Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2471: Burn the city!

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Sword qi kills in the sky, and sword qi kills in the ground!

Many of the Celestial Powerhouses who had besieged Su Zimo could no longer support it, burst into disintegration, and fled everywhere!

Thousands of thousands of swordsmanship drove across the thunder city.

Under the sky, a tense snake formed by the condensed sword gas emerged. In the sky, the sword gas dragon wandered around, and the monk hit by it could not resist it, and fell on the spot!

Natural killing and terrible killing are extremely extreme, and they are extremely invincible, causing extremely strong destruction and destruction, which can be called ruining the world!

Su Zimo stood in the sky, staring at the heavenly immortals who had fled around, looking at the elders in the city that were originally high, with cold eyes.

For hundreds of thousands of years, in this city of thunder, I do not know how many hunting meetings have been held.

Each hunting event will gather tens of thousands of mystical immortals in the lower realm, and may even reach 100,000, but in the end, only one hundred people can survive!

In fact, this is a carefully prepared killing feast for Yuan Zuo, the master of Thunder City, including the elves in the city!

Over the years, the underground of the Thunder City, I don’t know how many underworld creatures are buried, and they are full of bones.

For the lives of these lower-level creatures, to the gods in the Thunder City, like grass mustard and ants, no one cares!

Su Zimo will always remember that when he stood on the square above the ten prisoners and looked around, the faces of the gods around him.

All the underworld creatures who entered the ten jails are just their playthings.

These fairies are the real hunting people!

This killing feast between the creatures in the lower realm is a game for them.

These celestial beings take pleasure in it, and have long been accustomed to it.

They stood high, looking at the hundreds of thousands of underworld creatures on the square, talking and laughing unscrupulously, without concealing the contempt and indifference in their eyes.

At that time, Su Zimo was just a little Xuanxian who didn't rise so long.

The minimum cultivation of those immortals are also earth immortals, as well as many heaven immortals.

At this time, Su Zimo stood above the Thunder City and stood in the sky. Those former immortals who were high above were all under his feet, trembling!

"It's him, I know him, the servant who entered the ten prisons!"

"It's just for thousands of years, he has even practiced this step!"

"He, what is he going to do!"

In the Thunder City, countless monks looked up at the figure in the air, their expressions terrified.

Su Zimo's expression was indifferent, and four flames suddenly appeared around him, and the temperature was extremely high.

Xianmen Daohuo, Momen Daohuo, Fomen Daohuo, and Nanming Lihuo in front of him quickly merged together to form a huge fireball!

This fireball appeared in the sky above the Thunder City, as if it were a scorching sun, just around the corner!

Many buildings in the Thunder City have begun to burn, and the fire is skyrocketing.

The ground, the city walls, also began to smoke billowing.

"What a terrible flame!"

Even when standing on the ground, there are still many celestial beings who feel the heat of this fireball and start to flee outside the city.

"Destroy it."

Su Zimo spoke lightly, let go of his hands, and a huge ball of fire merged with four groups of flames in his hand, fell towards the Thunder City.

At the same time, Su Zimo's eyebrows released a fire of Yuanshen, and fell into the fireball.


When this fireball fell in the Thunder City, it burst and burst, and a more terrifying flame quickly spread around and burned everything!

The monks in the city only realized that the catastrophe was coming, and fled towards the outside like crazy.

Wumei Daohuo, even the Celestial Powers can't carry it, let alone the Celestial Immortals in the city.

No one dared to try to fight against this flame.

The fire of Wumei Dao spread rapidly, and soon the entire city of thunder was enveloped, as if transformed into a huge flame hell!

Numerous monks who escaped from Leilei City looked back with a lingering fear.

I saw the sky above that **** of flames, also stood a figure, bathed in flames, not life, like a god!

Everyone knows that after today, this ancient city that once suppressed the wind and the sky and buried countless lower-level creatures will no longer exist, turning into ruins and falling to the dust!

Over the Thunder City.

After this battle, the dragon and phoenix body is already in a state of ruin.

Although the dragon and phoenix body condensed from the jade Qingyu album has the form of a taboo dragon and phoenix, after all, there is no dragon emperor bloodline and yuanshen, and the strength is quite different.

After a war, this dragon and phoenix body can no longer support.

Su Zimo's consciousness moved, and Yuqing Yuyu returned to his sea of ​​knowledge.

The Dragon Phoenix body also dissipated.

He waved his robe sleeves, put a lot of Tianxian's storage bags in his bag, and collected more than two hundred slaughtered Tianwei's waist cards before tearing the teleportation grate that Yunzhu gave him, leaving Dajin.


Zi Xuan Xian Guo.

Cliff City, an ancient city on the border.

Yunzhu escorted the two people in Feng Ziyi. After arriving at Zixuan Immortal Kingdom, they entered the teleportation array. After continuous teleportation, they descended in this ancient city.

Yunzhu escorted the two of them out of the city and stood at the gate of the city.

"Two people, I won't give it away. After going out of the city, from here all the way north, you can reach the fairy abyss."

Yunzhu said: "Crossing the fairy abyss is the demon domain."

As soon as the car curtain moved, Feng Ziyi came out, nodded blankly at Yunzhu, and said softly, "Thank you."

"Is the celestial night really good?"

Yunzhu asked.

Feng Ziyi's eyes dropped slightly and shook his head.

Funeral Night Immortal has been unable to support, fell into a coma, may fall at any time!

"We are gone, leave."

Feng Ziyi said a little silence.

Yunzhu glanced back and couldn't help saying, "Do you want to wait any longer?"


Feng Ziyi asked.

"Wait for someone."

Yunzhu said: "He should come back as soon as possible and give you a ride."

Feng Ziyi knows that the person Yunzhu said is Su Zimo.

"Where did he go?"

Feng Ziyi asked.

Yunzhu was about to answer. Suddenly he moved his heart and looked back. I saw a figure galloping towards this place, and it was Su Zimo who came near in a blink of an eye.

Su Zimo used the teleportation 箓 to directly answer the imperial city of Zixuan.

Then, without stopping, with the help of Wangcheng Teleportation Array, he moved to the Cliff City and started to rush.


Yunzhu looked at Su Zimo and asked tentatively.


Su Zimo nodded, not much to say.

He killed in the thunder city, and after burning the city, he rushed to this place using the teleporter, and the news over there had not been heard yet.

Yunzhu secretly said badly.

At this time, she did not know the details of Leicheng City, thinking that Su Zimo only assassinated a Yuanzuo County King.

"Let's go and see Senior Funeral Night."

Su Zimo said something and boarded the car.

Yunzhu pondered a little and followed.

The space in the car is huge, and it is not a problem to accommodate a dozen people.

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