Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1727: Push all the way!

Chapter 1727 Push All The Way!

The flames in mid-air are getting hotter and more terrifying!

Not to mention the nine fierce emperors who besieged Qinglian's true body, and even the top emperors such as the sorceress in the distance felt a throbbing movement!

Because, Su Zimo realized the third Peerless Supernatural Power, his strength skyrocketed.

The power of the Wumei Road Fire is also rising, and the power is getting stronger!

At this time, Qing Lian's true body, in strength, was no weaker than Hades and others, completely crushing the nine fierce emperors around!

The moment Qinglian really realized the third supernatural power, the situation was completely reversed!

Click! Click! Click!

Under the burning of the Wu Mei Dao, the nine magical supernatural powers finally failed to support and collapsed!

What kingdom of God in the palm of your hand, what is boundless blood, have been burned into nothingness!

A blood rattan emperor did not imitate the human form in time, or was in the form of the body. He was rooted in the air and was unable to escape the burning of Wumai Tao.

This **** rattan emperor was burned to death on the spot by Wumadao fire!

Up to now, there are still eight emperors who have besieged Su Zimo.

Su Zimo's counterattack has just begun!

"Three heads and six arms!"

Su Zimo realized that the sky was burned and the sea and the blood and spirit were restored to the peak, and once again he sacrificed this supernatural power.


Su Zimo's three heads opened their mouths at the same time, yelling loudly, and the mystery of thunder killing sound range erupted.

With his power, a thunderous kill is enough to have a great impact on the surrounding emperors.

Three heads exploded at the same time, and the Wu Clan Emperor not far away was directly shocked to bleed, and the whole person was stuck in place, his eyes were dull, and he was completely blinded!

The physical blood of the Wu tribe is weak, and it is not much stronger than the ordinary human tribe. How can it withstand such a terrifying sound range!


A half-height high shadow slammed into it, directly smashing the body of this Witch Emperor into a mist of blood, and the bones were left!

The primitive gods of this Witch King did not escape, they were killed on the spot!

By the side of Su Zimo, there are still seven fierce royals!

The dark shadow that killed the Witch King is not the other, but it was only in the war that it was against the bronze Fang Ding that was peerless.

Longhuang Zhenshen could not use this bronze Fang Ding at this moment, Qinglian Zhenshen just borrowed one!

On his three palms, he held the Emperor's Seal, the Fortune Liantai, and the bronze Fang Ding. The other three palms were punched with bare hands, spinning their bodies and crashing into the crowd.

At this point, Qinglian Zhen went through three baptisms of supernatural powers. Although she has not yet broken through to Jiupin, she is already the pinnacle of Bapin!

Except for the imperial seal of the emperor, such treasures as the bronze Fang Ding, most of the magic weapons are better than Qinglian's fist!

boom! boom! boom!

Siege of the remaining seven fierce emperors of Su Zimo, some can no longer release the peerless supernatural powers, they can only be stunned with magic weapons.


Su Zimo held the bronze Fang Ding and suppressed it.

The golden sword in the hands of this Protoss Emperor was directly suppressed by the bronze Fang Ding into more than ten fragments and scattered!

Before the Protoss Emperor escaped, he was dropped by Su Zimo's other arm, holding the Emperor Seal.


The head of this Protoss emperor was crushed by the imperial seal!

The three-headed, six-armed offensive is endless and does not give the other party any respite!

Prior to this, Qinglian Zhenshen only realized two superb supernatural powers and fell into siege. She could barely protect herself.

But now, the emperor who besieged him just rushed up and was torn apart by him!

Some fierce emperors, once again offering a peerless supernatural power, want to stop Su Zimo's footsteps.

However, Su Zimo used the bronze Fang Ding to smash it casually!

This is crushing power.

Breaking all ways!

Five respects!

Four respects!

Three respects!

Su Zimo twisted three heads and danced six arms, holding bronze Fang Ding, the emperor's seal and the three treasures of Liantai in the palm of his hand, pushing all the way, stepping on the bones of a fierce emperor under his feet, invincible!

The nine fierce emperors who besieged him at first were not weak. They were all powerful men who realized the three superb magical powers.

But now, after being killed by Su Zimo, there are only three statues left!

Of the three emperors, two were from the Raksha ethnic group and one from the Jinwu ethnic group. They lived at their feet by virtue of their physical power.

The three fierce emperors, looking at the three heads and six arms, are full of Su Zimo blooming with blue glow, they are already scared and their spirits are scattered!

The three fierce emperors did not dare to resist, and fled!

"Want to escape?"

Su Zimo sneered slightly, his eyebrows flickered, a blue glow burst out, and it burst into the air, and instantly fell on the body of a Rakshasa emperor.

This is a green lotus sword condensed by 72 lotus seeds.

A great killing against the primal god!

If it was a normal battle, the Rakshasa emperor would remain calm, and he would never be cut by the Qinglian sword without any response.

But now, the Raksha Emperor is so scared that he can't keep his heart, thinking about escaping from the place, the reaction is a bit slow, he is pierced by the Qinglian sword to see the sea, and the Yuan Shen is cut in half!

Relying on his terrifying speed, the Raksha clan has fled to the sky, but suddenly stopped, one planted from the air, and his body died!

The remaining two fierce emperors have disappeared.

Su Zimo ignored them, but turned around and rushed towards the battlefield of Yeling!

The faces of Hades and other people became extremely ugly!

The six fierce clan, so many emperors fell in succession, and two emperors fled away. The situation almost collapsed for them!

The six fierce clan emperors who fight with the clan emperors and the clan emperors of the clan are also people's hearts floating and chaotic.

Although still deadlocked, one by one was pale and scared, for fear that the demon with three heads and six arms would rush to them and kill them one by one!

There was a gloom of gloom in the Witch King's eyes, and he sighed.

He was very clear that in this battle, the six fierce tribes were defeated!

The two real bodies of the barbaric have risen. With the strength of the six fierce clans, they can no longer be suppressed!

At this time, if you still have to resist here and entangle with the desert, I am afraid that even a few of them must die here!

On the other side, Jinwu Fire Emperor originally wanted to kill Yeling Town.

But his eyes glimpsed, Su Zimo danced with six arms, and rushed over aggressively, could not help but change his face!

"not good!"

Jin Wuhuohuang's heart froze.

He knew that Qing Lian was physically enough to be alone with him.

If Qing Lian really joined forces with the taboo god, he would surely die!

At this point, the emperor Jinwu shook his wings without hesitation. He did not say hello to Hades and other people, and was about to escape from here!



A faint cold light flashed through and directly penetrated one of his wings!

Blood splattered!


The Emperor Jinwu fired a scream.

"In front of me, you dare to walk away!"

Ye Ling's voice sounded in the ears of Jinwu's fire emperor, eerie and cold.

Even if taboo oracles are seriously wounded, they still have killing methods that others can't match!

Three more, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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