Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2245: Twelve Sky Thunder

Chapter 2245 Twelve Sky Thunder

The king of Yunlei County originally ranked ninth on the stele of the place, because Su Zimo beheaded the Taihua Xianren, Tiehan and Qingchenzi, so he rose to the sixth place.

In the third round, Yun Lei County's opponent was a 21st-ranked Dixian from the Yanyang Immortal Kingdom.

Although the Dixian's combat power is quite good, he is obviously weaker than Yunlei County King.

Su Zimo watched the battle a little, he had already speculated, no accident, his opponent in the fourth round is the king of Yunlei County!

At the beginning of the fourth round, except for the wind and wind, there were only twelve people left.

These twelve earth gods can be called the real evils of earth gods!

It is worth mentioning that in the Qiankun Academy, in addition to Su Zimo's promotion to the fourth round, the Chihong County Master also had no suspense over his opponent and still ranked third.

After winning the house, Liu Ping, who remodeled his flesh and reborn, also advanced all the way, entered the fourth round, temporarily ranked 10th, and became one of the top 12 immortals!

In Qiankun Academy, there are three earth gods, who are in the top twelve!

This is also the best record ever in Qiankun Academy!

If you say, Su Zimo's birth was the most shocking.

Then the rise of Liu Ping's alien force is the most impressive, the mystery of fate is enviable.

This is the role of chance!

Just a chance, Liu Ping has never been an ordinary disciple of Qiankun Academy who could not enter the place list, and has become the bright and shining earth fairy demon evil now, completely changing his destiny and the future is unlimited!

It didn't take long for the third round of rankings to end and the fourth round to start immediately.

Fengyin still turns.

On the sixth battlefield, King Yunlei County confronted Su Zimo!

"Su Daoyou, thousands of years ago, we did not have a chance to fight against each other, but today we have nothing to worry about."

The king of Yunlei County said complexly.

Thousands of years ago, he participated in the general election with Su Zimo together with Su Zimo, but was covered by Su Zimo.

It was also because of the great pressure of Su Zimo that he temporarily changed his mind and worshiped in the Sect of Mountains and Seas.

In the heart of King Yunlei County, he was still thinking about this, and he was brave and advanced in his practice, and wanted to compete with Su Zimo on the list.

But the battle of Jiuzhongtian shocked him so much!

The king of Yunlei County knew that this battle was simply unfair to Su Zimo.

If the two sides had a fair fight, even if he was twenty, he would not be Su Zimo's opponent!

"It's a matter of ranking, I will go all out and hope Su Daoyou understands."

King Yunlei County slightly arched.

"It's easy to say, you're shooting."

Su Zimo still looked calm and calm.

The king of Yunlei County urged the Yuanshen. The vitality in his body was turbulent, and bright rays of thunder appeared in his body. The electric snake was entangled, and the breath of the whole person continued to rise!

Above the square, the clouds were thick and rolling, filled with huge oppression and suffocating.

All of a sudden, the sky was dim!

"I heard that when King Yun Lei was born, accompanied by the sound of thunder, he was born close to the power of thunder, he practiced many mysteries of thunder skills, and the power of killing was terror.

"Yes, it would be even more terrifying if he later had a king of Yunting County. This king of Yunlei County would be the first day of the young generation of Zixuan Xianguo."


The sound of thunder was rolling, dimly, like the end of the world, shrouded above the palace of Yan Yang.

The ranking battle has so far, the first time there are earth fairy shots, attracting heaven and earth vision come!

Su Zimo raised his head slightly, looking at the thunder and lightning above the sky, and a strange gleam passed in his eyes, and he murmured: "Thunder ..."


Yun Lei suddenly opened his mouth, and a mysterious sound field broke out.

This mystery resonates with the sound of thunder above the sky, and generates a wave of extremely horrifying power that hits Su Zimo's body!

At the same time, Yun Lei burst pupil!

A thunderbolt cut through the dim void and descended in front of Su Zimo.

The mystery of the sound field and the pupil come almost at the same time!


Su Zimo also gave a low drink, and the mysterious method of thunder killing broke out, counteracting the power of Yunlei's mystery.

At the same time, he squeezed the tactics with both hands and urged Yuanshen, his hands seemed to hold a huge spear in vain, and stabbed fiercely into the void!


An extremely radiant light erupted in the void, reflecting the sky like the sky!

Even the dark clouds above the sky were torn by this splendid brilliance, and a gap emerged, revealing light.

"Thunder and Thunder Yao Jiu Xiao!"

At the watching table, Xie Ling exclaimed.

Motosuke-gun seemed to think of something, his face suddenly sinking, and suddenly became extremely ugly.

This is the secret of the wind and the wind!

He had known for a long time that Feng Cantian had some relationship with Su Zimo, but he did not expect that even this horror secret was taught to Su Zimo!

You know, when the wind was waning in the sky, at the Jiuxiao Conference, just this secret method blinded the eyes of the true fairy!

Because of this, the immortal king sighed, thundered and thundered, and gave his name to this secret method.

Although King Yunlei County's pupil technique is powerful, under the shroud of this radiant light, such as the scorching sun shining on the ice and snow, it instantly melts away and cannot be resisted!

Yun Lei's eyes were also stinging!

Just at that moment, he felt a fierce and fierce breath, rushing to his face, like the brutal beast of ancient times, permeated with blood, and seemed to tear him in half!

"not good!"

The king of Yunlei County was shocked and realized that Su Zimo had come near.

He had seen the terror of Su Zimo's melee and knew that he had no chance of winning in the melee.


The thunder of the Thunder King erupted, and the whole person turned into a thunderbolt, disappeared from the spot instantly, disappeared, and retreated, and distanced himself from Su Zimer.

At the same time, King Yunlei County urged Yuanshen to the limit, his hands kept changing magic tricks, and his mouth opened with a sound of majestic thunder!

"Shenxiao Sky Thunder!"

"Wufang Tianlei!"

"Xingfeng Tianlei!"

"Rainy Thunder!"


"Buze Tianlei!"

"Xingbing Tianlei!"

"Xiaoxiao Tianlei!"

"Flying Sand Thunder!"

"Eater Sky Thunder!"

"Fu Mo Tian Lei!"

"Swallow the ghost sky thunder!"

The twelve heavenly lightning methods were released in the blink of an eye, and in time, the world changed color!

There was heavy rain pouring down, hailstones covering the sky, torrents rushing, winds blowing sand and rocks, evil spirits roaring out of the cage, and demons looming ...

Countless visions flooded the heavens and the earth, and in each vision, there was an endless force of thunder, covering the sky and the sun in all directions.


"Twelve days of thunder, good means for King Yunlei!"

There were sounds of astonishment on both sides of the spectator seat.

The power of thunder, the heaviest killing.

Every thunder sacrifice is extremely powerful.

Today, the twelve heavenly thunders are utterly destroying the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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