Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2475: Why bother

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When Tao Yao heard the voice, she was shocked, and she turned her head and looked at her with tears in her eyes.

Su Zimo gently rubbed Tao Yao's head, smiled slightly, and looked soft, softly: "It's okay, I'll deal with it."


Tao Yao nodded vigorously.

I do not know why, as long as Su Zimo stood beside him, his anxiety, panic, and daze seemed to disappear in an instant, and his mind was set.


Both Chihong County Master and Liu Ping also breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Zimo nodded slightly at the two, indicating that they were at ease.

"Yo, isn't this Brother Su?"

Behind Fang Qingyun, the ninth-order Celestial Immortal of a college asked with a smile: "Brother Su came just right. The slave you raised broke the academy's gate rules. What should you do?"

"What else can I do, does Brother Su still want to challenge the gate rules of the college?" another college student Ying He said.


At first, the man laughed aloud and said, "That's not necessarily, but Brother Su's family climbed the ninth level of the Taoist Ladder, condensed the peerless genius of the tenth level, and had nothing to look at. Yes."

The two sang one harmony, yin and yang strange.

Fang Qingyun just smiled faintly, with an acquiescence on this scene.

Su Zimo didn't even look at the other side, but he turned around and asked, "Liu Ping, what's going on?"

Liu Ping said quickly: "Peach and I were in front of the Yuanling Pavilion, and after receiving this year's Yuanling Stone, we didn't go far and were stopped by Brother Fang's dozen slaves."

"They were swearing at Peaches for no reason, and their mouths were filthy."

Speaking of which, Liu Ping paused, seeming to recall those swear words, and he was not angry, and glared at the slaves on the opposite side.

Liu Ping continued: "Peach is angry but only shot, pushed away the person in front of him, wanted to leave, did not hurt the person at all."

"Who knows, Brother Fang suddenly showed up and came around, saying that Peach broke the gate rules of the academy, fighting privately in the academy and injuring the people in the academy."

"Brother Fang didn't give Peach a chance to explain, he directly shot at Peach, but fortunately Peach's waist card blocked the blow to save his life."

Liu Ping quickly described the conflict that had just occurred.

After Su Zimo heard this, he already knew.

The opposite move came from him!

Fang Qingyun slowly said, "Brother Liu, you speak lightly. My servant, who has been seriously injured, died and died."


Liu Ping looked shocked, then said flatly: "This is impossible!"

"Bring it up."

Fang Qingyun waved his hand.

Behind him, several servants lifted the body of another servant up, and the person did indeed appear to have died, and had not died long before.

"Not me, I didn't kill him, I just pushed him..."

Tao Yao shook his head quickly, debating hard.

"It seems that Brother Fang is doing a lot of things here, and it is not unreasonable to make trouble, making big fuss, it is all fatal."

"Yeah, it's not as simple as a private fight."

Another academy disciple whispered, whispering, "You guys don't really think that Brother Fang's slave was killed by that child?"

"Ah, what do you mean?" asked a few people beside him.

The man said with a sneer: "Obviously, that slave was killed by Brother Fang themselves, and they planted stolen goods on the opposite side, so as to make trouble to Brother Su."

"These are all your guesses, what evidence do you have?" the other person asked.

The man shrugged: "Who will leave evidence for such a thing."

Liu Ping pointed at the corpse of the slave and shouted: "I was there at the time. When Peach pushed him away, he was fine!"

"Nonsense, Brother Wang was seriously injured at that time, and it didn't take long before he died!"

Several slaves of Fang Qingyun quickly stood up and argued, and the scene was chaotic.

Su Zimo finally turned around and looked towards Fang Qingyun.

The eyes of the two collided together in mid-air, tit-for-tat, without evasion, full of gunpowder!

Su Zimo said: "Fang Qingyun, I'm out of customs this time, I haven't asked you to settle the old grudges, you jumped out first."

"It's natural to kill someone's life, right? I don't need to say more?"

Fang Qingyun spread his hands together, his expression calm, and said: "The life of a servant is also a life. Your servant has broken the gate rules of the academy. If you kill someone, you will have to pay your life."

"He doesn't die, you have to die!"

In fact, this time, even without the urging of Yuehua Jianxian, Fang Qingyun is also ready to start with Su Zimo.

At that time, he designed to kill Yang Ruoxu and Su Zimo, but both of them did not die, but Tang Peng died outside.

Not surprisingly, Su Zimo should have known that he was behind the plan.

Sooner or later, there will be a battle.

Another point, Fang Qingyun felt a huge threat to Su Zimo!

The speed of Su Zimo's cultivation is too fast!

It has been only a few years since he entered the inner door, and he has already practiced to reach the sixth order of heaven.

If you give him more time to allow him to continue to grow, this seat in the inner door will probably change his name!

Fang Qingyun said again: "Su Zimo, since you and I have to show up to our own servants, I have a proposal. You and I talk about Jiantai, what kind of grievances are resolved together!"

This is his long-planned plan. As long as Su Zimo is irritated and forced to go to the Jiantai, he will not give Su Zimo any chance!

"Brother Su, don't promise him!"

Chihong County Lord and Liu Ping hurriedly stopped.

In the eyes of the two, Su Zimo is only a sixth-order heavenly immortal after all.

And Fang Qingyun has long practiced to the peak of the ninth order Tianxian, the inner door first, the strongest combat power, or the tenth arrogance of the prediction list.

The gap between the two is too great. Once on the sword stage, Su Zimo will definitely lose.

Fang Qingyun raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "Su Zimo, you can rest assured that according to the rules of the academy, no matter the life and death on the sword platform, I will try my best to control the size and spare your life."

Su Zimo looked at Fang Qingyun without saying a word, his expression was indifferent.

"Brother Su is not afraid?" A disciple of Fang Qingyun said deliberately loudly.

Another humane said: "How is it possible that others can condense the tenth step of Taoist Ladder, the genius of the ancient and modern, how can it be so timid."

"On Jiantai!"

Some disciples of the academy sneered and satirized.

"Su Zimo, please."

Fang Qingyun smiled.

Everything went according to his plan without any mistakes.

"Why bother."

Su Zimo spoke suddenly.

Before the words fell, Su Zimo's figure moved, and he came to Fang Qingyun in an instant. Under the eyes of everyone in amazement, he shot out!

Su Zimo's palm turned into a big hand covering the sky, suppressing it towards Fang Qingyun's Tianling Gai!

Fang Qingyun's pupils contracted violently and discolored appallingly!

He almost calculated everything, and even performed many variables, but he never thought that Su Zimo dare to deal with him in the academy!

Moreover, it is in full view!

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