Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1761: Emperor Daming

Chapter 1761 Emperor Daming

After hearing this, the emperors understood it.

More than a thousand years ago, the gorgeous woman who wore a blood-colored robe, had been to Tianhuang, and she shot and destroyed a clone of the Blood Evil Emperor!

Had it not been for the woman in the blood robe, the land in the desolate continent would have long been reduced to the world of the blood-demon emperor!

At the same time, the emperors suddenly realized something.

Now that the Blood Evil Emperor has chosen to be born, it means that his third avatar has been condensed!

The magic of the blood-demon emperor has been completed!

"So, the purpose of causing the war among the peoples is to cultivate your third avatar!" Said the storyteller old man in a concise voice.

The blood-demon emperor stretched out his finger and shook it gently, saying, "Cultivating the third avatar is only one of the purposes, but it is not my real intention."

The Blood Evil Demon turned to Su Zimo and slowly said, "My real purpose is you!"


Su Zimo frowned slightly.

The Blood Evil Emperor said: "Look at your final hole card, the Battle of the Nations is the best opportunity!"

"I used to make a big mistake and caused a clone to be destroyed. I will never make a second mistake like this!"

"That woman values ​​you so much, I'm worried that she will leave a backhand on you! So the real purpose of this race is to force your last hole card!"

The blood-demon emperor smiled a little smugly, and said, "Sure enough, that woman appeared!"

The storytelling old man looked a little ugly.

The horror of the Blood-Evil Demon Emperor is not only due to his exposed combat power, but also because of his inexhaustible mind, which is almost a demon!

Mysterious palace, good at inferring predictions, Che Yan Yan Cangsheng.

As a storyteller, he is even better at it.

But the strategic intellect shown by the Blood Evil Demon Emperor is far above him!

Nowadays, the fissures in the continent have been repaired, and no upper-level strong can come down, and no one can calm down this magic!

Su Zimo's gaze turned on the body of Xun Yaohuang and Xingsu Xianhuang, and he suddenly said, "Your two avatars are Yaohuang and Xianhuang, and you are the demon. The three avatars should be the emperor of Buddhism! "


The blood-demon emperor could not help but sigh and patted his palm.

Su Zimo suddenly thought of a terrible possibility, sinking in his heart, staring at the blood-demon emperor and asking, "Where is your third clone, who is it!"

"it's me."

At this moment, a sound came from not far away, warm and peaceful, like the Brahman, reaching the hearts of the people, there was a kind of magic that made people calm down.

The emperors turned their eyes and looked around.

Su Zimo didn't go to see.

Because, just this voice, he already knows who is coming.

Daming Monk!

Not far away, a plain robe monk came slowly, his face was calm, his expression was mild, and the long hair that originally covered half of his face was shaved.

"Daming Monk, it really is you!"

Although the storyteller had known about it for a long time, when he really saw the Daming Monk, he felt a shock.

The rest of the Emperor was even more shocked.

Unexpectedly, the two evildoers from 40,000 years ago have all returned!

Su Zimo also turned his head, looking towards the monk.

Daming Monk nodded slightly at Su Zimo and smiled.

Suddenly Su Zimo felt that today's Daming Monk seems to be different.

It was an indescribable feeling, not just the difference in shaving long hair.

"It turns out that you are the third avatar he wants to condense, Emperor Daming."

Su Zimo sighed, "I should have guessed."

The blood-demon emperor also looked at Daming Monk, with a look of sorrow, and sighed quietly: "Forty thousand years, we have met again!"

"Yeah, see you again."

Daming Monk smiled slightly.

Between the two, it seemed like half of two friends, greeting each other.

Su Zimo vaguely saw some differences.

The Daming Monk is a little different from the Puppet Demon Emperor and the Star Emperor Fairy Emperor. He doesn't seem to have been thoroughly refined by the Blood Evil Demon King.

The monk also has his own will and thoughts!

In other words, the monk in front of him cannot be regarded as the third avatar of the blood-demon emperor!

But the blood-demon emperor was not in a hurry, and there was no accident. All of this was obviously under his control.

"In this life, you are the only one who is qualified to be my opponent."

The blood-demon emperor said, "I don't even take a look at the wild martial arts!"

On the continent, the Emperor Wuhuang is not the one who looks at it, and I am afraid that he is the only Emperor Demon Emperor.

He is the only one who dares to say such words and is qualified to say such words!


Daming Monk slightly shook his head and said, "However, you underestimated the Emperor Wu."

The Daming Monk took a deep look at Su Zimo, and looked at the Blood Evil Demon Emperor and said, "The Emperor Wu is stronger than you think."

"Oh, is it just his two real bodies?"

The blood conquering emperor chuckled and looked disdainful.

Daming Monk shook his head without explanation.

Su Zimo watched coldly, silent.

He had a feeling that the Ming monk seemed to know something.

Does the monk already know the true identity of the martial arts deity?

The blood-demon emperor said: "Forty thousand years ago, you and I fought for the fourth time. I was badly hit. It was you who relented and persuaded me to convert to Buddhism. Only then did I get a chance to counter you. I actually lost. "

The emperors were stunned.

Forty thousand years ago, the horrifying battle between the monk and the blood-demon emperor was always a mystery, and there was no record in the mysterious palace.

The only ones who really knew the situation at the time were the Blood Emperor Demon Emperor and the Daming Monk.

Although the blood-demon emperor only spoke a few words, he roughly described the situation of that war!

Su Zimo was also shocked.

He originally thought that the battle was a fierce defeat for the monks.

Unexpectedly, there are such details in the middle!

Daming Monk shook his head and said, "The soldiers don't tire of cheating. I was defeated at the end of the war, and there is nothing to explain."

Both are proud people.

Although the blood-demon emperor was invincible in the past, he did not conceal it today, telling the story.

The Da Ming monk was even more calm, and did not argue about the outcome of that battle.

This is the pride of each of them.

"You were kind-hearted at the time. You didn't kill me. I won, and naturally I won't kill you."

The blood-demon emperor smiled suddenly and said, "You want to persuade me to convert to Buddhism, but I refuse to accept it! You are so compassionate, so compassionate, I just want you to fall into the magical way!"

Hearing this, Su Zimo was stunned.

The battle of 40,000 years ago has been clear.

The blood-demon emperor did not kill the Daming Monk, and there was a reason for his sympathy, but also because, during that battle, the Daming monk had won, but did not exhaust the kill, but left a little vitality for the blood-demon Emperor.

Because there was a great monk first, he persuaded the blood-demon emperor to convert to Buddhism.

That's why the blood-finding demon emperor trapped the Ming monk in that ancient coffin, and carved the "blood-finding magic script" on the ancient coffin cover!

If you let me into Buddha, I let you into magic!

In fact, the blood-demon emperor is still fighting with the monks!

The recent plot has been filling the pits. It's too brainy, and my brain is bald o (╯ □ ╰) o

(End of this chapter)

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