Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2495: Brutal Shura Field

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Numerous monks quickly collected this teleportation grate, and looked happy.

Having this teleportation symbol in hand means that all monks entering the battlefield of Shura have a security guarantee.

Even if there is any danger encountered inside, everyone can retreat.

Xie Ling noticed the expression of everyone, shook his head slightly, and said: "It is necessary to remind you that this one is just a teleporter. It cannot guarantee you absolute safety on the battlefield of Shura."

"The environment inside is complex, dangerous and ubiquitous, and may be encountered at any time. If it is too late to tear this teleportation grate, it will still be buried in it."

Everyone heard a sigh in their hearts, and some nervousness had just begun to tighten again.

Xie Ling's eyes glanced over several county kings and said, "I know you have invited a lot of helpers this time, but these people can only assist in seizing the seal, not directly snatching the Lingxia seal."

"On the Lingxia seal, there is a unique seal of my family of the Yanyang Immortal Kingdom. Only the blood of the Yanyang royal family can unlock it."

Hearing this, Su Zimo and Xie Qingcheng looked at each other.

If there are such restrictive rules, this battle of winning India will add many variables again!

Judging from the ranking of the prediction list, Zong Feiyu, Lie Xuan, and Song Ce ranked third, fourth, and fifth, respectively, with the strongest fighting power.

But even if some of the three people arrived early on an isolated island in the city, they would not be able to unlock the ban on Lingxia's seal, to no avail.

The arrangement of Yanyang Xianguo obviously has other meanings.

In this battle to win India, not only the contacts of the major monarchs, but also the strength of the major monarchs!

At that time, there will probably be a fight between the major kings!

This provision is extremely unfavorable to Xie Qingcheng.

Xie Qingcheng's cultivation practice is only a seventh-order heavenly immortal, and his combat power is among the final masters among these kings.

The Tianhuang County King, who predicts the tenth place in the sky list, has an advantage in this regard.

Xie Qingcheng's eyebrows, with a trace of worry.

No matter what the rules are, for him, the chance of winning the seal is not great.

Su Zimo seemed to feel the depression in Xie Qingcheng's heart and smiled slightly, saying: "When the time comes, try your best. Don't give up until the last time."


Xie Qingcheng nodded.

"What else do you have?"

Xie Ling looked around and looked at the remaining eight teams.

Everyone shook their heads and rubbed their hands, ready to enter the battlefield of Shura.

Xie Lingdao said: "This time you will stay in the Shura battlefield for a month. During this time, no matter what happens inside, the outside world will not intervene."

"If you have no other problems, I will start the teleportation."

"Second brother, hurry up!"

Xie Tianhuang grinned and urged, already unable to wait.

Xie Ling no longer spoke much, and a few divine lights were stirred up at his fingertips, and he sank into the ground in the center of the square.


The ground instantly burst into glory, and mysterious and mysterious lines appeared on it, slowly rotating.

"You all set foot on the teleportation array."

Xie Ling said another sentence.

Everyone heard this and set off.

The eight teams on the square disappeared in a flash of light.


A desolate and ruined world, surrounded by a faint **** mist, a gap was suddenly cracked in the air, and a figure fell from the inside.

Eighteen monks such as Su Zimo and Xie Qingcheng descended from the sky, quickly stabilized their bodies, spread their consciousness, and probed around.

The **** mist around is very weak, but it has a great influence on the sight distance and the exploration distance of the consciousness.

Su Zimo stood in the air and frowned slightly.

All of them came down, and they were contaminated with the faint blood mist around them, like a fascia, sticking to their bodies, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Unsurprisingly, this should be the kind of **** evil that Xie Qingcheng said.

Su Zimo tried to use the secret method to urge the six-tooth divine power, and it did not succeed, and felt a powerful force of suppression!

"What kind of **** arrogance has such power?"

Su Zimo was confused.

Six-tooth divine power is inherited from the six-tooth idol, even though it is in the upper realm, the six-tooth divinity is not weaker than the powerful creatures of the dragon race.

On land, the fighting might be better than the dragon.

Even so, this talented supernatural power is still banned by that strange blood-smelling gas!

Without the blessing of the Six-tooth Divine Power, it has a great impact on his combat power.

"Look there, that is the Ashura!"

A monk pointed to the distance and murmured softly.

The rest of them looked away, all showing shock.

Although they practiced high-level heavenly immortals, they still saw the Ashura for the first time.

The Asura tribe lay flat on the ground, with a huge hole in the chest, and the head was full of holes, but the body was huge and strong, with a height of more than ten feet, and there were double horns above the head, and the body was dead!

Even after falling for many years, this bronze body still exudes a savage and violent breath.

"Qingcheng County King, shall we take a closer look?"

Moon Shadow Tianxian suggested: "Everyone hasn't seen the Ashura tribe, just take this opportunity to look at it in the past, there may be no chance."


Xie Qingcheng hesitated.

"Don't go by."

Su Zimo glanced in that direction and said, "Hurry up and leave here!"


Moon Shadow Tianxian frowned, and in his tone, unconsciously grew a little dissatisfied with Su Zimo.

He had just put forward a suggestion, but he was rejected by Su Zimo, and naturally felt that he had lost face.

In the vicinity of this Asura tribe, the king of Chengtian County came down with a group of angels.

At this moment, the corpse of the Asura tribe that had already decayed and died suddenly burst into two red lights in the hollow eyes!


Immediately afterwards, the Asura tribe suddenly woke up, suddenly sat up and waved towards the crowd!

The group of kings of Chengtian County was too close to the Asura tribe.

Hundreds of heavenly gods gathered together and thought it was just the body of the Ashura tribe. I never thought that this body would get up and shoot!

The vast majority of immortals responded very quickly and dispersed.

But the big hands of the Asuras, covering the sky and covering the sun, instantly caught the three heavenly immortals in their palms and squeezed hard!


The teleportation traps of the three Celestial Immortals, before they were able to be released, were squeezed into a mass of blood mud, and they were all destroyed!

On Xie Qingcheng's side, Yueying Tianxian and others were trembling with fear, and their hearts were trembling with fear.

Fortunately, I didn't rush over immediately, otherwise, this slap, maybe came towards them!

All the talents had just arrived on the battlefield of Shura, and three of the gods died.

Xie Qingcheng, they didn't have many people already, if you fold a few more, I'm afraid everyone can't see the ancient city in the center area.

Even if there is a teleporter on board, this Shura battlefield is more cruel and **** than many monks imagined, and it is in danger!

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