Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2509: Hana-Ochiya?

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Which of the dozen or so people brought in by Xie Qingcheng has not endured his kindness?

But now, when he is in trouble, only the six angels in front of him are still willing to follow him.

Yan Junwang and others are not well-intentioned, and they can look around at any time.

Xie Qingcheng did not want to involve six heavenly immortals because of his persistence and put them in danger.

After all, he is the king of the county. Even if he stays here, there will be no danger to his life. At most, he will suffer some humiliation, but these six heavenly immortals may have life worries!

"The County King..."

The six angels gave a soft call.


Xie Qingcheng smiled pretending to be free and easy, and said: "More than twenty days later, waiting for me in the palace, no matter the success or failure, we have to get together and get drunk!"

"it is good!"

The six angels responded with surprise.

They insisted on staying and would only be besieged by Yan Junwang and others.

The six Celestial Immortals did not want to betray Xie Qingcheng. The only option was to leave.

Under the watchfulness of Xie Qingcheng, the six heavenly gods shredded the teleporter and withdrew from the Shura battlefield.

The king of Yanjun chuckled: "Xie Qingcheng, what are you doing here? Is it disgraceful?"

"Maybe I want to win the Lingxia Seal by myself."

Moon Shadow Tianxian just changed the door, immediately changed a face, stepped on Xie Qingcheng, to please Yan County King.

"My go to stay, don't worry about you!"

Xie Qingcheng's tone was cold.


King Yanjun smiled and said: "My good brother, you are not convinced yet? Yueying, you go up and teach me lessons!"


Yueying Tianxian hesitated.

"Why don't you dare, or stay in love with the old master?" Yan Junwang turned his head and asked with narrowed eyes.


Yueying Tianxian responded very quickly and quickly denied it.

Although he resisted a little in his heart, he also knew that this matter was regarded as a change of his name.

Only in this way can we really gain the trust and importance of Yan Junwang!

Turning to this point, Yueying Tianxian's heart traversed towards Xie Qingcheng.

"you dare!"

Xie Qingcheng stared at Moon Shadow Celestial, his eyes cold.

After all, he was the king of the Yanyang Fairyland, and now exasperated, he exudes a palpable royal majesty!

Although Moon Shadow Celestial Cultivation Realm is higher than Xie Qingcheng, after all, it has followed Xie Qingcheng, and Xie Qingcheng also saved his life.

Now Xie Qingcheng was glared, his heart was a little vacant, and he was slow to move.

"do not be afraid."

With a smile on his face, Yan Jun Wang encouraged: "Don't just kill me. I'll take care of something wrong!"

"Thank you Yan Jun."

Yueying Tianxian heard this, his heart was set.

Xie Qingcheng scolded: "The ungrateful dog thing, I shouldn't have saved you!"

Mentioning this matter, Yueying Tianxian's face was extremely embarrassed. She felt resentful in her heart. She raised her hand and fanned towards Xie Qingcheng.

The palm of Yueying Tianxian did not fall on Xie Qingcheng's face, and his wrist was grasped by another thick and heavy hand, just like an iron hoop!

Moon Shadow Celestial's arm can't move.

In the other party's palm, a terrifying heat wave erupted, seeming to burn all his arms to ashes!

"Marty Daoist, you..."

Yueying Tianxian turned her head and saw this person, she couldn't help looking frightened.

The person who tried to block the Moon Shadow Celestials turned out to be the Lie Xuan beside the Yan County King.

"Brother, what does this mean?"

King Yan Yan frowned slightly.

Lie Xuan turned his head and said in a low voice: "After all, Xie Qingcheng has the blood of the king of the sun and the sun, so that outsiders are bullying, and it is also the face of the royal family."

"Furthermore, he has only one person, which has no effect on our seizure of India, and there is no need to kill them."

King Yan Jun was a little unhappy.

But Lie Xuan was a reincarnated true fairy. This time, he was invited to come out of the mountain and stand on his own side. Yan Jun Wang also had to give Lie Xuan a little face.


King Yan County waved his hand and said: "I listen to Brother Li and don't know you as usual, let's go!"

After that, Yan Jun Wang took a group of monks to leave the place.

Lie Xuansong's hand, Yueying Tianxian's expression was painful, he quickly pulled his wrist out.

For a while, his wrist was burned with a brand, and the entire palm was unconscious.

Even if he suffered a big loss, Yueying Tianxian didn't dare to complain at all. He endured the severe pain and didn't return his head.

Lie Xuan carried his hands on his back and turned away.

"Thank you."

He walked to the door of the house, and Xie Qingcheng's voice came behind him.

Lie Xuan shook his head slightly, and said, "The Su Zimo you found has indeed fallen into the lake, but at that time, we predicted that the top ten in the sky list were all in."

"Accurately, it was he who defeated six opponents one by one, which led to the eventual fall into the lake of Xuesha."

When Xie Qingcheng heard this, there was no doubt in his heart.

But he never imagined that the six heavenly gods who predicted the top ten on the list would even work together against Su Zimo!

"He is very strong."

In Lie Xuan's tone, it seemed to reveal a trace of admiration and regret.

After a little silence, he continued: "If I fight with him alone, the outcome is unpredictable."

After saying this, Lie Xuan left the place and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After everyone left, Xie Qingcheng sat down on the ground.

Today, he has only one person left, nothing and helpless.

Even if he can still stick to his beliefs, what can he do in the face of such a situation?

Twenty days later, will he go?

With him alone, only the seventh-order heavenly god, how can he compete with several other monarchs?


A month's time is fleeting.

On the last day, the seven remaining kings in the Shura battlefield, with their respective teams, all arrived in front of the lake in the center of the ancient city, waiting for the last moment to arrive.

When the bridge on the other side is approaching, it also means that the battle for the capture of India is the most critical and the most fierce battle, officially launched!

Over the ancient city.

The six true immortals in Shenxiao Palace also started their spirits. The next battle will determine the ranking of many monks in predicting Tianbang Mountain!


Shenhong whispered, said: "It seems that there is still a team did not arrive?"

"It's Xie Qingcheng. He is the only one left in his team. It is estimated that he gave up." Shen Ze explained.

"Guess what, this sacred seal of immortality, in the end, who will fall?"

Shenyun didn't wait for a few people to answer, and said first: "I guess it was Yuyan County Master. She has Zongfeiyu to help, and the chance is great."

Kamikaze said: "At present, after the team of Yan County King swallows Xie Qingcheng's 10 people, the number is the largest, there are more than 60. The Yan County King has the help of Lie Xuan, and the overall strength is still in Yuyan County. Above them, the odds are not small."

Shen Yan said: "In fact, the ultimate victory is not to look at the overall strength of that team, but which team can guarantee that his county king will win the Lingxia Seal first."

"This allows the battle to win India to add countless variables."

"Ming Jiongjun King has Song Ce's help, Feng Jun King has Luo Yang Tianxian's help, Yu County King has Yuehai's help, and Tianhuang County King with their own strength, they are all possible."

"Shen He, guess who?"

The five turned around and looked at the fairy crane who had been silent all these days.

"I do not know."

The fairy crane shook her head slightly and returned absently. Her eyes were still staring at the lake below, as if she was expecting something.


The look of the fairy crane changed!

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