Outside the tower, people are surrounded.

More than a dozen disciples of the clan level, each of them displayed martial arts and fought in a group.

One of them was a disciple of the clan level. He was ruthless, and all of them were killing moves.

Although the strength of the disciples guarding the Tongtian tower is high, they can only retreat one after another in the face of the suicidal attack of the sect level disciple.

Although they had more than enough self-protection, they had to get a unique skill to subdue the sect level disciple.

But in that case, the other side is bound to get hurt.

If they hurt their classmates, they will only add frost to the development of the situation. Therefore, they can only restrain themselves.

Fortunately, at this time, several figures suddenly flashed out of the tower.

Bang bang!

Those troublemakers of the clan level disciples flew out directly.

Dong Dong.

Several sounds of landing sounded. Although the disciples were not injured, they felt a sharp pain in their whole body. They could not even stand up.

"Don't you say you want to see me? Why don't you talk to me now

Gu Xuan's eyes coldly scanned the eight people lying on the ground.

The eight disciples' faces changed greatly. Unexpectedly, the patriarch came out in person and started to fight them as soon as he came out.

"Master, forgive me! The eight younger martial brothers just felt that the war was imminent, but the patriarch did not come out to guide us how to deal with it. That's why I want to see the Lord. "

On the side of the eight disciples on the ground, a group of inner disciples gathered around and courted Gu Xuan.

"I have to explain to you if I do something? I'm afraid you really think I've escaped first? "

Gu Xuan sneered.

"Master, forgive me. It's my fault. But I have no such idea. "

Several disciples on the ground knelt down and kowtowed to Gu Xuan.

In their minds, they also felt a little confused. They just wanted to see Gu Xuan, but they fought with the senior brothers guarding Tongtian tower for no reason.

Gu Xuan looked at the fierce sect disciple just now.

"No, I don't think so. It's this guy who's doing everything. Hum, is it easy for me to deal with yingtianzong? What monsters and ghosts dare to run to my yingtianzong! "

The fierce sect disciple's face changed greatly. He looked at Gu Xuan and kowtowed.

"Forgive me, Lord. Don't kill me. I just want to ask the patriarch to come out and revive the morale of the disciples. There is no other meaning... "

At this time, there are several escape light, suddenly appeared in the sky.

It was Li Xie Yun, the spirit emperor, the master of transmission of meritorious service and so on.

As soon as Li Xiyun's eyes congealed, he stared at the man who was kowtowing to Gu Xuan. After a few sneers, he flew down.

"You should be Tianzong, this is a spy," said the elf emperor to Chuangong

The master was stunned and looked at the kowtow disciple.

"This disciple, as I remember, was still an outsider. Although he was a little extreme, he was still honest. What's more, I've made a clear investigation into his secret agent. He shouldn't be a spy. "

There was a look of doubt in the eyes of the master.

However, doubts return to doubt, but the spirit emperor's words, Chuangong elder is still convinced.

I'm kidding. This is a strong man who surpasses the peak emperor. No matter how boring she is, she will not make fun of a little sect disciple.

Li Xiyun fell on the side of the master level disciple and circled him twice. He was very surprised.

Seeing Li Xiyun's appearance, even the person who reacts slowly, will realize something in his heart.

Gu Xuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and looked at Mo Jingyun.

"Jingyun, your younger martial brother Xie Yun is not only higher than you, but also has much higher eyesight. You have been here for so long, but you have not seen that there is something wrong with this sect level disciple? "

Hearing this, a group of disciples looked at each other and asked questions in their eyes. Is there really something wrong with this fellow disciple?

Just now, inspired by the sect level disciple, he came to see Gu Xuan's disciple. He felt a cold sweat on his body.

Mo Jingyun narrowed his eyes and looked at the disciple several times. However, he did not find any problem.

Li Xiyun burst into laughter.

"Second, if you can't find out, just tell me. As your younger martial brother, I will try my best to instruct you."

Li Xiyun's "second son" was called out by many disciples who were serious just now. The corners of his mouth couldn't help pulling and pulling, and he tried to suppress his smile.

Mo Jingyun has a black line.

"Li Xie Yun, do you still have my elder martial brother in your eyes? Be careful that I turn against you

Don't Jingyun spread the voice and anger.

Li Xiyun looked serious: "yes, or who has the time to instruct you! I might as well practice for a few minutes if I have that spare time. "

The black line on Mo Jingyun's forehead is thicker.He felt deeply that he could no longer let the old three be complacent.

Mo Jingyun resolutely gave Li Xiyun a white eye, and then turned to look at Gu Xuan as if for help.

Gu Xuan shook his head and said, "so you are not careful enough. This disciple, from the appearance, background, and even all aspects of his body, I am afraid that he is a true disciple of yingtianzong.

Because, he is really through the normal channel, into my yingtianzong. "

When Gu Xuan said this, the look of fear on the face of the disciple, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a trace of cruelty.

"How on earth did you find out?"

The master level disciple sneered, and he was as powerful as the three-star emperor!

Just when he released his momentum, all the people who were present in yingtianzong changed their faces.

"Three star emperor! How could it be that an ordinary inner disciple was disguised as the three star emperor? "

All the elders and disciples were afraid.

"It's simple. The power of life in you is too weak. The reason why the power of life is weak is that the dead gas in your body is constantly consuming life.

Presumably, this disciple has been killed by you for a long time. Then, with the help of his body, you lurk in my yingtianzong bar.

Ordinary martial arts, I'm afraid that you will not notice the strength between anger and stillness. Unfortunately, you met me.

Even if you pretend to be too real, the fake will never be true! "

Gu Xuan's expression was flat and incomparable, and his eyes looked at Mo Jingyun.

"Jingyun, you understand. As long as you use the soul power to feel a little, you can find that this person's vitality is far weaker than other disciples.

Originally, if the disciples had experienced life and death, this would have happened, but if they did, the disciple would not have been as lively and agitated around like him. "

Mo Jingyun was ashamed. Gu Xuan finally understood what he said.

After a little exploration, Mo Jingyun found out what was wrong with this disciple.

To sum up, it is a sentence.

The strength of this man's vitality and the strength he showed should not appear on a small clan level warrior at the same time!

Li Xiyun is interested in staring at the three-star emperor.

"Who are you, then?"

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