Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2473: Unrest Three Thousand Realms

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"Someone can know your whereabouts, and can also recognize your appearance after being dressed up. There must be more than one such person in heaven."

Yunzhu pondered: "But the one who can possess this method is at least the strong of the level of the fairy king. You were just a fairy at the time. Why did the fairy king target you?"

Su Zimo didn't tell Qinglian the truth about Yunlian.

This matter is still his biggest secret, will bring him the disaster of extinction, it is impossible to talk casually!

Seeing the silence of Su Zimo, Yunzhu smiled, and said in a half-joking way: "As far as I know, there is such a big figure in the fairyland of the fairy land, that is, the master of the Academy, but he has no reason to do so."

"What's more, I was also present when the Xianzong election was held. The process was tumultuous, and there were several twists and turns. In the end, Qiankun Academy protected you before Yuanzuo returned."


Su Zimo nodded.

At the time he participated in the Xianzong general election, his initial goal was to join the mountain Xianzong.

It was only in the end that there was a yin and yang, which made it possible to visit Qiankun Academy.

"The Zhending tripod in your body is indeed very attractive to the immortal king. With the ability of the academy master, it is not difficult to deduce that you have the prison prison tripod."

Yunzhu said: "But if he plots your jail tripod, he can shoot at any time, there are too many opportunities, and there is no need to do anything more."

"I preliminarily speculated that some fairy king knew about the grievance between you and Yuan Zuo. This fairy king strong person's self-respected identity is not good for you. So he sent Yuan Zuo a letterhead to let Yuan Zuo handles it himself."

Su Zimo was silent.

According to Yunzhu, this matter is simple.

Before, it was just how much he thought about himself, and he was suspicious.

He did, for a moment, doubt the suzerain.

But when you think about it, there are many problems.

First, because of the persistence of Qiankun Academy, he could escape the pursuit of Yuanzuo County King and save his life.

Otherwise, he is already a dead body at this time!

Second, as Yunzhu said, if he is really the master of the Academy, what exactly does he want to do?

Whether it is a plot to conquer his prison prison, or his true green lotus, the abode of the academy could have shot long ago, how can he be allowed to live to the present?

Third, the academy not only accepted him as a named disciple, but also saved his life!

At the beginning, they and their entourage participated in the battle of the land list, and on the way back from the Yanyang fairy country, they were intercepted by the strong fairy king.

It was precisely because of the suzerainty of the Academy that they were spared!

Su Zimo always had a hunch that the fairy king's interception was probably directed at him!

Moreover, the patriarch of the Academy gave him a jade card for communication.

In Yuxian Immortal Domain, it was with this teleportation jade card that he could take Tao Yao out of the crisis and return to the Academy.

Fourthly, if it is the patriarch of the academy, it means that from the moment of sending the letter to the end of his visit to Qiankun Academy, everything in the whole process is under the control of the academy.

But is this possible?

In the Xianzong general election, too many variables happened!

How can the judiciary of the academy judge all the variables if he does his tricks?

What's more, Su Zimo had been in contact with the suzerain of the academy. In this suzerain, he felt no hostility.

Moreover, since he visited Qiankun Academy, neither the Academy nor the patriarch have done anything that apologizes for him.

He doubted the suzerain of the academy, but it was the heart of some villains.

Su Zimo had a feeling that the mysterious man who had been with Yun You Wang and killed him was probably the one who sent the letter to the King of Yuanzuo County!

He had heard the voice of this man, and he could never be the patriarch of the college.

But this mysterious man also possesses the ability to infer everything, to see the world, to see through falsehood, and it is very similar to the means of the academy's patriarch, but it is deeply hidden.

At least Yunzhu has never heard of this person.

What is the relationship between this mysterious man and the killing after the land list?

"Similar to the suzerain's means, hidden deep..."

Su Zimo's heart moved, and a figure appeared in his mind.

In Qiankun Academy, the mysterious old man guarding the Secret Pavilion!

This mysterious old man's status in the academy is by no means merely an old man guarding the secret cabinet.

At the beginning, he condensed the tenth step of Tao Xin Ladder, and Xuan Lao was also present.

Xuan Lao's attitude of talking to the academy's patriarch was extremely casual, and it seemed that he did not put the status of the academy's patriarch in his eyes.

The suzerain of the academy did not take it seriously, and seemed to default on this.

This Xuan Lao's position in Qiankun Academy is very special, and Su Zimo saw him tearing the void away, and it was obviously a strong fairy king!


Yunzhu suddenly said: "Over the years, I have searched and browsed some ancient books, visited several monuments, and found some information about the Great Emperor."

Yun Zhu's words interrupted Su Zimo's thoughts.

"what's the message?"

Su Zimo asked subconsciously.

After all, he is also very curious about the Great Emperor.

Yunzhu said: "The fall of the Great Emperor seems to be related to a turmoil that has swept through the three thousand worlds and spread to all living beings."


Su Zimo frowned slightly.

Yunzhu also showed a trace of confusion, saying: "Regarding this turmoil, many ancient books are unclear, and I still dare not determine whether this turmoil exists."

"And, there is no record of the cause, process, and end of this turmoil."

"I still found some ambiguous records in some ancient ruins, with incomplete handwriting such as anomalies, turmoil, heaven, earth, and Daqian."

Su Zimo's expression moved.


Does it refer to the world of thousands?

Yunzhu pondered a little, and suddenly said in a condensed voice: "There is another thing. I browse the ancient books of the nearly ten eras since the record. The civilization of each era is different. Even the recorded text is strange."

"But in these eras, two words have been mentioned-the devil!"

Su Zimo's heart shattered.

Somehow, these two words seemed to have a strange deterrent force, which made him feel a little uneasy and even hesitated to think about it.

"About this devil, what has been recorded in these era civilizations?" Su Zimo asked.

Yunzhu shook his head and said, "There is no clear record, nor any information about the devil."


Yunzhu seemed to feel, his face changed!

"Tao Yao was in trouble!"

Yun Zhu said with a deep voice.


Su Zimo frowned, his heart tightened.

Yunzhu said: "Do you remember, I gave Taoyao a waist card? That waist card, in fact, can be regarded as a body protection spirit treasure, which can resist the attack of the true fairy strong."

"I just got a sense, this waist card was hit by a powerful force!"

Su Zimo's face sank, and he immediately rushed out of the car and drove at full speed toward the cliff city.

Arriving at the Cliff City and teleporting to the imperial city of Zixuan, he will be able to return to Qiankun Academy immediately!

Yunzhu looked at Su Zimo's back and reminded: "You don't have to worry, this force impact should not have reached the level of true immortality. Tao Yao is temporarily not dangerous."

Yunzhu stood in the car, thinking a little, and followed.

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