Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2454: The whereabouts of wind purple clothing

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Of course Su Zimo will not wait another 100,000 years to participate in the next battle of the heavens.

As Tao Yao said, there is a thousand years left before the Shenxian Fairy Club, and anything can happen.

For him, it is not difficult to enter this prediction list.

What he really has to face is that after a thousand years, he may cultivate to the peak Yun Ting, the ninth-order heavenly immortal, that kendo genius!

This is his real opponent!

And it is the most powerful opponent encountered in the same rank since flying to the upper bound!

At this moment, there was a noise outside the cave, and someone came to visit.

Inside the cave house, there are corresponding reflection crystal balls, you can see the situation outside the cave house, who is outside, at a glance.

Su Zimo glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze, and remained silent.

Sister Mo Qing again.

Tao Yao and Liu Ping were not surprised to see that the people outside were Mo Qing, and they looked calm.

The two subconsciously looked at Su Zimo.

Su Zimo said nothing, but nodded.

The two Daotong glanced at each other and realized in their hearts.

Liu Ping shrugged, a little helpless, and walked out of the cave with Tao Yao.

Su Zimo was still sitting in the cave mansion, not going out to greet him.

In recent years, Sister Mo Qing went to him almost every 100 years.

Ever since Su Zimo realized that Sister Mo Qing might have a special affection for the deity of martial arts, she would dare to meet her, but she was afraid to avoid it.

So these years, he hid in the cave house and rarely went out.

Every time Sister Mo Qing came to visit, he told Tao Yao and Liu Ping to go out and found an excuse to deal with it, but he avoided it.

Sister Emo Qing's temperament is naturally impossible to break into his cave house.

Over the past few years, even Tao Yao and Liu Ping have become accustomed to it, so they were not surprised to see Mo Qing's visit.

Su Zimo's idea is simple.

After coping several times in this way, Sister Mo Qing can certainly feel his alienation. After a long time, she will naturally not contact him again.

Before long, Tao Yao and Liu Ping returned to Dongfu.

"Sister Mo Qing has already left."

Liu Ping said.


Su Zimo responded casually.

Liu Ping blinked and said tentatively: "Brother, I think Sister Mo Qing is a little angry this time..."

"is it?"

Su Zimo's eyes lit up, relieved, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Great!"

Since Sister Mo Qing is angry, she will definitely not come to him again in the future!

Looking at Su Zimo, who was full of surprises, Liu Ping stunned, and his chin almost fell to the ground.

What's on the mind of Senior Brother?

Su Zimo noticed Liu Ping's weird eyes and immediately realized that he was a little sick. He quickly coughed and murmured, "I'm so sorry."

Liu Ping rolled his eyes and dragged Tao Yao to the backyard of Dongfu to see the three fairy trees.

When he came to the backyard of Dongfu, Liu Ping whispered, "Peach, I guess Brother Si might have done something bad to Sister Mo Qing before I kept hiding!"

"What's wrong?"

Tao Yao looked confused.

Liu Ping said: "It's just some chaos and abandonment, seeing strange things and the like, do you remember the master of Yunzhu County, Zixuan Xianguo, is the book fairy?"

"Remember." Tao Yao nodded.

Liu Ping's eyes burned with a blazing gossip fire, saying: "I feel something must have happened between Brother and the Book Fairy Yunzhu and Sister Mo Qing!"


Three days later.

Someone visited again outside the cave, but this time, the Chihong County Lord was alone, without Yang Ruoxu accompanied.

Su Zimo went out and greeted the chief of Chihong County.

It didn't take long for Su Zimo and the two to enter the Dong Mansion, and not far away, a cherry blossom suddenly flew out of a white butterfly.

This butterfly is hidden here, the color of the body is almost integrated with this piece of cherry blossom, regardless of each other, and it is not noticeable at all.

Snow White Butterfly snorted angrily at Su Zimo's Dong Man, and galloped away in the direction of the true academy of the Academy.

Cave House.

The chief of the Chihong County just sat down and said, "Brother Su, Brother Qingcheng has found the burial night Zhenxian and Feng Ziyi!"

Su Zimo was shocked and quickly asked, "Where are they? Is it life or death?"

"Both are still alive, near Cangyun Mountain."

The chief of Chihong County hesitated a little and said, "However, it seems that Buxue Zhenxian was seriously injured and is not in a good condition. Feng Ziyi takes care of it."

"Cangyun Mountain!"

Su Zimo immediately took out a map of the fairyland of Shenxiao, looking for the location of Cangyun Mountain.

Cangyun Mountain is not in the territory ruled by the Three Great Immortals and the Four Great Immortals, and belongs to a wild and unowned land.

"Thank you to Brother Qingcheng for helping me, and when I have time, I will personally come and thank you!"

Su Zimo worried about the safety of Feng Ziyi, put away the map, prepared to leave, and immediately went to Cangyun Mountain!

"Don't worry, let me finish!"

The chief of the Chihong County quickly held Su Zimo and said in a deep voice: "Brother Cheng Qing knows the means of Feng Ziyi, so I didn't dare to alarm the two, but just watched from a distance."

"Moreover, Brother Qingcheng also found that besides him, Da Jin Xianguo's torture guard was also staring at Feng Ziyi!"

Su Zimo narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "If the true fairy is buried in the night, there must be a strong fairy."


Chihong County said: "So, I will let you wait, don't act rashly."

"Brother Cheng Qingcheng also knows that he is just an ordinary county king, there is no protection of the true fairy strongman around him, nor can he mobilize the true fairy strongman of the Yanyang fairy country. ."

"If Ruoxu already knew about this, he was gathering people in the real place of the academy, and he tried to find a few academy disciples to accompany him, and we went together."

"Even if encountering the true immortal strongman of the Dajinxian Kingdom, there is one more chance to save people."

Su Zimo took a deep breath and gradually calmed his mind.

This matter is extremely variable, but with his power, he really can't cope with it.

The chief of the Chihong County suddenly sighed and said, "If Ruoxu has just visited the land of true biography, there are not many true disciples that he has met, and it may not be possible to call many people."

In fact, this is also normal.

Yang Ruoxu has just stepped into the state of truth, and cultivation is still in the same period. It belongs to the bottom of the state of truth. Most of the disciples who meet each other are also in this state.

What's more, there were some grudges between Yang Ruoxu and Yuehua Jianxian who could not tell the truth, and many true disciples avoided it.

Furthermore, it belongs to Su Zimo.

Except for Yang Ruoxu, the other true disciples have never been in contact with Su Zimo and are very strange.

Feng Ziyi and the true disciples of the academy were even completely strangers, and had nothing to do with it.

If not necessary, who would run as far as Cangyun Mountain to help two completely strangers?

At this moment, the host of Chihong County moved, took out a message from the storage bag, and got up and said, "If Ruoxu is ready, let's go and gather in front of the gate of the Academy!"

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