"Who dares to invade the stone man Canyon? Are you not afraid to be killed by a meteorite? "

Gu Xuan and Gu Xuan had just landed at the entrance of the gorge when they heard a yell.

Then, a few stone people with stone spears came out of the soil, sleepy, and the soil on their bodies fell down. It was obvious that they had been buried in the ground for a long time.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth trembled. There were guards in the stone man gorge. Although it looked incompetent, it was indeed a guard. The stone spear in his hand was the best evidence.

Last time I came to Shiren Canyon, I didn't meet it.

"How can you two ignore us? Don't you think I'll jump up and stab your knee

A stone man spoke in a righteous way.

Gu Xuan said:

Li Xiyun:


Li Xiyun couldn't stand these living treasures. He was about to speak when he was interrupted by a cry of surprise.

"Why? It's the two of you! I remember you, 20 days ago, when you stepped out of the canyon, you stepped on my head

A stone man was angry.

For no reason, being trampled on from the head, even if it does not hurt, but the expression of anger, always do enough.

Gu Xuan covered his forehead. The stone people were indeed worthy of being stone heads. They all had little tendons and were all living treasures!

Just then, the air of the whole stone man Canyon suddenly began to vibrate.

"It's the ancient Emperor Xuan and Li Xie Yun. Please come in. The elf emperor has been waiting for you here for a long time

Shi Zu's voice rang out.

"I said," no one dares to invade the stone man gorge, but you don't believe it. You delay a good nap. Go back to the earth and go back to sleep! "

A stone man complained a few times. Together with the other stone men, they even looked at the ancient Xuan more than once. They all failed to pay homage to it. They plunged into the soil, then quickly ploughed the earth with both hands and got into the ground.

Gu Xuan's mouth trembled again. What a Sao operation it is!


The two turned into Dun Guang and flew to the place where Shi Zugang just spoke.

There is a pavilion with green trees, surrounded by a defensive array, a light shield, covering the whole pavilion.

The surrounding ground was covered with gravel.

Li Xiyun's eyelids jumped.

"Master, those stones are not all meteorites, are they?"

Gu Xuan heavy key nodded, need not say much, that must be!

At this time, as if to confirm the guess of the master and apprentice, a huge meteorite fell from the sky.


When the meteorite hit the mask, it broke into countless pieces.

Gu Xuan shook his head and grinned bitterly. What kind of curse did the stone people, or Shizu, suffer from!

Heart read a move, Gu Xuan with Li evil cloud, through the light shield, into the pavilion.

In the pavilion, Shizu's body has become the size of a normal person. Sitting on a stool, he is drinking tea and chatting with the fairy emperor. It's not pleasant.

Dashi stood beside burning fire and pouring tea. He had a black nose and a bitter face.

"How can you come? I've been waiting here for many days."

The fairy emperor sipped a sip of tea, gently put down the cup, the posture is extremely beautiful, it is a collection of all kinds of beautiful in the world.

Gu Xuan said with a smile: "a little practice, improve the realm."

"I'll go!"

Big stone exclaimed.

"Did you take Shiquan tonic? Actually, I have promoted three small realms so quickly. When has it been such a trifle to upgrade the realm in little purgatory? "

Shi Zu said with a smile, "Dashi, you don't understand. Compared with me, the ancient Emperor Xuan and the little purgatory are not much different. It's very normal to be able to do this. "

The spirit emperor is also a calm, as if happened in Gu Xuan, anything, she will not feel surprised in general.

"It's just three small realms, not much. If it was not for the sake of carefully polishing the foundation, it would be easy for me to upgrade to the nine star emperor in one breath. "

Gu Xuan smiles and sits on the last stool.


Shizu spit out the word heavily.


The teacup in the hand of the fairy emperor was shattered by her.

I really want to beat Gu Xuan!

Gu Xuan looked at the fairy emperor in surprise. He always felt that there were some differences among the elves in the stone man canyon. As for the difference, he could not tell.

"Get down to business. The light and shadow clan, the shadow clan, the turtle clan, the Yan Clan, as well as my own tree spirit clan, have been settled by me now.

When we leave little purgatory, they will not disturb others, and I believe no one dares to disturb them

Said the elf emperor at will.

Gu Xuan was a little surprised: "the tree elves don't say that. Other races are willing to listen to your orders?"The elf emperor laughs strangely: "I don't know, but they listen to my fist's command!"

What a bully!

Gu Xuan finally found out what was the difference between the elves and the emperors. Today's elves are much more expressive and domineering!

"Don't talk about it. There is a very dangerous time and space in the little purgatory. I want to ask you to break in together."

The fairy emperor gazed at Gu Xuan lightly.

"Extremely dangerous time and space? Where is the danger

Gu Xuan was very cautious.

Twenty one days have passed since the beginning of January. Within four days, he must go back.

At least five days should be set aside to prepare for the challenge.

If the time and space mentioned by the spirit emperor is too dangerous, Gu Xuan is not willing to rush in now. If he is trapped for ten days and eight days, yingtianzong will be in danger.

Although there is a strong separation, but before the strength of Taoism is unknown, it is not too cautious.

Shizu mysterious smile: "that place of time and space, anyway, is full of eccentricity. My curse is in there... "

Before Shi Zu's words were spoken, Gu Xuan stretched out his right hand to stop him.

"Well, stop, I refuse to go there!"

Gu Xuan's answer is very simple.

Shizu and the elf emperor were stunned at the same time.

"What? You decided not to go before I said anything. You know, there are many opportunities, though dangerous. If you come to a small purgatory with your strength, but you don't go there, you will enter Baoshan empty handed and return empty handed! "

Shi Zu was distressed and persuaded.

"Do you know what kind of chance is there in that space and time? It is a place that even the emperor does not know. Although there are dangers, there are more opportunities! "

Gu Xuan listened carefully to the words of the elf emperor and shook his head decisively.

In a place where even Shizu, a sub saint, can be cursed, you can go there by yourself, not to mention death, but it is definitely dancing on the tip of a needle.

"I have a reason why I don't want to go. I need to get back to the burning land as soon as possible. Otherwise, my family will be in great danger."

The ancient Xuan was solemn.

Shi Zu patted his head and laughed.

"I thought you were worried about something. I was worried about the lack of time. If so, you should have a hundred thousand hearts! "

Gu Xuan's eyes were full of doubts.

"How do you say that?"

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