"It's ridiculous that you should be a little Dharma protector of yingtianzong because you are so elegant and half holy."

Orange Ling sneered at the spirit emperor, the tone is full of irony.

The person in front of me, just now Li Xie Yun called her the fairy emperor, but I have never heard of such a person in burning heaven.

How can a semi sage strong man, even today, be the top one in the burning sky continent? How can he be unknown?

Therefore, the spirit of the spirit king in front of him must be a potential martial artist who has just accomplished the semi holy realm.

Most of them are high-level, but they are not rich in combat experience.

How can you be your opponent?

The fairy emperor's expression is calm, but she has lived for a long time. How can she not guess what the orange spirit is thinking?

However, she did not want to take this opportunity to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Although the people in front of us are both half saints, they should be ten times more experienced in combat.

It's easy for the elf emperor to kill the Taoist priest in front of him.


Orange spirit took the lead and stepped out one step. The space under his feet vibrated and a torrent of energy condensed into a giant palm. With the force of thunder, he bombarded the elf emperor.

"Open sky palm!"

Orange spirit drink a lot!


Where the giant palm passed, the space was shaking, as if it would explode at any time.

Just this blow, it makes a lot of Taoist great emperors very happy.

What a terrible blow, enough to move mountains and rivers, open steles and crack stones. Even if the opponents are semi saints and want to block them, I'm afraid they will lose the first chance?

Orange spirit is also very confident. In this attack, there is not much mystery, but it is a must kill attack that condenses her strong yuan power.

She is confident, this blow, enough to force the opponent into confusion.

Unfortunately, this palm, in the eyes of the spirit emperor, is really too common.

With this blow, she had concluded that the strength of the orange spirit semi saint was not as good as that of the emperor who had killed him.

It is not only inferior, but also far worse.

Such a person, if in a small purgatory, even do not have the qualification to be their opponent.

"Too weak."

The fairy emperor's face was calm, and with a gentle wave of his hand, he was bombarded by a green energy.

This green energy, like a sharp blade, turns into an illusion in the void, as if to cut the whole space in two.

Just listen to a bang explosion, two tit for tat attacks, have hit together.

The green energy immediately cut the giant palm in half, but it did not stop at all. It was still cutting towards the orange spirit.

"How could it be?"

The face of orange spirit changed greatly, and the spirit emperor hit him at will. How could he become so powerful?


Orange spirit wants to avoid it, but the green energy actually locks her firmly and cuts her on her body.

A light shines from the orange spirit, forming a barrier to block the green energy.

However, it did not help at all, and the barrier broke in an instant.

All the powers of green energy run through the body of orange spirit!


Orange spirit spit out a big mouthful of blood, fell on the ground, hit a huge hole in the ground, smoke and dust all over the sky.

The great emperors, headed by the nine elders of Taoism, opened their mouths wide and could hardly believe what they saw.

He was killed by Ying Tianzong's Dharma protector?

"Why? Not dead yet? "

The fairy emperor squinted and looked at the huge pit on the ground.

"You can't kill me! I didn't expect that you are so strong, but you dare to seriously hurt me. Even if I put my life to death, I will die with you

In the huge pit, the orange spirit is full of blood, and the figure in great distress flies out quickly.

Her body bloomed a brilliant orange light, as if it was an obsidian day, the breath of destruction, surging in her body.

She's burning her life.

"Shackles of order, unite! Kill two snakes

A shackle of order, suddenly condensed in the void, rippling with the power of heaven and earth, even facing the spirit emperor!

At the same time, the body of orange spirit turns into an orange rainbow, like a swimming snake, suddenly twines around the body of the spirit emperor.

At this moment, seen from the outside, the body surface of orange spirit has condensed out a huge energy snake.

At the same time, there is also an energy snake on the surface of the spirit emperor's body.

Two giant snakes intertwined each other and bound the spirit emperor and orange spirit together.


The shackles in the sky fall, also will orange spirit and elite monarch bound together."Ha ha!"

Orange spirit's eyes show a crazy color.

"How strong are you? Still want to die with me! Yingtianzong will be destroyed in our hands! "

The face of the elf emperor is still plain and incomparable.

It's as if the bound man is not himself.

Her eyes were full of pity.

"You have a good abacus. Unfortunately, you are too weak after all. What you're bound to is just my part. "

As soon as the fairy emperor's voice fell, her body suddenly turned into a small tree.

Orange Ling's face changed greatly: "how can it be? No, no... "

In the face of orange spirit unwilling color, her body's destructive breath, finally reached a critical point, exploded with a bang.

The whole void was about to collapse.

A semi holy explosion has the power to destroy heaven and earth.

Except for the nine elders who saw the opportunity early and escaped, the others were all involved in the power of the explosion and fell.

From the beginning, whether these daomen emperors could survive was not in the consideration of orange spirit.

The fierce evil cloud and the black wind old demon are bombarded and fly backward.

Fortunately, the light shield on their bodies has not dissipated, and they are firmly protected without any damage.

However, after resisting the explosion, the turtle shell in their hands finally broke.

Li Xiyun's heart seems to be broken. These two tortoise shells are defensive Lingbao that can resist the continuous attack of the semi sage strong. They are useless.

After avoiding the power of the explosion, the nine elders of daomen immediately turned into Daoguang and flew away towards the distance.

At this time, if you don't run away, you won't have any chance.

Yingtianzong, what kind of sect is yingtianzong?

Gu Xuan, the patriarch of Ming Dynasty, is just a six star emperor. How could a half Saint Dharma protector suddenly appear?

This is a pit for the dead!

The nine elder of Taoist sect was ugly and ran away in the direction of Taoist sect. Unfortunately, in terms of speed, even if the spirit Emperor didn't fight, Li Xie Yun was much faster than him.

"Now, it's your time to die. Without Daohua Jinshen's Taoist nine elders, I'd like to know how much strength there is? "

The eight door imperial chain suddenly extended forward, blocking the retreat of nine Taoist elders.

Just a moment later, the body of the nine Taoist elders fell from the sky, and there was no vitality.

Li Xiyun is playing with the space ring in his hand.

This is the booty from Taoist nine elders.

"The nine elders of daomen are just like this."

The evil cloud and evil smile.

"Come on, it's over here."

The voice of the king of the spirit, suddenly sounded, that towering giant tree, slowly shrunk, and finally did not enter the ground.

Li Xie Yun and Heifeng old demon fly to the direction of yingtianzong.

"I don't know. What's the matter with master?"

Li Xie Yun looks at the direction of feihuangzong.

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