Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1311: No delusion

Chapter 1311: No Disaster

Although the nine fierce tribes are against the sky and dominate the ages, the strength, blood, and body of each race are different.

Including Shou Yuan between the fierce clan, there is a great difference!

For example, among the nine fierce races, the longest Shou Yuan is the Dragon and the Dai, and the shortest Shou Yuan is the Bloodvine!

The blood rattan tribe is cultivated into fine plants. In addition, under the harsh environment of the ancient times, it has evolved many cruel methods and plundered the essence of the flesh and blood to develop into a huge ethnic group.

But in essence, the life of the blood rattan tribe is not long, similar to the human race.

In other words, Shou Yuan, the blood rattan clan present, is only about ten thousand years old!

Even if the blood rat family is powerful, Shouyuan is only more than 20,000 years.

Within the scope of the "desolate" spell, although the remaining races are also damaging Shouyuan, they can still survive.

Like the Protoss, with their strong physical blood, they desperately broke away from the ‘desolation’. Some Protoss powers have already gotten away.

But "Desolation" has done too much damage to the Bloodvine Clan, and it can be said to be fatal!

The Bloodvine family is rooted in the ground, relying on many vines to fight against people, unable to move, and shrouded in 'barrenness', they can only watch their Shouyuan decay rapidly!

Some of the blood cane princes who are closer to Su Zimo have been in Shou Yuan for more than 10,000 years, but they have exhausted Shou Yuan and died!

For a thousand years, ten breaths are ten thousand years!

Most of the blood rattan people who came here are more than ten thousand years old, how many breaths can they support?

Even if some blood rattans reacted with great power, transformed into adult form, and worked hard to escape from the "barren" area, Shou Yuan was also severely damaged, his blood was declining, and his face quickly grew old!

"How could this be!"

A blood rattan tribe could escape far away, feeling the condition inside his body, staring at his eyes, and screaming incredulously: "I have left the scope of this spell, but Shou Yuan can't recover?"

"This spell is too overbearing, it will damage Shouyuan, and it is irreversible!"

The Han Ling God has also escaped, and said with a lingering fear.

Normally, their cultivation state is above this red-haired alien, but this spell, even they are afraid to avoid it!

The blood rattan trembled as they watched each of the tribes fall, and they didn't know if they were angry or because of some kind of fear, and gritted their teeth.

"This beast is even more terrible than that Arathi King!"

Prince Jinwu also condensed.

"Kill! Kill!"

Several blood rattan tribe's powerful Shouyuan was broken. In the anger of their hearts, their hearts were soared, and numerous blood vines spread out, rushing directly into the crowd!

The face at the top of each blood vine opened a large mouth of blood basin, biting on the head of a monk, and the layers of tooth decay continued to shrink.

Just in a blink of an eye, he swallowed this monk into his belly, turning into a sperm of life, supplementing the powerful blood of the Bloodvine!

This is a disaster for the self-cultivation circles of all the major forces!

Most practitioners can hardly resist the killing of the Bloodvine.

Many vines dance, and can even seal all the monks' retreats, trap the monks, and eventually swallow them!

At this moment, even a few combined powers were not spared. They were swallowed up by the Bloodvine tribe, and the bones were left!

There was chaos in the crowd.

This is nothing short of delusion.

Countless monks looked terrified, screaming, screaming, yelling, and escaping!

They never thought that these fierce clans were originally killing the desert Wudaojun, how suddenly they turned to kill them!

The battle of antiquity is too far away.

Many cultivators have forgotten that the reason why the fierce clan is called fierce clan is because their fighting power is against the sky, they are terrible and fearless!

Joining forces with the fierce tribe is tantamount to making a hide with the tiger!

There is no absolute strength, the moment before, stood with the murderer, the next moment, it may be reduced to the food of the murderer!

The blood rattan tribe opens the killing ring, but no matter what family you are, or the home religion.

Even the Tianjiao demons of the Super Zongmen are like ants in their eyes!

At this moment, whether it is Tianzhangism, Jianzong, or Wind Thunder Hall, mixed Yuanzong, all fell by the monks!

Seeing this scene, Su Zimo looked cold, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

These super gates were just so imposing, threatening to kill him and Yeling Town here, and in an instant, they ended up in such a blame!

Even if the "barren" periphery, Shou Yuan's reduction rate is already very slow, but no fierce tribe is willing to step into it, and wear out Shou Yuan for no reason.

With the power of ‘desolation’, all the strong men of the six fierce clan are driven back!

Su Zimo's body flickered, Jiuzhangjiu's heaven and earth were guarded by his side, and he quickly came to Yeling's side, trying to hold Yeling up.

However, he grabbed Ye Ling's arm and lifted it up without pulling!

Although Qinglian's real body is not as strong as the real body of the dragon family, and without the terrifying blood of the real body of the dragon family, its strength is not to be underestimated!

Not to mention pulling up the night spirit, even if it is a mountain peak!


Yeling's expression changed, and he moaned.

Su Zimo's eyes narrowed.

This time, he failed to drag the night spirit, but instead triggered the chain on the night spirit.

The hoop suddenly tightened, and the spikes pierced the night spirit's flesh again, and a stream of scarlet blood flowed out!

Su Zimo was anxious.

If you want to save the night spirit, you must break this chain!

Although the desolation is terrible, the mana on the real side of the Dragons is not endless, and it will not last long!

The six fierce powerhouses are guarding the outside, one by one, ready to go, only after the ‘desolation’ dissipates, they will kill again!

Since the war, the number of hundreds of murderers has fallen to more than a hundred!

But among them, most of them are Daojun in the state of law.

The power of the fierce tribe did not fall much.

In other words, if you wait for the six fierce powerhouses to re-enclose you, Su Zimo and Yeling will still be fierce!

Su Zimo Shen said: "Yaling, bear with me, I'll try to break this chain!"

Ye Ling squeezed her lips tightly and nodded.

Su Zimo clenched the forged lotus platform, and smashed it severely according to the chain on Ye Ling's body!


Mars is splashing!

Su Zimo was shocked, and felt a tremendous force of anti-shock, poured into his body, tingling in the tiger's mouth, and the Nature Lotus almost flew away!


Seeing this scene, the Hanling God couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Desolation, you don't have to do these worthless moves! The **** locks of this day are the treasures of my **** family, even the magic weapons are difficult to break it. The fortune lotus is much worse! "

Third more ~

(End of this chapter)

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