Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1857: Far away (four more)

Chapter 1857 Far Away (Four)

"The arrogant!"

When Liu Tongling heard this sentence, he couldn't bear it anymore, he couldn't help but be furious, slap his palm on the city wall, and jumped down!

In fact, when Su Zimo showed the extraordinary technique, he had already acted.

Just because of his identity, in the eyes of everyone, he is not good at shooting directly.

Now, looking at Long Yuancheng, no one can suppress Su Zimo, and Liu Tongling no longer hesitates.

You know, Longyuan has a vast expanse, and there are many areas, all of which are uninhabited, and the environment is complex.

If you let this person leave, hide it, and take Liu Tong's cultivation as the lead, even if you lead a large army to search, it is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Liu Tongling determined that Su Zimo's body was definitely more than one treasure!

Like the powerful means shown by the talented Su Zimo, he made his heart move!

"Liu Tong, what are you doing!"

Yan Fei noticed that the figure beside him was flickering, and she could not help frowning, and sighed softly.

Liu Tong didn't look back, calmly said, "Yan Fei, don't care about this, otherwise you and I have been in love for many years, and we'll stop it!"

Yan Fei hesitated, standing still on the wall.

Even though he admired Su Zimo quite a bit, after all, he had no friendship. If it was because of this outsider, he would have a bad relationship with Liu.

Eight steps of Xuanxian shot, Duan Tianliang, Yue Hao and others became nervous again.

You know, Liu Tong is not only the eighth-order Xuanxian, he is also the leader of Longyuan City!

As an ascended man, Su Zimo launched a killing ring under Longyuan City. Even if he killed nearly ten thousand evil wolves and killed the people in all the major forces, no one would say anything.

The original resident Shangxian in Longyuan City just opened one eye and closed one eye.

But if you dare to work with the leader of Longyuan City, the nature of this matter will change!

Su Zimo saw Liu Tong leaping off the city wall, but he was still in a hurry. First, he collected the storage bags of Jiang Bo, Xue Hufa, etc., into his pocket.

"Dead to death, you still have something to take away from others!"

The palm of Liu Tong's palm was shot at the waist, and there was already a large black gun in his palm.


Liu Tong came to Su Zimo's body not far away, and threw a large gun on the ground, smashing a hole, and sand and stones splashed.

I saw him awakening the vitality of the heavens and the earth. Above the big gun, five lines were revealed. The light was dazzling, but it was a perfect magic weapon of Xuanjie!

"Dare to ask Commander Liu, why am I guilty?"

Su Zimo looked calm and asked lightly.


Liu Tong sneered, and said, "Under Longyuan City and under the watchful eye of me, you are still so arrogant and wanton killing. I see that you are clearly the magical man!"

Liu Tong could not help but say that he directly buckled a hat.

In fact, everyone is watching the situation of this war.

Su Zimo has many means, and there are some powerful secrets of Buddhism. If he is said to be a Buddhist man, there is no excuse.

It is obvious that he is deliberately framed when he is said to be a demon in the Tao.

Hearing here, Su Zimo smiled.

"Why are you laughing!"

Liu Tonghan asked in a voice.

"Liu Tong, the evil wolf army is one of the four major robbers. They burned and plundered on the Dragon Yuan star for many years. Why didn't I see you and annihilate the evil wolf army? Why don't you see that the evil wolf army is a demon in the Tao?

Su Zimo asked back.

Liu Tong was so dull that he was about to speak.

Su Zimo continued: "If you change to normal, you can also say that the four major robbers are running around and it is difficult to encircle. However, today the army of evil wolves is attacking, just under Longyuan City, why do you turn a blind eye?"

"You, as the leader of Longyuan City, do not suppress Liu Kou, but run against me as a fifth-order Xuanxian and a person who kills Liu Kou. Isn't this ridiculous?"

On the wall, many monks secretly said happy!

In particular, Yue Hao and others have witnessed their loved ones come together, and have fallen to the hands of the evil wolf army. The family was eventually destroyed and displaced.

They hate the four big robbers.

Although they didn't say it, many monks also had a lot of grievances regardless of whether they asked about Longyuan City.

Su Zimo's remarks can be said of many monks!

Xu Wan sighed slightly, looking worried.

In her opinion, if Su Zimo bowed his head to Liu Tong, he might still have a chance to save his life.

But today, Su Zimo actually hit Liu Tong so much, I am afraid he will not escape today!


Liu Tong's face seemed to be covered with frost and he didn't say a word, but stared at Su Zimo not far away.

Even the monks in Longyuan City can feel Liu Tong's killing intention!

Su Zimo still didn't seem to notice it. He looked jeering and asked with a smile: "I would like to ask Leader Liu, are you the leader of Longyuan City or the leader of the evil wolf army!"

"Little beasts are looking for death!"

Liu Tong sang angrily, his gaze was full, and the meteor strode towards Su Zimo, and the speed was amazing!

I saw that Liu Tong shook his hands. The big gun in his hand seemed to have life, and he was like a snake, and he was dancing in the midst of the air!

Su Zimo squinted his eyes slightly, withdrew his body shape, and immediately released the mysterious magical methods such as Wings of Wings, Tianzutong, Longitudinal Golden Light, and soaring speed, galloping away!

"Liu Tong, there will be a period later, there is no need to send each other."

Su Zimo chuckled, and his body had fallen into the night.

"Want to escape?"

With a sneer in his heart, Liu Tong sneered, awakening the spirit of the heavens and earth, and the speed followed the skyrocketing, and he ran swiftly and chased his gun!

One after the other, they soon disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Su Zimo doesn't want to fight with Liu Tongxu at present.

At one point, he was only fivefold in Xuanyuan Realm, and the difference between Liu Tong and Liu Tong was three realms.

Now, the increase in power brought by the Six-Tooth Divine Power is gradually disappearing.

Once the two fight, the outcome is unpredictable.

Second, after all, Liu Tong is the leader of Longyuan City.

Even if he can kill Liu Tong, he will definitely offend the entire Longyuan city!

At that time, he will be hunted down by the numerous guards of Longyuan City and the original residence of the immortal, and the situation will be too dangerous to pay.

Although Su Zimo launched the killing ring, he did not lose his mind and remained sober.

Longyuan city.

When many monks saw this scene, they all looked very different and were very moved.

No one expected that this battle would be the end of today.

A Long Yuancheng commander said: "This son is still too naive. He experienced a great battle, which was extremely costly, and he was too different from Liu Tong. How could he escape?"

Yan Fei's eyes flickered, and she thought silently.

A little later, he suddenly spoke to Xu Wan, Yue Hao and others, "You leave Longyuan City now."


Xu Wan waited for a moment.

Yan Fei groaned: "Su Zimo's move is most likely to lead Liu Tong away."

Xu Wan and others were surprised.

Yan Fei reminded: "Of course, I don't know if he has this intention. However, if Liu came back empty-handed at the same time, I'm afraid I'm going to trouble you."

Xu Wan was a clever person, and quickly reacted. She quickly thanked Yan Fei and left in a hurry.

Thanks for the blue shirt sword god's reward

(End of this chapter)

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