A towering giant boxing burst out from the front of the ancient Xuanshen body, and the cold fire of ice spirit was burning on the giant boxing.

Two tit for tat forces collided between Gu Xuan and Hong Pao!

The terrible explosion sounded, shaking the whole mountain range.

The fire power contained in the red robe attack will be extinguished in an instant.

The power of the explosion even affected Huang Wei.

A deep chill in his heart made Huang Wei shiver.

"Be careful, the icy cold has been promoted to the supreme flame. Don't use the flame to fight against him!"

The feeling of Hongpao at the moment is much deeper than that of Huang Weilai.

His whole body was shocked by Gu Xuangang's fist, and his body was covered with frost.

"Nonsense, this is open information at the top level of daomen. How can I not know?

I just wanted to try the power of the supreme flame.

I didn't expect that a mere six-star emperor, with the help of the supreme power of fire, could beat me by 70% of the power! "

Red robe's face was very cold. He was half holy. He was one of the seven color envoys of Taoism. He just lost a move in Gu Xuan's hand.

If the news is sent back, where will my face go?

With a faint smile on his face, Gu Xuan still looked at the red robe.

"I didn't expect that with a 50% strike, I would have beaten every door like a dog."

When it comes to swearing and quarrelling, Gu Xuan dares to say that if he thinks the second, no one dares to recognize the first.

"50% power?"

It's like hearing the funniest joke in the world.

"Just a six star emperor, dare to be so arrogant. Well, the next blow, I will use 10% of my strength to send you to the nether world completely! "

"Arrogant? I'm telling the truth. I can't tell whether what I said is true or not. It's just like that

On Gu Xuan's body, there was a circle of yuan power.

The next blow, since the red robe wants to move seriously, let him know how big the gap is between him and himself.

Gu Xuan had no pity for the Taoist people. He caught up with him just to kill people.

The red robe sneered, but he didn't think that ancient XuanZhen could compete with the semi Saint level.

The reason why Gu Xuan caught up with him was that he and Huang Wei were badly hurt. He wanted to take the opportunity to kill him and find a big bargain.

"It's a pity that, though you've made a good calculation, it's totally wrong. How can you take advantage of such a slight injury

When Hong Pao thinks secretly in his heart, his eyes are full of murderous opportunities.

Ten bright red beads flew out of his chest and circled over his head.

Ten beads, one big and nine small, are linked together by the power of order.

A stream of bloody air lingered over the ten beads, which at first glance seemed quite strange.

Gu Xuan's face changed slightly.

"Mother and son! Such an evil spirit treasure is refined with the blood essence of the warrior. How many warriors in the great emperor's territory have you killed?

I'm afraid that this evil blood is not less than a hundred? "

Gu Xuan's eyes, broken double pupil instant start, observe the ten beads.

The stillness on the top was almost continuous, and there was a faint cry and roar.

These are the remnant souls of the refined warriors left in the mother's pearl.

Those who are killed and refined by Zi Mu Zhu will even damage their souls. The spirits will be trapped, and they will not be absorbed by the law of the nether world, which will make the martial arts immortal.

"Daomen, it's really evil!"

Through the observation of breaking Wang Shuangtong, Gu Xuan could even confirm that not only the great emperor, but also the emperor level and Zong level soldiers were killed.

However, the strength of these people was a little weak, and Gu Xuangang didn't see it for the first time.

"Many evils? That's ridiculous. The world of warriors is the world of the weak and the world of killing. Killing will make me stronger and stronger.

And you ancient Xuan, today's edge will become a remnant soul among my mother and son beads, enhance the strength of my mother and son Pearl! Ha ha

The red robe sneered and made strange Dharma marks on his hands.

A Dao Yuan force gushed out of his body, drawing on the force of heaven and earth thousands of feet around, all condensed on the mother and son beads.


When the red robe was drunk, the directions of the ten beads changed, and they attacked the ancient Xuan from ten directions, blocking all the retreat routes of the ancient Xuan.

"Is this fear of my escape? It's ridiculous. How can I escape from you

Xuanyuan Dao suddenly appeared in the hands of Gu Xuan.

Awe inspiring Dao Qi blooms from Xuanyuan Dao, as if it can break the heaven and earth!Susu!

Ancient Xuan danced Xuanyuan sword, and "three swords in the world" was displayed!

A gentle knife!

Cut the sun and the moon!

The knife breaks the star river!

Three knives in a row, but produced nine Dao awn, across the void, straight to the nine child beads of mother and son!

Bang bang bang!

The sound of a series of explosions, nine beads were cut by the knife, lost all power, fly back!

"Hum! Even if your Sabre skill is excellent, you can only block my nine beads in such a short time. But the strongest Mother Pearl can still run through you

The red robe sneered when he saw the Mother Pearl missing from the knife awn released by Gu Xuan.

The mother pearl is several times as strong as Zizhu. Instead of resisting the mother pearl at the first time, Gu Xuan attacked Zizhu first. This is the way to die!

Today, the mother pearl is only a Zhang away from the ancient Xuan, so short a distance, such a short time, the ancient Xuan can not block.

In the distance, Huang Wei looked at the scene and finally put his heart down.

As long as you don't compete with the flame, the ancient Xuan is just a mole ant. He has no eyesight. He doesn't attack the mother pearl. He will die in his arrogance and ignorance.

However, the expression on Gu Xuan's face is plain and incomparable.

It's like the mother pearl is about to attack, not herself.

The mother pearl is like lightning. In the reflection of ancient Xuan's eyes, it is getting bigger and bigger. Just when it is a foot away from the ancient Xuan, time and space seem to stop at this moment.

The distance between the mother pearl and the ancient Xuan seems to be infinitely lengthened.

The mother pearl is clearly moving, but it and the ancient Xuan, as if separated by a Tianlong, like a gap, can not be crossed in any case.

Gu Xuan gently raised his left hand, and then he held the mother pearl in his hand.

Fury of power, in the hands of Gu Xuan turbulent explosion, a circle of energy, from the ancient Xuan fingers between ripples.

But Gu Xuan was not hurt at all.

"Mother and son, but that's it."

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth is tinged with a trace of ridicule.

The red robe widened her eyes.

Huang Wei opened his mouth wide.

After a long time, they both exclaimed at the same time.

"How could that be possible?"

"How strong is your control of time and space

In the heart of red robe, there is a bad feeling.

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