the so-called left and right envoys in his mouth were coming, which gave him great confidence.

"Hum! On the 1st of the day, you killed so many purgatory emissaries. When you return to the secret place of time, the heartless adult will know about this sooner or later. At that time, life is not like death, only you

Day 7 a face embarrassed, but not willing to show weakness.

Behind him, several prefectural purgatory emissaries also scolded Tian 1.

If at ordinary times, they would never dare to do so, but now, seeing that they are going to be killed by the day 1, then what are the scruples? First of all, scold enough!

As for the black and yellow purgatory emissaries, although unable to speak, they all gave their angry eyes, staring at Tian 1, hoping to devour him alive.

On the 1st of the day, he was furious. Unexpectedly, a few prefectural purgatory emissaries dare to scold themselves.

"Kill it for me. Only tian7 will be saved. All other low-level purgatory emissaries will be killed!"

Order on day 1.

Suddenly, a full hundred purgatory emissaries rushed toward the day 1.


On day 7, a group of purgatory emissaries rose up to resist, but they had no choice but to consume too much. Hundreds of purgatory emissaries joined hands, and their companions were killed continuously."God 7, die! I didn't expect that I, a prefectural purgatory emissary, could actually kill a heaven level purgatory emissary. It's so happy! Ha ha

A prefectural purgatory emissary stabbed at his heart from the back of day 7!

Day 7 face big change, want to turn around to resist, but was restrained, let alone resist, even turn the head are difficult to do.

There was a look of despair on his face. Now, he is dead!

However, at this time, the two figures, like lightning, rushed into the battle group.

"You want to kill Tian 7, dream!"

The voice of day two is coming.

The golden sickle of death crossed several mysterious tracks in the void. The sound of Chi Chi was heard constantly. The purgatory envoys who attacked tian7 were all broken and dead.

"How could it be you, day two! Have I not destroyed your body with my own hands

Day one's voice, full of shock.

"No way! Is the heartless adult here? Your body has been repaired? "

God, the voice of No.1 is shaking.

Who can repair Tian 2's body, and is willing to repair his body, besides the heartless adult?

If it is really a heartless adult to arrive, even if it is the wizard Xingyun adult pro, I am afraid it will not be able to protect themselves!

He has been abandoned, and the Wizard Nebula will not protect himself at all!

What's more, Wu Xingyun didn't come, but only left and right envoys. That's useless. It's easy for a heartless adult to kill them.


At this time, the sky No. 1 body side, the movement above the stone gate is bigger.

However, it's not as big as that caused by the witch Nebula coming in person. Tian-1 is even more shaking.

If one of the left and right envoys arrives and finds that the heartless adult appears here, I'm afraid you don't have to do it. The one who arrives at the left and right envoys will kill himself for self-protection.

In the dark, Gu Xuan looked at the appearance of Tian No.1, thinking deeply.

The corners of his mouth gradually showed a smile.

"It seems that this is a good idea!"

Gu Xuan's spirit gradually changed. On his body, he was covered with a layer of light fog, which made him look unreal.

"Day 1, how dare you

As soon as this voice comes out, the purgatory emissaries of the whole series of sorcery nebulae are shivering all over!

Because it's the voice of a heartless adult! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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