Shizu looked up at the sky.

"You are young, but it took me a hundred days to come out in four days."

People than people, the gap is so big!

One year outside, one day inside, I was chased and killed for 100 days!

What's more, he didn't really go out to kill himself, so he just made a mini skeleton man.

At the thought of being chased by a palm sized Mini skeleton man with a big knife, Shizu had an impulse to cry.

Boom! Boom!

In the sky, one by one meteorite fell, and a roar was heard in the stone man canyon.

Stone people have given up shock, panic, sleep, play and play, anyway, the meteorite falls every day, used to.

Dashi was boiling water and making tea in an arbor. His nose was black and he was very cute.

"Lord Shizu is really not a worry. I have taken back the 100th Qi Yun stone, but he has smashed another stone. Now, it is still one less. Ah

Without a hundred Qi Yun stones, Shizu's road to promotion is still unknown.

On a stone bench in the pavilion, Li Xie Yun quietly drinks tea and keeps his eyes closed.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.


In the sky, two escape lights fall one after another. It is the ancient Xuan and the spirit emperor.

On the way, Gu Xuan had told all the things he could tell the elf emperor.

Now the spirit emperor is angry and angry. He knows that his memory has been deleted by himself, but he has no way. He can't remember what he deleted.

And Gu Xuan was also reticent about this, saying was equal to not saying.

Of course, these are not the key points. The point is that there is another constraint on myself for no reason.

In the past, there was a "devil in the heart of Taoism" on his body, which had already made him unable to be promoted to the holy land. Now there is an "evil heart and Dao kind", which is to drive his rhythm crazy?

In this regard, Gu Xuan was powerless.

These two kinds of skills were planted by the old man of the heart demon to keep the secret of the God devil cemetery.

If I take the spirit emperor to let him remove the magic, the old man of the heart will not promise not to say, I'm afraid it will arouse more suspicion.

Fortunately, the original purpose of these two methods was to force the elf emperor to delete his memory. In fact, the binding force on the spirit emperor was not great.

However, it is a disadvantage that affects the promotion of the spirit emperor to the holy land.

When they entered the pavilion, Li Xie Yun got up early and walked towards the ancient Xuan.

Gu Xuan looked at the spirit of the emperor, helpless smile.

"Don't worry, fairy emperor. I will try to solve your skills. Although memory can not be restored, at least, it can make your mind complete and promote the holy land

The spirit emperor was angry all the way, and his face improved a little.

"That's what you say. You have to do what you say!"

However, he was still angry. The ancient Xuan clearly knew what had happened, but he didn't tell himself.

as like as two peas there is no such a rule!

In that space and time, I went twice, but I didn't meet the chance, but I got two skills that affected my promotion to the holy land. It was absolutely amazing!

"Ha ha, how fast you've come back!"

Shizu also entered the pavilion.

At the sight of Shizu, the spirit emperor felt a little better. This guy was cursed, which was much worse than his own skills.

At least, their own skills will not affect the clansmen.

Shizu, this guy, has infected the whole ethnic group with bad luck.

"There are many secrets about that time and space. After we have reached the holy land, or even higher, we can explore it again. "

As soon as Shi Zu came in, he looked at Gu Xuan with a smile.

Seeing Gu Xuan's calm appearance, he knew that Gu Xuan had not deleted his memory.

Otherwise, the appearance of the ancient Xuan should be similar to the spirit emperor.

Everything was in his expectation.

Gu Xuan nodded: "there are many secrets of time and space there. Next time, evil cloud can go with me

In Gu Xuan's mind, he also thought about the loyal subordinates of the heavenly prison Lord.

Next time, their own realm has improved, they should have something good to take out to congratulate themselves?

Gu Xuan held his chin and thought deeply about this problem.

In the pavilion, a short silence.

Only the flames of Dashi's tea making kept crackling.

At the same time, it seems that there is no tacit understanding between the ancient stone and the ancient one.

The spirit emperor wanted to find some secrets about the time and space from their conversation, but they didn't mention it at all. He couldn't help it."Today is our last day here. What else do you need to tell the people? Tomorrow, we will return to the burning land. "

Gu Xuan looked at the fairy emperor lightly.

"It's time to explain it. I've already explained it. There's a tree of life, and nothing will happen. Besides, the former slaying emperor has fallen. Who dares to find trouble with my tree elves? "

The elf emperor seemed confident.

Gu Xuan thought that was the same truth.

If you are most afraid of trouble, it should be the evil beast clan under your command.

Gu Xuan originally wanted to bring back some soldiers of the evil beast clan. After all, the strength of the evil beasts was really good.

However, if you want to come now, forget it.

Now the talents of the Sha beast clan are withered. The former slaying six envoys were killed by himself and the evil cloud. If we take away other powerful people, it will be extremely unfavorable for the development of the shashou clan.

Now I am the new slaying emperor and commanding the evil beast clan. I always think about them.

Shizu suddenly stares at Gu Xuan.

"Ancient Xuan emperor, if you go back to the burning heaven, I have a request."


Gu Xuan looked at Shi Zu in surprise.

Can we say that Shizu wants to burn the sky?

But, isn't that good?

At the thought of yingtianzong's falling sky, Gu Xuan felt frightened.

Seeing Gu Xuan's expression, Shi Zu knew what Gu Xuan was thinking.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to burn the sky. I want to ask you to take a man to the burning land. "

Shi Zu quickly explained.

"If that's the case, there's no problem."

After eating the fruit of purgatory, Gu Xuan was able to mobilize the power of the order and rules of the small purgatory. Even if he took a few people with him, it was very simple.

"With whom?"

Although Gu Xuan asked in his mouth, his eyes had already floated to the big stone who was boiling tea in the side.

Don't think about it. It's just one person to choose.

Shi Zu's words, Dashi heard very clearly.

Big stone hit a shiver, this kind of feeling, how suddenly a little cold?

Can't the flame in front of you resist the sadness of the world?

Big stone wants to cry without tears. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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