Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2168: trap

Chapter 2168: Trap

In the millennium, the speed of cultivation from the sixth-order earth fairy to the eighth-order earth fairy is such a terrifying speed.

Even people like the owner of Chihong County, who have nearly unlimited cultivation resources, can't do this at all.

For 100,000 years, only Yun Ting can have such a horrible cultivation speed in the Shenxiaoxian domain!

After the master of the Honghong County was shocked, he calmed down quickly.

"Let's go to Yuanling Pavilion first and take out the Yuanling Stone you have been in these years."

The chief of Honghong County greeted him.

Outside students of the academy, even if they haven't completed any tasks, they will regularly give out 1,000 Yuanling Stones every year for 1,000 years.

If within the millennium, you can step into the realm of heaven and become a worshiper, then you will naturally receive a reward from a disciple.

If it can't break through in the millennium, if you want to acquire Yuanling Stone from the Academy, you need to complete some tasks arranged by the Academy.

For thousands of years, Su Zimo has been retreating, and each year his Yuanling Stone is deposited in Yuanling Pavilion.

If you count it, there are also a million yuan, a big number.

Su Zimo and Chihong County Lord walked in the air and headed towards Yuanling Pavilion.

On the way, the owner of Chihong County laughed and said, "Since you have cultivated to the Eighth Step Divine Immortal, you haven't participated in the outside contest.

"How to say?"

Su Zimo asked.

The chief of Chihong County said: "This outside door is not interesting, it's nothing more than a fight between outside students to prepare for the forthcoming annual conference."

"Every time an outsider contest is held, twenty outsider disciples will be selected to attend the annual conference to compete for the position on the list."

"Although you haven't participated in outside competitions, and you are not in these twenty rankings, but by your means, presumably the academy will let you go."

Thousands of years ago, the Xianzong election in the Panlong Mountains.

It was only Su Zimo of the sixth-order Dixian who, with his own strength, overwhelmed the entire army of torture guards of the Great Jin Dynasty in the Jin Dynasty, becoming the first in the Election of Xianzong.

In that battle, Su Zimo revealed the terrifying power and terrible means. The owner of Chihong County still remembers it.

This is still true of the sixth-order earth fairy. Who can compete against Su Zimo of the eight-tier earth fairy, outside the academy?

Between chats, the two have reached Yuanling Pavilion.

At the entrance of Yuanling Pavilion, Deacon Chen outside the door was patrolling nearby, and just saw Su Zimo, his face sank, and there was a gloom in his eyes.


Deacon Chen stepped forward and stopped Su Zimo.

Su Zimo has a little impression of this deacon Chen.

At the beginning, they had just entered the outer door, and when they arrived here, they were received by the deacon Chen, who was a mean and bitter master.

According to the master of the Honghong County, the deacon Chen was just an outsider disciple. Seeing that there was no hope in worshiping the insider, he became an outsider deacon.

When you get this errand, you can also receive a reward for Yuanling Stone.

"Deacon Chen, what advice do you have?"

Su Zimo asked lightly.

Deacon Chen squinted at Su Zimo and said, "What are you going to Yuanling Pavilion?"

"Take the Yuanling Stone that I deposited in Yuanling Pavilion for all these years."

Su Zimo didn't hide his intention, and said it straightforwardly.

"take it."

Deacon Chen took out a storage bag and threw it to Su Zimo.

Su Zimo opened the storage bag and glanced, and said blankly, "The quantity is wrong. In this storage bag, there are only 200,000 yuan worth of spirit stones. I deserve one million!"

"A million?"

Deacon Chen sneered, and said, "Since you worshiped at the academy, you haven't even shown your face, let alone what college task you completed, why did you get a million yuanstones!"

"I tell you, giving you 200,000 is a great gift!"

"A bullshit!"

The master of Chihong County couldn't hear it, and couldn't help but say, "There is a rule in the ancestral gate that worships the supply of Yuanling Stone within a thousand years of the academy, there is no need to complete any task!"

"Sister, it's not your business, you don't have to blend in."

Deacon Chen seemed to be very cautious about the owner of Chihong County and said something.

Su Zimo was puzzled.

He has never been in contact with this deacon, and he has no revenge. How could this person suddenly target him?

If there is any opponent in this academy, it can only be Yuehua Jianxian.

But Yuehua Sword Fairy could not know that the dragon on the Dragon Dragon Star was him.

Bye bye, Yuehua Jianxian may not remember him.

"The 800,000 Yuanling Stones I have left have been swallowed by you."

Su Zimo stared at Deacon Chen and suddenly spoke.

"what did you say!"

Deacon Chen seemed to have exploded his hair, his tone suddenly increased, and he turned to stare at Su Zimo, his face was not good.

The conflict here has gradually attracted many monks and disciples around, and the crowd gathered more and more.

Deacon Chen blushed, pointed at Su Zimo's nose, and gritted his teeth: "I tell you, based on what you just said to be vilified, I can let you get out of the outside door and be a clerk in the college!"

"Su Zimo, as an outsider disciple, dare to talk nonsense and slander the outside deacon, what crime should he take!"

At this moment, a figure stood out in the crowd, yelling loudly, righteous.

Lu Wenbin.

Su Zimo squinted slightly.

Thousands of years ago, in the Election of Xianzong, he had met this man and had played against him.

At that time, Lu Wenbin shot continuously, trying to stop Su Zimo from stepping forward to meet the four great immortals, but failed one after another and lost face.

Is it because of this matter that this Lu Wenbin hates?


Su Zimo's mind flashed, thinking of a possibility.

"How many Lu Wenbins are in the outside competition?"

Su Zimo asked the sound of God.

"Twenty, what's wrong?"

The chief of Honghong County replied.

Hearing this answer, Su Zimo sneered.

This Lu Wenbin must be worried that after he exits the customs, he will seize his place in the Wannian Conference before joining hands with Director Chen to stage today's scene.

"Deacon Chen, outside the door, you are not eligible for law enforcement."

Su Zimo walked slowly towards Deacon Chen, his eyes narrowed, exuding a breath of breath, breathless!

"Bring my Primal Stone!"

Su Zimo stepped forward and stretched out his palm, as if King Kong was angry, staring at Deacon Chen, screaming loudly, like a bell.

Seeing this scene, Lu Wenbin's eyes glanced across a trace of light.

His arrangement seems to be full of loopholes.

But in the Election of Xianzong, he had seen Su Zimo's temperament and methods.

In his opinion, Su Zimo could not bear such grievances.

With Su Zimo's decisive disposition, when faced with such obvious difficulties, he will definitely fight!

You know, in Qiankun Academy, private fighting is not allowed.

If you want to kill, no matter who you are, you have to go to the Academy's Lun Jiantai.

If there are private combatants, the ranks of the disciples who are lighter will decline, and those who are serious may even be expelled from the academy!

As soon as Su Zimo starts, he wins!

Seeing Su Zimo's anger, stepping into his trap step by step, Lu Wenbin's heart was fiery and irresistibly excited.

(End of this chapter)

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