In the land of burning heaven, there are many powerful forces, and there are also many forces stronger than Taoism.

But there is no such thing as a powerful and unrestrained force.

If the burning sky mainland really has the power to subvert the whole continent, it is definitely a Taoist school.

Although daomen is called the first sect in the world, it is not the biggest force in the world.

I'm afraid that many aristocratic families have the strength to surpass Taoism.

However, daomen was still chosen as the overlord of the eastern and southern regions.

Gu Xuan guessed that there must be an unknown secret among them.

What's more, according to the information that Gu Xuan got from shuiwuque, one of the eight sages in the middle Yuan Dynasty, the origin of daomen is even more mysterious.

Daomen is the spokesman of a big world in burning the sky.

"For no reason, what spokesperson? It's weird to say that it's not weird. "

Gu Xuan held his chin in meditation.

Between thinking, he took out a gourd shaped treasure from the ancient house of Yanmo.

When you shake it gently, the gourd is extremely heavy.

Whoa, whoa.

Inside came the sound of water.

Shizu looked at this gourd in surprise.

"Weak water! Where did you get it? It's a good thing to be compared to the sky fire? "

Gu Xuan was still shaking the gourd, and the water was roaring.

"This is a treasure I got from the warrior, one of the eight great sons of Yuan Dynasty in the burning heaven land. Although I have already recognized it as the owner, I have not studied how to use the weak water. "

Weak water is absolutely the best in water. It is of great benefit to those who practice water.

However, Gu Xuan mainly practiced fire cultivation. Although he had many water attribute skills in his mind, he never dared to try to practice water.

Shi Zu saw Gu Xuan's expression and understood a little.

"It's a good thing among the good things. Don't waste it. Of course, you can't use it rashly. After all, you are a person who burns the sky and cultivates fire energy.

Water and fire are incompatible. Water can restrain fire. This is the rule of heaven. If you want to practice with it, at least you have to be a saint. "

Gu Xuan nodded. He was afraid of this.

Soon, Gu Xuan put away the gourd and looked at the crowd.

"Now, it's time for us to get out. I will go to the evil beast clan and settle them. The races of the other emperors depend on you to settle down, elf emperor. "

"Do you want me to do this kind of errands?" he said coldly

Gu Xuan said with a smile, "you don't have to go by yourself. Just send the tree spirit. It's better for the tree elves to come forward. If I send the beast, I'm afraid we'll have a fight before we arrive. "

The fairy emperor nodded lightly and agreed, but he had scolded Gu Xuan for many times.

"Let's go! Go out first

As soon as Shi Zu waved his hand, he rolled up all the people and aroused the vast energy to create the endless mountains.


As soon as Shizu appeared, huge meteorites fell from the sky. It was just like a meteorite rain. There was a great momentum that he would not give up until he was killed.

"Yaoshou, Lord Shizu, let's go back to the stone man gorge, or I'm afraid I will be killed at any time."

Dashi looks loveless.

Shizu a drink, a fist directly to the sky, will fall the meteorite rain to smash, the posture is handsome.

"Let's go!"

Shizu grabbed the big stone, turned his body into a light, and quickly flew towards the direction of the stone man canyon.

"Gu Xuan, before you leave, remember to come to stone man Canyon to see me once!"

Shi Zuyuan ran away, but his voice was still ringing in Gu Xuan's ear.

"No problem!"

Ancient Xuanyin preached.

"Then I will deal with the affairs of all ethnic groups first, pacify them first, and let them choose new leaders for their own development."

The spirit emperor is still very kind.

With that, she put away the tree of life, turned into a hiding light, and flew towards the tree elf territory.

In the sky, only Gu Xuan and Li Xie Yun are left, which looks quite cold.

The cold wind howled, two people one red and one black hair, fluttering back.

"Master, where are we going now? In the small purgatory, there are many places of opportunity. With our present strength, we can go anywhere. You can explore it everywhere. "

Li Xiyun said excitedly.

Gu Xuan shook his head and said, "don't underestimate the purgatory. The peace here is only superficial. After all, it's a place that can connect hundreds of worlds

The ancient Xuanxin thought to move, and dozens of evil spirits flew out of the ancient house of Yanmo.

"Elder Sha beast, lead the way to my territory."Now that he has become the new killing emperor, if he has never been to his own territory, it will be too cold for these evil beasts.

The evil beasts were overjoyed.

The emperor Xuandi was willing to go to the territory, which showed that he had really recognized his identity and would protect the evil spirits.

They saw the strength of ancient Xuan. With such a powerful emperor under his protection, the evil beast clan would surely become powerful as soon as possible.

Gu Xuan released a flying boat and his party stood up.


The boat flies forward.

A few hours later, a large hall appeared in the eyes of the people.

The killing hall is built on a grassland.

It's a smooth and smooth place here. Any wind and grass move can't hide the evil spirits who are on guard at any time.

"Look, there's a flying boat coming by!"

"How can there be a flying boat? Who is up there, enemy or friend? "

Groups of evil spirits, like startled birds, have picked up weapons, carefully alert, ready to fight at any time.

There's no way. The fighting power of the evil beasts is too low.

"Eh, look at the bow. It seems to be the elder!"

"What seems to be, that is the great elder and many soldiers of our family! There are dozens of them! "

"Who are the two Terran warriors? Why do soldiers respect them

When a famous Sha animal was talking about it, the elder Sha animal suddenly flew out of the boat.

"Woo --"

the horn sounded in the mouth of the great elder Sha beast.

The sound of the horn represents the gathering signal, and it is the gathering signal of absolute safety.

All of a sudden, a famous monster, including the old, weak, sick and disabled, gathered from one corner to another.

Gu Xuan was surprised to find that even under the ground there were many evil beasts coming out. It seems that the defense measures of the evil beasts are still good.

"Dear people, this one on the boat is the new emperor who killed emperor Gu Xuan! In the future, Emperor guxuan will be our new leader. Don't visit him soon

The voice of the great elder Sha beast is very dignified.

The face of a well-known Sha animal showed a color of excitement. It turned out that this warrior of the human race was the ancient Xuan emperor!

"Meet the emperor of ancient Xuan!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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